Author Topic: Deletions  (Read 16214 times)

Offline peter j. fitzpatrick

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2010, 10:33:29 PM »
hi kelvin ive just had a nice message from cokl to which i have just replied in the nicest possible way this is an open forum and you should be allowed to say what you think you have done that but THEY ARE NOT LISTENING TO YOU i understand what you are saying and it seems that one person is causing this problem maybe david s can reply to this thread giving his reasons for the deletions of these superb photos best regards
 peter j.fitzpatrick

Offline Gerolf Drebes

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2010, 06:03:17 PM »
Hi all,
I am admin of the categories Wrecks and Relics and Scrapyard ships.
During the last days I was without internet, but during my revisions I deleted only very very awful shots as these categories contain rare views of ships.
Should anyone feel that I am to strict, please let me know.
Concerning the deletion of bad admin photos. Yes there may be some, e.g. posted before the rules has achieved. But it is not fair to condemn us because we are not deleting our bad photos.
Anyway, if I find a bad one of mine old photos,  I delete it for myself and I never complained, when my colleagues found one of my bad ones. But I simply do not have the time to go through all of my posted photos to sort out the bad ones. Shipspotting is my hobby and not my job.
And the interpretation of what is good or bad is always subjective, for that we are humans and no roboters. I prefer e.g. an unsharp photo of and old freighter to a new photo of QE 2, which has been posted several hundred times (subjective view).
For this different opinions, if a photo should be deleted or not, are quite normal. Anyway, in my categories, I am willing to discuss it, just EMAIL me

Bob Scott

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2010, 09:19:45 PM »
Ken (and other Admins),
As Ken says,

Offline Kelvin Davies

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2010, 10:18:03 PM »
Thanks for the comments; I think you have summed it up fairly well.
It is unfortunate that Ken chose to go into paranoid mode, rather than look at what the gist of my post was.
There is no "continuous sniping at admins". I was pointing out a fault with the way things were being handled in general, giving a perception of "one rule for us, one for them".
That point seems to have been taken well by most, with the exception of Ken.
Incidentally, Ken; which admin did I refer to? I was studiously avoiding referring to any admin in particular, precisely to show that I was not sniping at admins. The admin with whom I have been in contact was just the easiest example to point to, and he took it in the right way.
As for "why don't you do the job yourself"? I would love to but I spend a lot of time out of the house, working. Also, I can not get a decent broadband connection where I live and most of my life would trickle away waiting for the first few photos to upload.
I would be happy to help out in whatever way I can. I recently offered some helpful hints re the SQL mysteries, having set up and run a site using exactly the same software.
As per my previous post, I offered help, however trifling, to Clyde re photo manipulation. I didn't receive so much as a "Sod off" by way of reply.
Bob was right; I try to keep my gob shut for as long as I can bear it, then when I feel it is long overdue for something to be said, I shall say it. Heads in the sand may be good for ostriches but not for the well being of a community such as this. (I have to admit, this got me into all sorts of trouble during my time in the army!). For a problem to be addressed, it first must be acknowledged. More than a few members have been upset by what they perceived to be a faulty system. Hopefully, my raising that one particular issue will lance that boil and things will go well from now on.
PS Bob; we could have settled that argument with "Tanker for oil"!

Offline Cornelia Klier

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2010, 10:21:58 PM »
Bob, I think you are saying the right thing here !! It is no good, if criticising the admins is a bad thing to do ! I think, constructive critic is always important, if there is something you see and that is not right, then just contact the admin - and that admin does very likely contact another one, to find a solution.

Lack of knowledge of ships.. you know we are all specialized on something. I for example look only after the containership category, nothing else. If I'd do something and someone not agree, no problem to talk about it, and find a solution.

I think, most people here should know, that admins are no any different than other folks here who do upload photos. Just the only difference is, that we were asked to help, or offered help and - do this, when we can find the time. We are no better and no worse than the rest, and just this way we want to be treated. With respect, as well.

After I read this here, I admit here openly I wrote a rather rude mail to the one who written this:


I am not a cold tempered person and I as well don't shut up, but I think, posts like this are the last thing we need, and are the last thing that does really help to improve the situation. As well I think, not any admin, or any other member, no matter which position or how long on this site here, deserves this kind of disrespectful treatment.

I think, we should more concentrate on helping eachothers, and supporting eachothers, than nitpicking on eachothers. If someone does see a wrong decision by admin - please tell them !! After all, we are not perfect at all and it is very very difficult to do the righ thing, sometimes.

I think, this thread was after all started in the most possible wrong tone ! Instead explaining the problem, and demanding explanations by involved admins, as well other admins, and asking everyone of us questions, as well as offering and demanding improvements in an objective way, a few posts have been written in an insulting way.

So, let's speak in a civilized way, and use PM's and mails and all that to communicate, find solutions and enjoy the hobby together  :-)



Offline Tony des Landes

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2010, 11:15:19 PM »
In a perfect world we would not need admins because everyone would read up about the site standards and comply accordingly.

That fact that not everyone does begs the question "Why?"

In many cases it is because they have not taken the time to read them.

I would like to suggest that on the Photo submit screen that a message along these lines appears

If any of your photos are based on any of the following examples they may be deleted so please ensure you check that do not match any of the criteria below.

Then under that have a small selection of resonably large thumbnails with a red X through therm. Examples could include a silhouette, a partial view, an obstructed view, a bow/stern view, an example of an unacceptable interior shot. A small description based on each example underneath would also help

Then perhaps a note to say why maintenance of these standards is necessary.

It would never completely solve the problem but at least no one could say they didn't know.



Clyde Dickens

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2010, 11:33:17 PM »
Hi Tony

A request has been made for the AIrNav site uploading screen to have a mandatory button to be hit acknowledging awareness of (linked) site standards.


Bob Scott

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2010, 01:21:48 AM »
Clyde said: "A request has been made for the AIrNav site uploading screen to have a mandatory button to be hit acknowledging awareness of (linked) site standards."

What does that mean, Clyde? Are Admins to be replaced by a computer program?

Will that program have built-in discretion?

Or has this request been made by an/some Admin(s) to cover his/their ass(es) and so there can be no protest or come-back from members who have had their photos binned.

It all sounds a bit ominous to me and I do hope that the technology is not yet available!

Any admin who thinks a computer could do the job better than him is, I think, in the wrong job!

Clyde Dickens

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2010, 03:02:35 AM »
No Bob

It means members would not in future be able to state that they were not aware of the existence of site standards.


Offline Fergal Clohessy

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2010, 10:22:29 AM »
Id like to eat my words and take that statement back, if I may.
It was written in haste, rude and unnecessary.
Its just all the bickering and the fact that I had some photos of my own deleted.
Apologies, Fergal

Bob Scott

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2010, 09:21:01 AM »
Sorry to have to drag out the bickering just a little bit longer but, having just had a look in the "for deletion" categories, I have to comment:
When members see first-class photographs in the

Offline Cody Williams

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2010, 09:46:32 AM »
Hi Bobs,

For the older photos, I'd add the IMO but any new photos I'd move to the Holding category which is a part of the Considered for Deletion category. A pm or email would be sent say please add an IMO. I think if admin were to add IMO's it would give the wrong impression to some members that it's ok to leave out IMO's since an admin is just going to put one in for them. I strongly feel in this case like many cases when IMO's, dates or photo locations are left out the photo will be transfered to the Holding Category and an email / pm will be sent to the member asking him / her to add an IMO.

Best Regards,

Offline Cornelia Klier

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2010, 09:46:36 AM »
Yes, that is ! As an admin you can change category, you can add information to a photo, you can put it in a new category ! One thing to do is: Change it, and write underneath, what is changed, and that photo was shifted to another category. It is NO reason to delete !!!
As well when horizon is not even, PM to the photographer, to fix it - by use of photo enhancement programs, no reason to immediatelly put into the category for deletions.
I hope, all admins do it like this, I know some do because - even me sometimes don't have all data or information on ships and get help by an admin  8-)

Clyde: Ken: If there is an evidence, that not all admins are working along the same lines, perhaps you could send out an information mail to all, as to what to do in such cases ? I know there are existing guidelines for us, but just in case there are still alot of queston-marks for some of us.

Bob Scott

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #28 on: July 03, 2010, 10:13:13 AM »
Cody: Thank you for your prompt response but I am a little alarmed at what you say.
Your strong feelings should not come into it when carrying out your duties as an admin. You are supposed to be a helpful, servant of the site and its members and not a disciplinarian schoolteacher or policeman.
You should take heed of what Cornelia has just said and perhaps consult with the more experienced Admins as to how you should be interpreting and enforcing the site rules, not taking the ridiculous steps of consigning first-class photos like the one mentioned to the deletion categories.
It should take you an awful lot less time to overcome your

Offline Arnes

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Re: Deletions
« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2010, 10:21:16 AM »
As an "outsider" watching this thread, I must say that I fell to the side of the administrators. They do a fantastic job for this site; if not for them it would all be a mess. But someone likes "mess", as they always have to complain.
Regarding this abovementioned GRANDE ARGENTINA, it all could be avoided if the submitter followed the FAQ of this site, then it would be no complaints.
I had at most almost 1000 photos on this site, added in 2006-07, but I found out that most of them was of lower quality, scanned from old b/w negatives, So I have deleted most of them now, but still I think that many of my photos is not up to the quality required.
If anyone want to delete them, they are welcome, they don't even have to ask me.
What is wondering me, is that an submitter with 1000's of photos, sometimes have to come up with complaints.
Derek and Ken, keep up with your good work, I think you have almost all behind you.



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