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Messages - grant8064

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As a quick update I drove through Newhaven yesterday evening. One vessel, couldn't indentify as it was dark, is indeed anchored off of Newhaven coast, albeit VERY close to the shore.

It was too dark to take a photograph but if anyone is interested head to Seaford seafront not Newhaven as it is more easily viewed from there.

I have to admit that I was rather surprised to see such a large vessel off of's about ten times the usual size of vessel harboured there, but this news explains it. Thankfully no injuries or worse.

Shipping News and information / Re: British Ship Owners
« on: June 06, 2013, 05:25:19 PM »
Hi guys, thank you both for your replies.

Just to get it clear there is no biased or angle to my question Rexroth, i'm really only a novice when it comes to research/interest in ships and being quite young in comparison to some I don't have the best knowledge of years gone by.

You both make some good points about Carisbrooke & Wagenborg having and using larger ships than some of the smaller firms have available for short sea transport...for some reason I ALWAYS thought 4000dwt was about max for Europe to Europe transport so my eyes are a bit more open.

Part of the reason for my questions was just a general interest and there is rather a lack of info on company websites...Willie Group update their vessel open slots so it's interesting to see the movements of their ships but Faversham and even big guns like Carisbrooke seem to ignore updating their news pages and such. I guess as a business the time and resource understandably has to be spent on earning money and not satisfying those of a curious nature!  :P

I mention the Beaumont incident purely because issues like that can have a big swing in the fortunes of a small company and are always disconcerting to read. Glad to hear it's probably of little consequence to the overall business.

Finance is an interesting point made too. I have never managed to understand why there is so little interest from government with regards to shipping. It's reliable, cost effective and eco friendly...from a government point of view it ticks ALL of the boxes but is never promoted on any level. In fact at the age of 28 I don't think i've ever heard it mentioned.

Once again thanks for your replies, if anyone else has any comments/thoughts about UK short sea companies in general or anything else to add please do.


Shipping News and information / British Ship Owners
« on: June 05, 2013, 06:48:30 PM »
Hi all.

I'm not a regular on here I know but I wondered if some of you would like to give comment/opinion on this topic as I am not connected to ship owners, charterers, brokers etc.

Given that Union Transport have gone bust, Charles M Willie are selling a couple of vessels for whatever reason and Faversham Ships have had a recently noted incident with Beaumont I wondered what the health of UK registered coastal cargo ship owners/operators is like. I'm particularly interested in UK ship companies given that I live in the UK and get occassional chances to see Torbulk operated and other vessels in local ports.

I know that shipping in general is not too perky but companies like Wagenborg seem to be making it pay so wondered how the UK companies were faring.

Any comments welcomed.

Thanks guys.

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