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Topics - PietB

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Help and Advice / Middlesbrough
« on: May 19, 2024, 12:52:53 PM »
Hi All
Going to be in Middlesbrough on business shortly. Any tips on places to observe vessels please. Will be travelling by train, so Shank's Pony from railways station. Thanks.

Help and Advice / Autopremier / Premier
« on: March 21, 2021, 03:11:35 PM »
The UECC operated vehicle carrier, Autopremier (97/11,591) has been docked at Avonmouth since about 26 February - over three weeks. On AIS she is shown as now being called 'Premier'. Can anyone confirm whether this is in fact the case or whether or not she has been sold to new owners?

Piet B

Help and Advice / Ardmore Tanker
« on: April 03, 2020, 02:07:40 PM »
Dear All
Just going through some old records and have come across something I think may not be right. At Vlissengen on 29.4.16 I have recorded seeing the crude tanker 'ARDMORE SEALANDER'.  But can find no trace of her existence. I wonder if I mis-recorded this. Should have been the 'ARDMORE SEALEADER' instead.
Any comments (polite) gratefully received.

With thanks


Trip reports / Tarifa - Straits of Gibraltar
« on: July 23, 2019, 07:43:56 AM »
Hullo All

Was thinking of a trip to Tarifa (southern tip of Spain) to observe shipping passing through the Straits of Gibraltar. Has anyone been there? If so, comments as to practicality of such a trip gratefully received.



Help and Advice / Hartlepool
« on: June 13, 2018, 05:02:09 AM »
Hullo All

I may be in the Hartlepool area next month. Does anyone have any local knowledge of the best places from which to see ships in the commercial port? With thanks.


Hi All

Was wondering if anyone knew the identity of the cargo vessel - (general cargo or small bunker about 5,000grt, freshly pointed red) in the above mentioned location?

With thanks


Help and Advice / Stade, River Elbe
« on: April 08, 2017, 08:41:41 AM »

Thinking of spending a day or two on banks of the Elbe at or near to Stade and wondered if anyone has advice on best locations nearby or other useful information. Not sure how close to the south bank the deepwater channel is or if there are hotels with good views onto the river. Any suggestions welcomed. Will be using public transport - no car on this occasion.
With thanks

Help and Advice /
« on: March 23, 2017, 07:36:54 PM »
Has anyone else been having problems with the above site? I seem to have three problems currently: unable to open pictures of vessels, unable to search vessel database and some 'ghost' images coming up on maps e.g. tanker Marika shown in upper reaches of Bristol Channel, but she passed there 10 days ago and is currently elsewhere in the world.


Piet B

Trip reports / Trip Reports - What Trip Reports?
« on: December 14, 2016, 06:49:42 AM »
Come on Guys

I bet lots of our members must be visiting ports and harbours all the time - it's what we like doing - so how come there hasn't been a trip report posted for ages? Brief details of good viewpoints visited, vessels observed and other relevant information would make for good reading and be a useful contribution for us all. What do others think?



Help and Advice / Bulkers off Tynemouth
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:00:03 AM »
Anchored a mile or so off the entrance to the Tyne are three Sobelmar owned bulkers: Vyritsa 10/22,402, Zarechensk 09/20,748 & Brasschaat 09/20,748. They are all in Sobelmar colours (letters SBM on white band on light blue). They look as though they may be laid-up as opposed to awaiting orders. Does anyone know of their status or reason for being off the Tyne?
With thanks.


Trip reports / Newcastle-upon-Tyne
« on: August 22, 2016, 08:19:17 AM »
Hi All

Going to be in Newcastle for the day later this month. Apart from the breakwaters at Tynemouth, any tips for locations with views of commercial vessels moored in the river?

With thanks


Trip reports / Gibraltar
« on: March 06, 2016, 01:44:13 PM »
Going to be in GIB for two days later this month. Any top tips where best to go or be located to view large commercial vessels within 400mm lens range. Are there any harbour/bay boat trips? Thank you.

Help and Advice / Humber South
« on: September 11, 2015, 09:17:21 AM »
Hullo All

Was wondering what, if any, viewing/photography opportunities there are on the south side of the Humber estuary - in the areas of Grimsby and Immingham. Interested in traffic using all the ports on the Humber. Any guidance appreciated.
With thanks.


Trip reports / Trip Report - Swinoujscie
« on: June 23, 2015, 08:29:33 PM »
As others have mentioned before, the title of this forum is Trip Reports - so here goes.

Although one can't really get bored with the the Hoek v Holland, Europoort, Antwerp, Vlissingen, north Germany etc etc, it is nice to go somewhere else occasionally. So following a few very good days at Travemunde (ferries and Lubeck traffic) and Warnemunde (ferries and Rostock traffic), a short drive further east takes you to Swinoujscie, Poland  (before WW2 Swinemunde). What a great place for watching and photographing ships. Everything going into the port passes through the narrow Baltic sea entrance channel, and vessels going on to the inland port of Szczecin (former Stettin) then travel down another canal before transiting across the inland sea to their final destination.
You can get as close as you like - 50-100mm lens is adequate. Fantastic scenery, lovely people, cheap beer and lots of ships. Certainly a place to try for a change. Highly recommended.
Seen: Unity Line and PolFerry RoRos; bulkers; and lots of medium sized tankers, general cargo and coasters.

Trip reports / Genoa Trip Report
« on: February 25, 2015, 09:02:03 AM »
A weekend in Genoa - beautiful city - also provided the opportunity to observe the fairly busy port. Given the steep nature of Genoa there are many good spots in the city where all movements in and out of the old and new harbours can be photographed and recorded (but note that the remote container port to west of Genoa is too distant). Seen over two half days (14/15 Feb were):

Eurocargo Alexandria, Eurocargo Malta, Henry Hudson Bridge, Maestro Ocean, Brezzamare, San Francesco, Ekin S, Sapphire T, Seavalour, Maerks Utah, Star Comet, MSC Splendida and Turnberry Kontor.
Also seen following RoRo ferries:
Splendid, Majestic, Fantastic, Excelsior, Mega Express Three, Moby Otta, Moby Drea, Bithia & Nuraghes.

Probably not worth a visit just for shipping but as part of a broader interest destination just perfect!

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