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Messages - Mike

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Anyone know a date yet when they hope to 'roll her' as it's supposed to be this month.


Shipping News and information / Pic your crew with care!
« on: May 21, 2013, 06:52:05 PM »
This is almost unbelievable !

What ever the outcome they have no excuse as they even called the marina 4 hours later to ask if they had a berth so they knew how the radio operated, even then they only reported it 'after' they went ashore.

I would have thought they should be charged with manslaughter min!



that seems highly unlikely. The may do the parbuckling (=turning) of the ship in the fall, but then they still have to fit the other side sponsons before they can refloat her. I am sure it will be deep into the winter if not next year that they actually refloat her.

I would not be so sure as I have seen Titan Salvage working before in my diving days and they work 24/7.

They sure won't want her sitting there another winter if at all possible, i think once she has been 'rolled' they will put the other sponsons on a lot faster.

Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 28, 2013, 09:51:56 PM »
they still seemed quite curious. Got her away at 3 this morning. Currently en route to blyth should be there around 3.

Well done mate and pleased for all concerned that she came off ok, hope you have a rest in more calmer water!!

Best regards

Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 27, 2013, 04:16:22 PM »
the weather is improving all the time out here. So i think the plan is to have a go at high tide tomorrow hopefully. Then yeh take her down to blyth.

Hi James

Guess you must still have a good swell still,whats plan 'B' tomorrow??

Those seals must be fed up looking at the Lomas! :)


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 26, 2013, 04:10:47 PM »

Good luck mate  :), after being there in these seas you deserve some good news (and a good rest)!!
PS: Where will you take her? Blyth??


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:03:10 PM »
thanks mike its nice tn know someone is thinking of us sat out here in these conditions. At least the seals are keeping us company.

Hi James

My Dad bless him was out on many salvage jobs as he was also a tug skipper, so I have some idea of the problems and conditions.

I think Thursday is the highest tide is this when you are going to have a go?

Best of luck to all aboard!


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:41:09 PM »
Guess that means Lomax will be even later in taking up the duties at Exxon Fawley.

Lomax still lying off the Farnes in bloody awfull weather,swell 5/6m easterly 30 knot winds gusting 45 knots and not due to calm down till late Sunday.

It was so bad today they closed the Tyne to incoming shipping for a while so guess the crew of Lomax would love to be in Fawley  :) but they are probably looking at a nice bonus if/when they get the Danio off, one local skipper said if the swell takes her further onto the rocks even if they are reasonably flat she's got no chance of coming off.

For the sake of the local wildlife and crew I hope all goes well.


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 22, 2013, 09:50:15 PM »

The tug Lomax left the Tyne this morning and has been lying off the Farnes all day, however probably due to very strong easterly winds and a big swell there was no action today.


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 20, 2013, 09:44:38 PM »

Hi Kelvin

The tug Hemiksom which has been here for the last few days sheltering from a 6m swell but has left the Tyne this morning and is rumoured to be the one contracted to tow her off,so we may see some action very soon.
Hemiksom shows to have only a bollard pull of 40 tons which is not the greatest to say the least but we will see :)
Interesting point next 'if'/ when she comes off will be is to where they will take her, I suspect not far with that hole in her Starboard bow.


Just seen Hemiksom has entered the Firth of Forth maybe on her way home to Rosyth, but also we now have a larger tug due in the Tyne on Saturday the Lomax, much bigger tug and has a bollard pull of 80 tons.


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 20, 2013, 09:02:45 PM »

Hi Kelvin

The tug Hemiksom which has been here for the last few days sheltering from a 6m swell but has left the Tyne this morning and is rumoured to be the one contracted to tow her off,so we may see some action very soon.
Hemiksom shows to have only a bollard pull of 40 tons which is not the greatest to say the least but we will see :)
Interesting point next 'if'/ when she comes off will be is to where they will take her, I suspect not far with that hole in her Starboard bow.


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 20, 2013, 07:36:36 PM »
I would still bet on 26/27th March.
The tide on 23rd will not be a lot higher than it is currently but on 26th it is a metre or so higher. Added to that, the full moon is 27th March with spring tides around that date.

Hi Kelvin

The tug Hemiksom which has been here for the last few days sheltering from a 6m swell but has left the Tyne this morning and is rumoured to be the one contracted to tow her off,so we may see some action very soon.

Hemiksom shows to have only a bollard pull of 40 tons which is not the greatest to say the least but we will see :)

Interesting point next 'if'/ when she comes off will be is to where they will take her, I suspect not far with that hole in her Starboard bow.


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 19, 2013, 09:28:30 PM »
What was that they were trying to tow her with?
The pilot boat?

That was the Seahouses Mersey Class lifeboat the Grace Darling 12-16

Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:08:26 PM »
Hi Mike,

Sorry, but your link does not provide any photos on my iPad ....

Cheers, Dan.

Hi Dan

Just tried it on two desk tops and another lap top and works ok!
Photos are at the bottom of the link when you do find it, it will automatically scroll through about 10 pic's, look at the eighth pic of the hole.


Shipping News and information / Re: Danio aground
« on: March 19, 2013, 04:19:02 PM »
She looks to be very much intact, well the port side at least.  This talk of a hole by the press is likely to be the bow thruster tunnel, the UK media are not renowned for being accurate when it comes to maritime casualties.  

Hi Darren

Danio has a bloody great hole on the Starboard bow almost on the keel, look here and scroll down and watch the photo's


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