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Messages - Galadriel

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Trip reports / Re: Where to go in East England for shipspotting
« on: June 18, 2011, 11:23:24 AM »
Hi Derek, Hi Karl,
Apologize for only answering now.
We had trouble to go online in England after we left my parents in laws house.
So we got your advise too late unluckily.
We endet up one night in a little town called Paull where we could park our cmaper directly in town with view over the Humber. But there was not to much ship trafic that night. But anyway, we had a nice walk there in the of the few dry and warm moments that week!!!
Nevertheless thanks for your advise, will note it down for our next visit.
Kind regards

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: June 17, 2011, 06:35:26 PM »
Hi Peter,
I think you have got a Navi, dont you?

Give in Rotterdam Markweg, go there to the end at the roundabout, there is a radar station where you can park and thats exactly opposite of the Maersk terminal at the Beercanal. I got this tip from Fred or Dave and I have been there last year waiting for Emma. You can walk up the side of the canal and make fantastic shots when the big boat is turning into the harbour.
Best place I find for photographing. At the Maasflakte it is  a bit boring for photos as the ships are only to get from the side!
Elly should arrive at about 7 in the morning. Go to the Maersk Website. Under schedule / vessels you find an update every six hours.

We are nearly in K

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: June 17, 2011, 05:53:01 PM »
just a short update....

As the weather became absolutely horrible up at the Maasflakte in the afternoon we decided to pack up and go home.
Well see an E class Ship another time again... its not worth waiting another night and when youre maybe unlucky  and the weather is so bad when the ship arrives, that you cant even get out of the car with your cameras to make some nice shots...
A pity this trip, we had such a good weather in  Bavaria this spring...but the waether we had the last ten days in England and now in the Netherlands was absolutely crap!!!!
See you soon!

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: June 17, 2011, 02:13:21 PM »
Ron, I dont think its a possible cancellation.
Its definately cancelled for both days!
Stevo called us and we got an email in the meantime as well.
Its now raining again up here...and just gray and horrible...would not nice to be on a boat in this weather..
Nevertheless, its a pity, we looked forward very much to this trips...very sad.
But we cant make our own weather yet, can we?
Cio Galadriel

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: June 17, 2011, 12:43:01 PM »
No Raincoat needed...both trips cancelled.... such a pitty.
But understandable.
We are since three days up here in the Europort now, since we came back from England and the weather is quite...lets say "not amusing"....
Last night we thought we fly away in our its at least dry so far...this morning it was a bit sunny with some nice clouds for photograhing but now its totally grey in grey again!
We are standing on the Maasflakte car park at present and just received Stevos phonecall. I can understand it, the forecast for the next days is terrible.

We will wait for Elly Maersk now, the schedule for her arrivale here in Rotterdam just changed to tomorrow morning 7.00 O clock and hopefully its dry enough to make some nice photos of her.

After this we will turn homewards...
Have a nice day everybody and we hope the trips will take place one other day this year!
Ciao Galadriel

Trip reports / Where to go in East England for shipspotting
« on: June 11, 2011, 06:32:20 AM »
Good Morning.
After Visiting  my Husbands Family we have Some  days left until going back onto the ferry on Wednesday and thought we go over to the east cost from here, just across from about Manchester and than slowly down the coast to Folkestone.
Can anybody tell me where it is worth going to see big ships? Is Hull worth going? Is there any other place between Hull and Folkestone and where do we best go in Folkestone? We best like the big container ships or car carriers.
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards from Galdriel.

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: June 07, 2011, 10:15:56 AM »
Hi All,
Just a question about the Sunday Trip, as its a full day!
Whats planned about food/drinks? Do we bring our own things? Or is there  catering on board? Whats about chairs, is it wise to bring folding chairs or are there seats on the boat?
We are on the way to England now and looking forward to the trips.
See you than!

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: May 03, 2011, 07:26:16 AM »
Good morning everybody.
Anything new on our planned trips for the 18th and 19th of June?
We finnished our planning around this trip now. We will first go over to England visiting our family and come to the meeting on our way back from England.
We look forward very much!
Greetings from Germany

For some month I track Maersk Emma on Marine Traffic and get news whenever the ship goes in and out the tracking range.
Just just got an update and checking up where she is at present I thought, if anybody has got an idea how many and which ships sunk in the last week when the horrible eartquake and tsunami was hitting Japan?

Or is a tsunami on the water not too dangerous to ships?

Kind regard to everybody
Galadriel, at present in Melbourne!

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: March 16, 2011, 09:19:25 PM »
Hi everybody,
That Sounds good Stevo, we are looking Vorwand very much for this Trip.
Last Weekend  we have done the bootstrip from Melbourne south gate to williamstown.
Was a very nice trip and we came along the car carrier port and some container bridges. Made some nice pictures of vessels evenna Maersk boat.
This week we will go down to the port of Melbourne one night to see more ships.
Any other advice for e area here?
Very best regards from the other side of our planet....
Ciao Galadriel

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: February 27, 2011, 07:37:09 AM »
Good morning,
and thanks Clyde for the hint.
I will definitaly go there and do this ferry trip.
Will report back to you what it was like!

Still so horrible cold down here and I am glad to pack my summer clothes into my suitcase today...
Greetinging to everybody!

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: February 22, 2011, 08:35:18 AM »
Hi Derek,
So horrible things happen sometimes. Hope you will get better soon. Luckily its a while to go to June.I think until than you will be back on your legs. All the best for a fast recovery anyway!
We are in Melbourne until Middle of April. But like always online for any case and to get by email!
I fly next Monday, my husband is already there.
Is there anything interesting in things of shipspotting over there in Victoria, does anybody know?
We have been there last year already for some weeks but I wasn

Shipping News and information / Merry Christmas everyone.....
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:47:55 PM »
Just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy, succesful and peaceful New Year 2011 wherever you are allover the World.

Thank you so much for the friendly  help for my shipspotting Trips in the last year, we are lookingn forward meeting some of you Next Year on the shipspotting Events!

Best regards from the Bavarian Alps...

Trip reports / Re: Need Infomation for Shipspotting in Antwerpen
« on: December 21, 2010, 05:32:17 PM »
Posts: 2

   Re: Need Infomation for Shipspotting in Antwerpen

Trip reports / Re: Need Infomation for Shipspotting in Antwerpen
« on: December 19, 2010, 08:05:50 AM »
Hi Peter,

When you read through this thread you will virtually find all the information you need for shipspotting around the Europort which is located directly opposite to the Hook van Holland.
Even the ferry transfer over to the port site is described.
Best you mark all points in Google maps or even better in your navisystem. The Europort is huge you can't find your way arounds when you don't have the spots marked before....
My favourite spot is the end of the Markweg, which is desribed in one of the answers above as well...there you can see Emma coming in and can follow her when she is going to the Maersk terminal.

We are already in Oberstdorf, have lovely snow here and  so I think we will not get there this time for the 30th.

Kind regards


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