Author Topic: Parking offshore only for the Tyne  (Read 6550 times)

Offline Mike

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Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« on: August 14, 2008, 08:57:00 PM »
It is a long time since we saw currently four ships all waiting to enter the Tyne, tonight we have the Anatoliy Lyapidenski,Waka Mlodych,Scan Oceanic and the Maciej Rataj all at anchor waiting for a berth.

Either the Tyne is getting busier, the ships are arriving ahead of schedule or the offloading cranes are not working fast enough!
In all cases it is work for the lads so we are not complaining!

Archivist for the Colvic Watson Owners Group


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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 09:10:36 PM »
Hi Mike

Noticed that myself when I drove down Hillheads Road tonight - must have been like that during the 'hey day' of the Tyne  :-)
WALKA MLODYCH is inbound at 01.30 and SCAN OCEANIC so not much cop for photographing those two.
Certainly pushing coal through the Tyne at the moment - perhaps building the stocks up at the Yorkshire Power Stations?


Offline JonHare

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 09:58:45 PM »
Usually from about the middle of August, the power stations will start to increase there stockpiles as soon as possible, then it slacks off a little bit then a big surge about the beginning of October throughout to usually March- April time.

Offline Brian Cawkwell

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2008, 09:10:12 PM »

Tynesider wrote:
It is a long time since we saw currently four ships all waiting to enter the Tyne, tonight we have the Anatoliy Lyapidenski,Waka Mlodych,Scan Oceanic and the Maciej Rataj all at anchor waiting for a berth.

Either the Tyne is getting busier, the ships are arriving ahead of schedule or the offloading cranes are not working fast enough!
In all cases it is work for the lads so we are not complaining!

Did you hear how busy the pilots and Tyne VTS were today?

it was non stop between 11 till after 4

regards Brian

Offline Arnes

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2008, 09:43:45 PM »
This site seem to bemore and more an UK East Coast site, with a new post of every vessel arriving Tyne /Tees. I'm happy the Dutch members don't notify us with new posts every time a vessel is approaching Europoort; that will be a mess.
What is so special with a Panamax-vessel arriving a British port that it need a own page every time???
Rgds, Arne


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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2008, 10:41:46 PM »

arnes wrote:
This site seem to bemore and more an UK East Coast site, with a new post of every vessel arriving Tyne /Tees. I'm happy the Dutch members don't notify us with new posts every time a vessel is approaching Europoort; that will be a mess.
What is so special with a Panamax-vessel arriving a British port that it need a own page every time???
Rgds, Arne

Hi Arne

So would you rather that there were no discussions on the Forum - or perhaps only one's that you agree and condone?

Surely we are adult enough to entertain views and discussions on shipping from whatever corner of the World they may hail.- the threads that have been posted that have the Tyne/Wear/Tees are adequately described within their titles and therefore enable members to ascertain if the posting would be of any interest to them - no interest, then don't click on the thread.

Just because we are a sociable lot on the Tyne/Wear/Tees, please do not decry our desire to discuss matters - remember that is a 'wide church'  - sorry that might be an English term.


Offline E. Vroom

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2008, 08:34:29 AM »
Well said Steve,

Don't like soap-series on TV? Change the channel....



Offline Pekka Laakso

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2008, 12:16:01 PM »
Think everybody from everywhere can discuss about the shipping in their areas. In smaller ports specially this is a very good way getting know if there are something interesting happening around the port(s). I guess there are quite a many spotters & enthuasiasts in Tyne who are using this website and therefore it

Offline Tomas

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2008, 12:32:48 PM »
Hehe, i dont know of a single spotter in my area besides this site's founder Mr Pinaas. Where are you, by the way?
I ride alone. A loner. Once a saw a man taking shots on the Brevik-bridge. One time i saw a man(boy, youngster) climb upon the rail on the same bridge, then we climbed down again.
Spooky stuff

Spot as you like!


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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2008, 01:56:34 PM »

msvnordica wrote:
Think everybody from everywhere can discuss about the shipping in their areas. In smaller ports specially this is a very good way getting know if there are something interesting happening around the port(s). I guess there are quite a many spotters & enthuasiasts in Tyne who are using this website and therefore it

Offline Pekka Laakso

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2008, 02:17:06 PM »
I would say it won


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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2008, 02:21:32 PM »

msvnordica wrote:
I would say it won

Offline Brian Cawkwell

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2008, 05:32:37 PM »
Arne ,
can you tell me were we should post information about our local rivers please?

As the title of theis website is"shipspotting .com" we do have a very long history of shipping activities in the part of the world.


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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2008, 07:43:19 PM »

cawky wrote:
Arne ,
can you tell me were we should post information about our local rivers please?

As the title of theis website is"shipspotting .com" we do have a very long history of shipping activities in the part of the world.

Hi Brian

Perhaps we should start our own site? - ONLY JOKING.

Lets have a little bit of inclusivity  8-)


Offline Mike

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Re: Parking offshore only for the Tyne
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2008, 07:43:33 PM »
Evening All,
From my first post it has been interesting to see some of the other posts about the number of times we are all on the site and all are welcome.

What many do not know of may even remember is that the rivers Blyth,Tyne.Wear and Tees are steeped in Maritime history.

I myself can recall seeing up to 8/10 ships all at anchor waiting to enter the Tyne, the Tyne was famous for shipbuilding and coal export as other rivers had there own speciality.

Who twenty years ago would ever think we would be 'importing coal', who would think from more than twenty drydocks we would now have only one and no shipbuilding.

On my own family side my father was a tug boat skipper, my grandfather was a tug engineman, my great grandfather was also a tug boat skipper and like many others on this site who also will have past family associated with the rivers.

My whole point in answering the question why does the North East have so many posts on this site is very simply 'we all have sea in the blood' and big or small we just simply still love our shipping, and lets not forget our Scandinavian friends as almost 90% of us here on the east coast will have 'Viking blood' in the family somewhere!.

Archivist for the Colvic Watson Owners Group


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