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Topics - Jens Heri

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I fire has broken out after an explosion at Mongstad, Norway.
Dramatic picture with a tanker
I believe it is the Karen Knudsen

Shipping News and information / Far Sovereign aground
« on: May 16, 2007, 08:06:42 AM »
Offshore vessel Far Sovereign grounded off Stavanger, Norway around midnight. No major damage reported.

Picture from the scene.

The annual Shippax awards have been handed.

The awards are for ferries, ro-ro and cruise ships

Link to winners:

At 4 o'clock (british time) this morning fire broke out on giant trawler HERCULES imo 8907060.

4 ships took part in the rescue of the crew.    
The ship is somewhere in the Pacific, probaly near Chile.
Hercules is under Faroese flag. Two week ago they started fishing for horse macerel.

She was built in 1991 and measures 5000 DWT.

One hour ago the owners Thor Fisheries explained in a press release that 1 member of the crew is dead and 10 are missing.
The crew was 116 men of different nationality Norwegian, Asian, Faroese and other.  
The fire has spreed and the owners are facing "a total loss"  of the ship.
The survivors are onboard sistership Poseidon.

Shipping News and information / Wilson Muuga refloated
« on: April 17, 2007, 06:32:11 PM »
Just over an hour ago at 1800 BST Wilson Muuga was refloated.
It took just 10 minutes for tug Magni.

During the last days a work crew has stayed onboard Wilson Muuga. Theire job was to strenghten the ship.
The crowd cheered on after the succesful job.

Wilson Muuga stranded in Iceland on dec 19 2006.

First pictures here

Shipping News and information / Bourbon Dolphin is sunk
« on: April 15, 2007, 09:03:27 PM »
At around 20:20 GMT Bourbon Dolphin finaly sank.
At the time she was no longer attached to the oil rig.
The deept is 1100 meter

Shipping News and information / Scan Fjell grounded
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:24:10 AM »
Danish registered Scan Fjell, imo: 7700609, grounded overnight off Mandal, Norway. No oil spill reported.
Pictures here:

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