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Topics - Arnes

Pages: [1]
Site related news, functions and modules / Too little information
« on: December 08, 2018, 12:34:13 AM »
Something that has been annoying me for years, is that information about the ships is very small. When you enter (push) a photo, you would like to see something else than "entering Rotterdam" or "arriving Sevilla" or "leaving Genoa". To add a photo on this site, you need a lot of information. Seems like someone mean it take too long time to add decent vesselhistory. If they have IMO, they also have ship's history. Why not add some of it, then we don't have to search forward and back to find actual ships history. It is NOT enough with IMO. Hope someone understand what I mean.

Shipping News and information / Gibbs & Zoon, Dordrecht
« on: June 24, 2011, 10:29:56 PM »
As I know there is several shipspotters from The Netherlands here, I have submitted a photo of a really oldtimer from a Dutch yard.
The live-fish carrier LYDIA was built at a shipyard called Gibbs & Zoon at Dordrecht in 1896, which mean that she is 115 years old.
Well, she was ofcourse not built as a live-fish carrier, she have had several rebuildings, but I find it very impresive that she is still sailing, and also that she is in such a good shape,with all certificates up to date.
Just search for LYDIA, or go into the live-fish carrier section. (Don't know how to make a link)

Shipping News and information / Language
« on: March 05, 2011, 04:37:10 AM »
I am wondering sometimes if I have come to the correct site, as now most comments to photos are in French. And they ar not from France. When I entered the site for a look now, all comments to photos was in something that must be French, which is not understandable by most people. And as I like to look at photos and comments, this is now less worth.
It reminds me of my time with ships up in Quebec and P.E.I., how helpless people was when they only could speak one language. But I should think Canadians are able to speak English also, so that they could be understood in other parts of the world.
Anyway, they post a lot of excellent photos, just dont let them be unintersted because of the language

Shipping News and information / W. BRUNS, Hamburg
« on: August 08, 2008, 11:11:20 PM »
From the 60's and towards the end of the 70's, W.Bruns of Hamburg was well known for their reefers, normally with names starting with BRUNS----.
As I started sailing in 1970, I saw several of their beautiful vessels, and has now also obtained several negatives of their reefers.
What I like to know, and here maybe some of our German friends can help me; what happened to this company. Why did it quit shipping, was it maybe bought up by another company??

Rgds, Arne

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