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Messages - Mike

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Hello Kier
A realy sad and shocking piece of reporting, almost unbelievable that on a coast guard ship of all things no one was observing the towed vessel. and there can no acceptable excuse
I have to say this would never happen if an RNLI boat was towing a boat.
I would have thought the Captain of this coast guard vessel has a lot of explaining to do.


Shipping News and information / Re: Riverdance Photos
« on: March 15, 2008, 09:23:25 PM »
The comment of '' the work will take three years'' At the rate she is sinking into the sand she won't be around next year!
Sad end to a nice ship.

Shipping News and information / Re: Pirgos ,is she detained on the Tyne.?
« on: February 28, 2008, 07:49:11 PM »
Hi Steve
Looking at the list if I had been a crew member I would have jumped overboard to be safe.
Might have been kinder to just scrap her!

Hi Steve
Interesting report, but I still miss her! doubt verymuch if she will be in a hurry to come back!

I do not think they will allow the floating dock to sail to the Tees or anywhere else if it does not have a sea worthy certificate.
The dock is actualy bigger than you may think, remember she had docked the Lymn & 'Largs Bay' at one time.
Passing the dock going upriver this weekend my guess is it has a draft of about 4/5 meters.
Allowing for say 1.5 meters to float over the deck of a submerged semi submersible and say 8m for the semi submersible plus depth below the submerged semi submersible then you could be looking at a depth required of 15/17meters!.
Port of Tyne Expected shipping show Expected 'Movement' for the dock on the 27/01/08 at 17.00, but this usualy means what it says and movement within the river.
Still we do not realy know what is happening at present so we will just have to wait and see!

Heard a rumour the weekend that a large semi-submersible transport ship is due for the Tyne very soon to collect the Ex Swan Hunters floating drydock now the 'FD BHARATI' to take it to India.
The floating dock was recently drydocked at A&P Hebburn (ex Palmers) and it appears to of been shortened (see my picture uploaded to this site).They did 'not' fit a bow which I also heard a rumour of!
I heard Plan 'A' was to sadley load also parts of the large Swans dock cranes which the Bharati Shipyard have also purchased 'into the floating dock' and tow the lot to India but they could not get a seaworthy certificate for the dock?.
My experiance of semi-submersibles is they like deep water to submerge to allow the cargo (the floating dock) onto it before then pumping out to lift the cargo clear for shipment, so does this mean they will do it off the Tyne?
You also need extremly good weather to carry out the normaly 24hr operation which is something we are a bit short of these days on Tyneside.
Anyone here anything else??

I heard that some of the cranes may go to India in the floating dock that is still at Swans,(see my pictures on Ships Nostalgia)Our friend Mr Kroese probably sold that as well!.
I counted no less than six big mobiles at Swans today dismantling the Swans cranes.

I often wonder if some of the do gooders on 'One North East' and the 'Council' have ever been to the Tyneside.

If they think shipbuilding can still re-start in the future, which future?? or which planet?

I suggest they quickly pop down to to the river as I am just about to put some pictures on the 'Ships Nostalgia' site I took today of 'cranes distmantling cranes!!
Where? Swan Hunters of coarse!


Hello Nathan
          According to the last local TV report (Wed night this week) Able has a deadline of spring 2008 to build this new dock or it would loose tentitive orders as they would not meet deliveries.
If it is a 'big dock' then someone must be quick digging it??
I do not know the area as well as you but my guess is they may be damming an area off to form a dock like they did a Tig Bay in Scotland.
Also DEFRA & the Department of the Enviroment also still need to rubber stamp the scrapping of the current ships at Able.

Shipping News and information / More Tyneside pictures???
« on: October 27, 2007, 07:36:28 PM »
I see that the Oilrig 'Northern Producer' currently at the McNulty Yard South Shields is due to sail at Midnight on the 1st November.
This is unusual to move such a large vessel in the dark so watch for a change in sailing time and there is no 'Navigation Notice' yet on the Tyne VTS.
If she does sail then we may get to see some BIG tugs arriving the day before!
OR, you might need a good flash camera!!

Hi Steve
           On one TV news they said there was multi million pound investment on a new drydock reported as the biggest in the world!
For what? the Tees is not deep enough to take the biggest tankers.
Then one said in the morning  for 'offshore oilrig building',
Then in the evening news for 'scrapping ships'.
You do not need a huge dock to scrap ships, in India the beach is enough!
US navy did cancel original contract.
But never is a funny word!.
I do not care what they do as long as it brings jobs for the lads in North east! :-)

From the news today When they finally get to scrap them or if they scrap them due to the time they have been there they will most probably just 'fall apart! :-)

Shipping News and information / Re: Queen Elizabeth 2 40 th Birthday Cruise
« on: September 18, 2007, 08:35:11 AM »
Hello Cawkey
              The biggest ship to leave the Tyne if my memory serves me well was the 'Esso Northumbria' she was at least three/four times(tonnage)the size of the QE2 and had the additional problem of her beam and she went 'round the bend'.
I think they even cleared some of the small boats out of the way to give the tugs more space.
So I would say no problem!


Shipping News and information / Re: Queen Elizabeth 2 40 th Birthday Cruise
« on: September 17, 2007, 08:56:30 PM »
Got absolutly drowned tonight watching the QE2 sail, but still a good night.
Got talking to a guy where else but from the 'North East Tourist board!

Now that Royal Quays is finally finished being modernised he said we can look forward to many more cruise ships coming to the Tyne next year as they are realy pushing it to be on cruise ship companies schedules.

I said that was great but how or who on earth came up with the (I use the word likely) 'music' played from the barge when the QE2 came in, it was like a listening to a dying whale!

Apart from that I think they did a great job.

He went when I mentioned how nice visiters will like Royal Quays, but how about when they look out the other side of their ship and see the derilict old 'Middle docks' and when are they going to spend a few more millions tidying that up also,or better still make it a cruise ship dry docks and make some real jobs for the lads! :-)

Shipping News and information / Re: QE2 Arrival in Tyne update!
« on: September 07, 2007, 07:26:54 PM »
Hello Nathan
            If the weather is anything like this weekend then next weekend will be packed to say the least!
All depend on what sort of shots you want.
Nice shots can be taken off South Shields pier about a third along it, you will get Tynemouth as a back drop.
For a close up but you will need a wide angle lens the Groyne is best but will be packed.
Nice clear shots can be from the 'Law Top' (the park above little haven beach)
Mill Dam will be good but will also be packed, but you will also see her alongside her final berth after she passes and swings to come back down river.
Stay clear of the Tyne tunnel!
Hope above is of help
Have a good day!

Mike. :-)

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