Author Topic: New here - hello...  (Read 4869 times)

Offline Dave Leishman

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New here - hello...
« on: December 26, 2005, 01:56:47 PM »
Hi all,

I've just found this site and thought I'd make a post to say hello.

I'm an ex-fisherman and Royal Navy member, and now have a passion for building scale model trawlers and fishing boats.

I have recently started a website dedicated to trawlers and fishing boats, and am seeking photographs of both models and real boats for use on the site.

I have a load of photos from my Navy days that I can upload to this site (none trawler related!). They include a series of photos of a major tanker explosion and fire in the persian gulf. I'll need to spend a few hours scanning them in though :-(

Anyway, my website is as follows:
Dave Leishman
[color=0066CC]The home of the model fishing boat[/color]

Offline Glenn Towler

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Re: New here - hello...
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2005, 02:47:48 AM »
Welcome from down under.

I look foward to seeing your pictures from the Gulf.  I have hope that you might allow me to use some of you images latter next year when I am doing a presentation for the Hobart Branch of the World Ship Socitey based on accidents, groundings,fires etc.


World Ship Socitey
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Offline Dave Leishman

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Re: New here - hello...
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2005, 10:54:27 AM »
Hi Glenn,

You're more than welcome to use any of the photos that may be of use. I'll PM you when I've started to scan and upload them.

Dave Leishman
[color=0066CC]The home of the model fishing boat[/color]

Offline Glenn Towler

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Re: New here - hello...
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2005, 11:48:49 AM »

I did a presentation like this last year, and I thought by the lack of feedback that most of our branches elderly members did not enjoy it and would have prefered a presentation of ships that have had misfortunes from back in the 1960's.  But last meeting I was asked if I would do another presentation on the same subject so I am putting it together at the moment and hope to show it latter in 2006.


Offline toni tuppurainen

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Re: New here - hello...
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2005, 04:37:46 PM »


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