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Messages - Arnes

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Shipping News and information / Language
« on: March 05, 2011, 04:37:10 AM »
I am wondering sometimes if I have come to the correct site, as now most comments to photos are in French. And they ar not from France. When I entered the site for a look now, all comments to photos was in something that must be French, which is not understandable by most people. And as I like to look at photos and comments, this is now less worth.
It reminds me of my time with ships up in Quebec and P.E.I., how helpless people was when they only could speak one language. But I should think Canadians are able to speak English also, so that they could be understood in other parts of the world.
Anyway, they post a lot of excellent photos, just dont let them be unintersted because of the language

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: 1 Million Photos
« on: December 19, 2010, 07:53:01 PM »
you have a really strange way to express yourself, I guess I am not the only one in here who is getting tired of your confusing posts.
Your two last posts says two different things, first you say that self expressions is a freedom everyone should enjoy.
In your next post you say that if moderators not delete many posts from various people, they will have an evil enemy in you. So much for your words about freedom of selfexpression. You must remember that self-expressions are not only photos, it is also written words.
You want a more democratic Shipspotting-site, but if moderators start deleting posts you don't like, what is democratic about that.
All this is about deleting, things have been deleted before, and then there has been a lot of complaints, normally from the same people over and over again. I'm afraid there would be a lot of screaming in here if they started removing posts from the forums.
But you want to start deleting posts from the forum, because you don't like them. What happened to your "Freedom of self-expressions"??

Help and Advice / Re: Deletions
« on: July 03, 2010, 10:21:16 AM »
As an "outsider" watching this thread, I must say that I fell to the side of the administrators. They do a fantastic job for this site; if not for them it would all be a mess. But someone likes "mess", as they always have to complain.
Regarding this abovementioned GRANDE ARGENTINA, it all could be avoided if the submitter followed the FAQ of this site, then it would be no complaints.
I had at most almost 1000 photos on this site, added in 2006-07, but I found out that most of them was of lower quality, scanned from old b/w negatives, So I have deleted most of them now, but still I think that many of my photos is not up to the quality required.
If anyone want to delete them, they are welcome, they don't even have to ask me.
What is wondering me, is that an submitter with 1000's of photos, sometimes have to come up with complaints.
Derek and Ken, keep up with your good work, I think you have almost all behind you.


Shipping News and information / Re: Belt-unloaders
« on: June 12, 2010, 05:10:19 PM »
I was mate onboard TINNES and TELNES, which was the first Jebsens-belters (as we called them). I joined just a week after the first vessel was delivered from Kleven M/V in Ulsteinvik. Then the captain, chief-officer and chief-engineer had spent many months in Canada, following one of Algoma Railway (I think thats the name) vessels, to obtain experience of to how the system works. Each hold had 8 to 10 gates on the bottom of hold, hydraulic driven, which was controlled from a cargo-control room. Below cargo-holds, where we could watch cargo flow to the belts, we had cameras monitoring the flow, so that we didn't cause spell or overload to motors driving the belts.
These 2 vessels was later transferred to British flag, and has later on done some more flag-changes. I have later been serving on other of the Jebsens-belt carriers, like TERTNES, TORNES and TRIMNES.
I think that you will find photos of these vessels if you search for them on this site.
rgds, Arnes

Help and Advice / Re: Help with ship seen at Felixstowe
« on: February 13, 2010, 07:02:38 PM »
I think that if you change one of the O's with a D you will get results.
Look like the name of the vessel should be OPDR TENERIFE

Shipping News and information / Re: CHRIS HOWELL Album
« on: December 27, 2009, 02:18:56 AM »
just go on Chris, you have many wonderful photos which I enjoy a lot. If this goes OK then maybe I wil continue uploading again also.
But please stay clear of these DVDs from J

Shipping News and information / Re: Stolen photos
« on: December 26, 2009, 12:02:27 PM »
seem to be some misunderstanding here somewhere.
As you two times in these posts has written that photographer has to "specifically SIGN away copyright", I thought that it was in writing. Now you say that a "verbal contract" is just as good as a written statement, according to law.
For us who not has English as first language, it is good to know that "sign" instead of signing a paper you can just as well do it verbally.
In that case I also have to say excuse for the words I put into your mouth.

regards, Arnes

Shipping News and information / Re: Stolen photos
« on: December 26, 2009, 01:44:38 AM »
No Cody, a DVD is the same as a print, they can be multiplied.
This case is not about prints or DVD's, but who has the copyright of a photo; the photographer or the owner of the negative. That mean we also can exclude digital photographs, as it is negatives Chris is talking about.
I have been exchanging/buying negatives for more than 30 years now, and I will call the negatives I own for mine.
I've come over some of my own photos from photographers advertising in Marine News, stamped with copyright like A.Duncan. And I'm happy with this, they have got the negative from me, they own it, asd can use it like they want.
I also bought a batch of negatives from Airfoto after Mr.Foxley passed away, and his wife (I think) who took care of this, didn't know anything about copyrights. Now they are yours, you can use them as you like, she said. The funny thing is that Skyfotos/Fotoflite also bought a lot of negatives from them. And they sell them with "copyright by Fotoflite".
So according to Steve then good people like the late Mr. Duncan and companies like Fotoflite are criminals.

Regards, Arnes

It is not against the law to listen to conversations on VHF as long as you are licenced to this. In most countries you need a licence (or operator-certificate) to buy VHF-equipment legally, to get this you also have to sign a declaration of confidentality. This mean that you are not allowed to spread officially what you hear there. And I should think these rules apply for UK also.

Regards, Arnes

Shipping News and information / Re: QE2 Reflagged
« on: September 08, 2009, 02:59:57 PM »
No, I am not wrong at all.

I am well aware that reflagging happens every day, even with old vessels.

What I pointed out was that there is not all registers, which still accept ships of more than 20 years of age, even if all inspections are passed.
My company tried flags like Malta, Cyprus, Panama and Bahamas without success. Even with class in DNV, all certificates OK and all inspections passed, there was no use in trying. "Sorry, your vessels are too old for our registers", was the answer we got.
So we ended up with Barbados-flag.
Also we could try Comores, Cook Islands, Mongolia, North Korea, Georgia etc. etc., countries like this has no age limit.
So I know for sure that many registers operate with an "age-limit"

Regards Arnes

Shipping News and information / Re: QE2 Reflagged
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:51:33 PM »
Yes Smoggy, there is an age limit, as Andrew point out. Not many registers are willing to accept a vessel more than 20 years to enter their registry, even if all certificates are OK and all surveys has been passed.
But in one way you are right; if a vessel already are within a registry, she can stay as long as she passes her Flag State surveys, even if she reaches 30 or 40 years of age, or even more.

Regards, Arnes

Shipping News and information / Re: Laid Up Ships
« on: March 14, 2009, 04:59:54 PM »
Norwegian ro/ro-vessel SEA CORONA observed laid-up at Nakskov, Denmark. According to our pilot she had arrived early february. She will stay there "until further notice"

Like Maersk, also the Norwegian Odfjell-company yesterday sent out a press-release that their chemical-tankers will avoid Gulf of Aden. Except when charterers demand it, Odfjell will let their vessels coming from Arabian Gulf take the voyage around South Africa when bound for Europe or US East Coast.


Shipping News and information / Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« on: August 15, 2008, 09:43:45 PM »
This site seem to bemore and more an UK East Coast site, with a new post of every vessel arriving Tyne /Tees. I'm happy the Dutch members don't notify us with new posts every time a vessel is approaching Europoort; that will be a mess.
What is so special with a Panamax-vessel arriving a British port that it need a own page every time???
Rgds, Arne

Shipping News and information / Re: Old Reefers sold for scrap
« on: August 15, 2008, 06:39:46 PM »
It's wery sad to see so many beautiful ships going to scrap. But I'm afraid thats the way everything goes now; it started with the container-revolution. General cargo-liners disappeared - it was cheaper to send cargo in containers; almost no stevedores needed.
And now also reefer-transport has been hitten by container-transportation. I don't know how many reefer-containers the largest M

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