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Messages - Holger Jaschob

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Site related news, functions and modules / Re: SITE PROBLEM ?
« on: June 16, 2024, 03:33:06 PM »
At the moment I have the following problem:
I log in as usual and open new photos.
A lot of photos can't be seen. Instead of the photo there's a message in the thumbnail "no image".
When I open a visible thumbnail in the listing I have the same message in the photo "no image".
Yesterday everything worked fine.


Update: Now everything works fine again. Very curious...

Help and Advice / Re: Miramar Subscriptions
« on: May 27, 2024, 11:37:00 AM »
I had also ordered a disc last year. Up to now I only received an email from Danny Leahy.
Here is the original mail:

"Dear Holger Jaschob,

Sorry for the delay, It has taken far longer to get up to speed with the whole operation than expected.  My sincere apologies for any inconvenience or concern that this or any missed correspondence might have caused.

I can assure you that your disk is on it's way.  The CD is available as a physical disk or as a download, the two versions are exactly the same, the delivery method is the only difference.  Which would you prefer?

Since Rodger's death I have had to resolve a variety of issues, some technical problems that have needed to be fixed or worked around, and others stemming from the MSI having been solely created and maintained by Rodger, with an independent developer for the website and another developer for the disk.  Meanwhile, I became the resident technical support, which often involved translating the tech-speak from the developers, and dealing with any technical issues that emerged, while remaining aware of but detached from the day-to-day running of the MSI.

The delay has been primarily caused by the fact that, I have not had Rodger's offline membership record to work from necessary to ensure that membership extensions or changes are applied correctly to the correct account.

Instead I have had to laboriously reassemble the membership record from the individual details (First name, Email, Last name, expiration dates etc.), that like many secure websites are stored separately from each other.  This process is nearly done, as soon as it is I will amend any outstanding memberships as requested plus an additional 6 months for anyone who has been waiting.

Membership extensions are usually automatic, when done from the embedded Paypal links on the website, but payments directly through Paypal or to the NZ bank account, have to be manually connected to the relevant account.

The NZ Bank account has also been a problem, as it was solely in Rodger's name, and so after several months waiting for the bank, the bank and account have now been changed
D M Leahy
A change of email had been planned before Rodger died, as Gmail had been a problem for some time, it became more complicated after Rodger's death.  The old Gmail address remains but will be forwarded to the new email, which is:
[email protected]
I have recently learned that Rodger's original email address that he used before the Gmail one, is possibly still being promoted by some sources, but the '' address has not existed since 2018, so please disregard it and use the one above.

While I have been responsible for the online delivery of the disk, since it became an option, Rodger would give me the latest version of the database to send.

In the weeks immediately prior to Rodger's death he had been finding it increasingly difficult to work at the computer, and the last database file he gave me had not been processed correctly, it took several days to resolve the problem, the last website update Rodger did was also delayed by this.

While the solution was sufficient at the time, I had to revisit the issue after Rodger's death, to find a more permanent solution, but as I only found the instructions to adapt the database for the disk quite recently, the disk had remained nearly a month behind the website.


This mail arrived during last year but the disc didn't arrive.

Hi Henry23,
The latest photos of the vessels on this website are dated from January resp. July 2023. Take a look here:

LONGBAY - IMO 9626182
24.01.2023 last photo

17.07.2023 last photo


Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Can't log in
« on: January 27, 2024, 06:49:41 AM »
Well done. Thanks to the team. ;D

Site related news, functions and modules / Button photo likes doesn't work
« on: November 02, 2023, 10:58:55 AM »
I have this problem since Monday. When I want to click the "Like" button this is not possible.
Does anybody have the same problem?

Scale Models / Exhibition of 1:1250 scale models in Wittmund, Germany
« on: August 12, 2023, 10:19:44 AM »
Hi guys,

I'm not only a shipspotter, but also a collector of scale models in 1:1250 scale.

On 11.11.2023 we plan an exhibition of our collector's club.
Reason is the 35th anniversary of our club in Wittmund.
The exhibition will last from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location is:
Hotel - Restaurant Residenz
Am Markt 23
26409 Wittmund
Northern Germany

Our members will show their models, diorama and models in other scales.
Also producer and dealer of second-hand models will come to Wittmund, too.
You can't only watch, you can also buy.

If somebody is interested to visit us please let me know by PM.
Or send me an email to

[email protected]

I'll have a flyer but unfortunately only in German.
But I think I can translate our flyer and send it to you, if required.

Have a nice weekend!
Holger from Bremerhaven

Update 14.08.2023:
A flyer is now available in English!

Help and Advice / Re: Miramar Subscriptions
« on: January 30, 2023, 12:24:44 PM »
Hi guys,

my account expired 20.01.2023.
But got a mail from Miramar one week before to renew my account.
I did so and I have no problem to log-in. It works.
I also ordered a CD last year but didn't receive it up to now.
I sent a mail with my postal address to clarify where they should send the CD.
I'll wait and see.


Hi csaba,

found a webside with ship's data:

You can't find the amount of data like miramar or equasis, but I think this will help.


Tried again today to log in. Can't log in with my old password. No access.
Clicked "Lost password". Got immediately an email. Clicked the link and inserted the validation password.
Answer "Your login (e-mail) or/and password are unknown in Equasis. Please, try again".
Really don't know what to do. Maybe I really have to try later as described...

Thanks for info, Jens. Really didn't know that. I think I'll order a CD before everything is closed.

like csaba I'm also interested to learn about the single steps you did.

Yesterday I tried again to change my password. After clicking "Lost password" I immediately got a mail to validate.
Logged in and did exactly the single steps. But again no validation mail.
Sent a message to the address that Aleksi mentioned. Up to now no answer...

Recieved an answer. Found it in my spam filter. Must be a generated mail.
It showed me just the same infos that I knew before.
Answered that I know what to do but I don't receive any validation mail about the changed password to re-activate my account.
Again no answer. I Think I'll won't use equasis any more.

In the future I'll only use use miramar ship index although they don't have info about vessels under construction.
I pay 20 $ per year for access but the site is regularly updated and you find satisfactory info about the vessel (main data, renaming etc.).
There is also a database called "new ships". Found this database while looking for info about IMO numbers.

Hi guys,

have the same problem as Robert. I choose a secure password created like Jens wrote, confirmed, submitted but no link!
Checked my spam filter but no message from equasis. And now my password is unknown to equasis.

Did as if I lost my password. Logged in with a preliminary password valid for 24 hours.
Changed my password, confirmed again and submitted. Again no activation email and still not able to log in.

Update 08.11.2022:
Seems that I made a mistake. Found a document on equasis about the account management.
There is described how to change your password correctly.
It's a Pdf document that can be found under "New, item 2, account management".


same problem. I renewed my account, but didn't even get this registration mail.
Now I even can't contact equasis. Always the same message.
Now I'll try to get a new password by using the "Lost password" button.
Hope this will work.

Additional info: Found the mail from equais in my spam folder.
Tried again to activate and now it works.

Shipping News and information / Re: Boudicca on the beach
« on: May 19, 2021, 10:38:41 AM »
Sad to hear that. We lengthend all three ships in the early eighties in Bremerhaven with assistence of Lloydwerft as we hadn't the dock falcilities for this operation. It was at the beginning of my work as a naval architect atr Seebeckwerft. Those were the days...

Shipping News and information / Re: ships sold for scrap
« on: April 11, 2021, 08:06:09 AM »
Thanks for info Allan!

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