Author Topic: MARINE ATLANTIC  (Read 20684 times)

Offline Dean Porter

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« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2010, 05:02:17 PM »
Totally agree with you Gulfspan. We can see what she can handle just this past week. The Smallwood out operating and where was the VISION, tied up at the dock. She can handle the seas alright, what a joke. I also agree she should go back where she came from

Merry Christmas

Offline Jacques Maillet

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« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2010, 05:27:30 PM »
I'm just SICK AND TIRED of this NIGHTMARE MAI PUT THEMSELVES INTO!!  They should get Purpose built ships and by the way I'm NOT FROM NEWFOUNDLAND so, I can't tell what the status quo is around the area.  I just think they (Marine Atlantic) need a chance to prove themselves and, as for Canadian Shipyards, well Davie is the ONLY YARD IN CANADA that can build two ferries like the J&C and I'm sick and tired of the G.D. Gov't putting Euro "junk" on any route.  Case in point, the Princess of Acadia, she was PURPOSE-BUILT for the BAY OF FUNDY SERVICE and I wouldn't want to see her replaced!!  She's the best ship for the run and when they do eventually replace her, it's most likely European GARBAGE.  Don't any of y'all ever call me a "VISION LOVER" because I like the Princess of Acadia(aka "Old Reliable") more than ANY OTHER FERRY.  I'm literally p!$$ed off when someone calls ma a "Vision Lover" >:(  I'm just TICKED OFF about the Canadian Gov't making MAI deteriorate to a poor quality of service.  At least I'm satisfied with my be-loved Princess of Acadia until gov't forces Bay Ferries to retire her.  I see the point J&C(the "battle tank") makes runs while "Dock Hugger of an ocean liner" sits idle in Nova Scotia.  God Help Marine Atlantic!!  And as for the "nightmare" as some of you call it, I just lucked out and had a positive experience on board and also my first "cruise ferry" experience!! I'll always like Marine Atlantic, however, I thank god for the National Marine Policy of 1995 to divest the Bay of Fundy service to a private operator.  And we're better off with BAY Ferries (NFL Holdings)    There, I'm done venting >:(
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 07:06:51 PM by Jacques Maillet »

Offline Jarrod David

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« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2010, 06:10:17 PM »
Jacques you bring up some valid points.I do differ on some.I don't think it is the quality of the vessels that is the issue, It is as you say the purpose. These vessels were not built with Port aux Basques in mind.I sailed on the Vision and I find it to be a fantastic ship. In PAB it is an issue and you cannot fault the crew with making a decision in regards to passenger safety.I think Argentia was in mind for this vessel and she will prove her worth on that run.I am a big fan as well of the Caribou and Smallwood and they will be hard to replace.I felt the same about the William Carson.It all comes down to ship building expertise in Canada.We had it and then we let it go.That is the govtments fault.Until we get a have decent shipbuilding policy and getting the rest of the world interested in our ships I think you will see more foreign ships.I don't think the shipyards were ready for vessel replacement right away for the Caribou and seems we are always waiting 20 or 30 years and then starting from scratch.That is hard to keep shipyards going.I am very optmistic these 2 new vessels with over half its hull low to the water will be more managable in PAB, time will tell.It is great to see various opinions and everyone thoughts Great disscussion and it will be interesting to see how they work out when they get here...
[color=0066FF]Jarrod David[/color][/b]

Offline Jacques Maillet

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« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2010, 06:23:45 PM »
I totally Agree Jarrod, and when the Carson was replaced, it was Marine Nautica and Atlantica (under Stena bare-boat charter) from 1977 until the then-new MV Caribou arrived in 1986.  MV William Carson was the "queen of the Gulf run" and I wish I was around to see her in action!!  She must've been a mini cruise ship in her day :) I'm sure there will be "growing pains" with the Blue Puttees and Highlanders, however, everyone must adapt to the changes, much like when the William Carson or the Caribou started!!  I read that the Carson had to go to Argentia for the first three years because it was too big to enter Port aux Basques and CN had to make modifications to the dock and the Caribou had many "teething problems" when she first started!!  however, both ships were well be-loved in the end and we're sad to see them both go, however, as the saying goes, "progress moves forward"  8) And I feel the same way for the Vision:  marketing the ship as a cruise ferry for the Argentia route, where I think is the most suitable fit for her 8)  As I said before, Marine Atlantic was quite possibly thinking long term for the Vision if they were to either retire the Smallwood or keep her operating to Port aux Basques in tandem with the Caribou!! I just thought I'd share this, when the Princess of Acadia started service in 1971, one crew member told me the only problem she had was the bow visor wasn't working when she was either pulling out or coming into Saint John.  CP rectified the problem and she had no major problems since. 
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 06:46:47 PM by Jacques Maillet »

Offline Jacques Maillet

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« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2010, 07:03:50 PM »
I'm also sick of this "bash on Marine Atlantic"!!  It might take years, it might take a decade to get things on track there.  We used to have it here in Sou'west Nova and it was nice service back when the Fundy service was run by the Crown Corp.  And Bay Ferries kept that same level of service since they took over.  The people at Marine Atlantic have that traditional Newfoundland hospitality and are very courteous and kind!!  So, I don't like to bash on a company with courteous and well respected employees.  It just aggravates me when someone says something bad about a company with a very kind and giving staff!! :(   

Offline Trucker001

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« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2010, 07:28:43 PM »
years ago all management in CN marine/marine atlantic  worked its way up the ranks NOT REWARDED for SCREWING up a previous position with the federal goverment...  or hiring penny pinchers from off the street to run a multi million dollar operation...  the only way to really know a business is to work from the bottom up not start as top management ...just because you got a few letters behind your name you got from college dont make you common sense smart....  

  3 years ago the smallwood was supposed to go for its midlife overhaul.. rather than hire a ferry for the temp time the smallwood would e down they ignored it and now we have got this MESS that is being rammed down our throats... it is all due to political MISMANAGEMENT... I have been on the ships often.. yes they are old but they are still workhorses not DOCK QUEENS/CRUISESHIPS like the nightmare.. 

 dont common sense tell you that if you have a problem ASK the people that know what is wrong and what it takes to fix it properly???? now you go to the terminals and it is like trying to gain entry to the mint... but you try go get a coffee in N Sydney you have to beg them permission and you have to be escorted IF IF they decide to let you ... try to find a phone number to MA HQ and they have been told NOT NOT to give it out most people dont know if it is in ST Johns or Moncton what is the BIG SECRET ??? what are they hiding?  
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 07:36:13 PM by Trucker001 »
:lol:  :-D  :-D

Offline Jarrod David

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« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2010, 07:36:10 PM »
Very well said Jacques! I was on the Princess of Acadia 2 years ago for the first time and it was like she was the last feel of the old ships.The smells,sights and sounds was unreal.I always had a tradition of getting a big plate of fries and gravy with a peice of Boston Creme pie for dessert.I still found that there.It impressed me and I can understand why it would be sad to see her go for sure.The Carson was the first ship I ever set foot on and she was a beaut. I would love to see some interior photos of her.The funny thing I remember what I was doing when I found out she sank.I was 10 and very sad about her sinking.That is the thing you can't stop change for sure.It takes some getting used  to.

Take Care
[color=0066FF]Jarrod David[/color][/b]

Offline Jarrod David

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« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2010, 07:48:05 PM »
Very interesting perspective Trucker for sure.I have followed the ships and history since I was 5 years old.I don't agree with the security changes at Marine Atlantic in respect to the terminal.I loved to collect postcards and memorabilia from the ferries.You can't do that anymore unless you go on the ferries or my friends who cross regularly pick something up.You can't get a postcard of the ferries from the terminal it stupid.Yes the operations area(site)should be secure but the terminal.I usually have to get a contact in marine Atlantic to get some memorabilia,and I hate bothering them.They always help out when they can.To me the terminal should be open to the public to wait or see off family and friends not what they have there now.My perspective of course.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 07:49:44 PM by Jarrod David »
[color=0066FF]Jarrod David[/color][/b]

Offline Stephen Ings

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« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2010, 08:01:03 PM »
I got in an argument with security this summer because he expected me to walk up the trans canada highway as opposed to the parking lot where the old tourist bureau was.

Offline Gulfspan

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« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2010, 08:39:08 PM »
years ago all management in CN marine/marine atlantic  worked its way up the ranks NOT REWARDED for SCREWING up a previous position with the federal goverment...  or hiring penny pinchers from off the street to run a multi million dollar operation...  the only way to really know a business is to work from the bottom up not start as top management ...just because you got a few letters behind your name you got from college dont make you common sense smart....  

  3 years ago the smallwood was supposed to go for its midlife overhaul.. rather than hire a ferry for the temp time the smallwood would e down they ignored it and now we have got this MESS that is being rammed down our throats... it is all due to political MISMANAGEMENT... I have been on the ships often.. yes they are old but they are still workhorses not DOCK QUEENS/CRUISESHIPS like the nightmare..  

 dont common sense tell you that if you have a problem ASK the people that know what is wrong and what it takes to fix it properly???? now you go to the terminals and it is like trying to gain entry to the mint... but you try go get a coffee in N Sydney you have to beg them permission and you have to be escorted IF IF they decide to let you ... try to find a phone number to MA HQ and they have been told NOT NOT to give it out most people dont know if it is in ST Johns or Moncton what is the BIG SECRET ??? what are they hiding?  

I hear ya trucker
back in the day ..I know engineers that started at the dock..heaving freight ,,then a stevedore,then a deckhand ,to seaman ,to engineer,to officer ...I know these people....knowledgeable sailors..most could pilot the ship ,clean beds ,rebuild an auxillary,lanch a life boat,and cook dinner..They just know ..because they spent time in each department and worked there way up ..

It was nothing to see a guy with an engineers ticket painting or washing decks,Why..because yes he had the schooling and papers ..but didnt have the time to get into an engine room as an oiler..after the bottom wore out of the guys suitcase from getting suffeled around so much ..and his ticket fell out on deck and somebody saw it ..yeah then maybe ..he got "invited" into the engineroom ..

The Canteen at the sydney terminal almost went under ..or it did go under and bought up by someone else ..I know Because i was on the phone with my brother who was entertaining the Idea ..but wouldnt go fo it because ..all amenities we so close by ..after that again the fence with security got tighter i noticed....makea a guy go Hmmmmm ...dont it ..You'll get out depending on how well the canteen is doing that and take notes....

Offline Jacques Maillet

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« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2010, 08:46:30 PM »
I hear all of you!!  During my visit, i even noticed just walking from the North Star Inn to get into town is a big hassle now!!  And, while I was on the Smallwood this summer, when I asked the purser if he could let me go up to the wheelhouse and have a tour and talk to the Captain, he wouldn't let me :(  Post 9-11 B.S. I'd say.  Back in 1996, I got to meet the Captain on that same ferry and he even let me steer it too (much like I did on the ol' "Princess" last year)!!  What has the company got to hide??

Offline Gulfspan

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« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2010, 09:10:00 PM »
I can tell ya ..but after all this ..Im probably on a "no Sail List" 

And thats comming ...give it time ..

Offline Gulfspan

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« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2010, 09:47:21 PM »
Great news as all 3 marine atlantic vessels are on the go. VISION due port aux basque around 1700 nfld. time & ERICKSON  following about 1 to 2 hours behind. Old workhorse SMALLWOOD on way back to north sydney. I don,t want to bore you readers but SMALLWOOD & CARIBOU will be sorely missed on this run. Great sea ships.

Another winter Blast comming this way ..Theres gonna be problems with the ferry schedules.. granted and for sure

Anyone want to take bet that the Vision will be dockside getting "maintainence" this time..maybe she'll get her tire's rotated

In Port aux Basques with mechanical maker dont work

 scurrying half way to the Azores for better sailing conditions

goes to St.John's for a oil change

While the Smallwood carries Marine Atlantic on her back with the Ericson in tow
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 09:49:35 PM by Gulfspan »

Offline snocky

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« Reply #28 on: December 26, 2010, 10:27:01 PM »
Jacques, i thought you loved the VISION & said she was a beautiful vessel & should be main "DOG" of the fleet. For god sake man make up your mind. Either you think she is suitable or not suitable. Don,t let a few  old sea  dogs like gulfspan & a few more (including me) who express their opinion here deter you. Maybe time to take a nap. Would love to get you on her in 30 footers crossing to pab. Have a great xmas.

Offline Jacques Maillet

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« Reply #29 on: December 26, 2010, 10:32:33 PM »
I hear all of you!!  During my visit, i even noticed just walking from the North Star Inn to get into town is a big hassle now!!  And, while I was on the Smallwood this summer, when I asked the purser if he could let me go up to the wheelhouse and have a tour and talk to the Captain, he wouldn't let me :(  Post 9-11 B.S. I'd say.  Back in 1996, I got to meet the Captain on that same ferry and he even let me steer it too (much like I did on the ol' "Princess" last year)!!  What has the company got to hide??
I felt intimidated at the walkway going into North Sydney and I felt Marine Atlantic went overboard on this security thing.  Why can't a person get to the other side of North Sydney without feeling intimidated, or wait for a security guard to (no pun intended) "ferry" you over??   


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