Author Topic: Hello to the ShipSpotter community!  (Read 3220 times)

Offline Tuomas Romu

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Re: Hello to the ShipSpotter community!
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2022, 03:20:03 PM »
Could you add code for Twitter card to (and similar code for other social media platforms that do not have an inherent capability to generate card-type posts). This would discourage unauthorized downloading and embedding the photograph in the tweet as including the link alone would already create a "visual" tweet that draws attention and directs users to the website. Here's an example from which is comparable to in terms of functionality and purpose.

I think everyone would benefit from having a Twitter card as, in addition to above, it would generate views for the users (as one would have to click the link to view the photograph), bring more visitors for the website (possibly increasing ad revenue needed to cover running the website), introduce new people to (as the website encourages further browsing of photographs), and most importantly I would not have to waste limited characters in a tweet to emphasize that there are interesting photographs behind the plain text link.

Furthermore, thumbnails needed for Twitter cards are already covered in the current Terms & Conditions under "Copyright Policy" so there's no need to implement complex "opt-out" feature to enable this basic modern functionality throughout
« Last Edit: May 21, 2022, 04:15:08 PM by Tuomas Romu »


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