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Messages - peterredd

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Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Webmaster standing down.
« on: January 17, 2012, 12:51:12 AM »
I havent been around long but thanks Derek and good Luck Ken

Shipping News and information / Re: The growing size of cruise ships
« on: January 17, 2012, 12:46:00 AM »
Well there is a lot of talk about the captain of the ship, iam no expert at all[ i worked on the sea for 8 years] but not on ships this size.. My question is why didn't any of the other officers on board query this course.. When i used to do a watch in the bridge, i was the only one on watch. if i saw a situation that warrants a change of course to avoid a situation i made the change and if i wasn't sure i informed the skipper.. Surely these ships have many on the bridge at any one time..So was this usual course, and if not surely even the lowest ranked officer would have seen this as a danger..


Shipping News and information / The growing size of cruise ships
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:56:00 AM »
Hi folks

Allure of the Seas

this is the second incident involving a Concordia-class vessel in fourteen months.

I can only imagine that Carnival will try refloat her asap and get her out if the direct view out the public. I can only assume she'd go to back to her builders yard since it's just across the Ligurian Sea.  having a vessel sink with loss of life is bad enough. having it happen right where the public can watch must be a nightmare.

im sure Mickey Arison won't be sleeping for a while.

Yes i agree imagine having the advertisement for your shipping line, what happens to all the passengers with no passports no money no nothing with them.. This is a logistical nightmare for this company..This will cost the company a fortune and a long long time to settle the many lawsuits coming there way..

Cheers Peter

this is the type of situation that you hear about in shipping from a hundred years ago.

people have lost their lives, a few officers and a captain are about to lose their careers, and Carnival is going to be paying out the future lawsuits from this for at least the next decade.

such a shame.

i can only begin to wonder what the scenario was here, and how much human error played a factor.

I agree what a mess up [putting it mildly] a lot of paper work has just been created..This day an age it makes one wonder how this can happen. Was no one on the bridge..

Shipping News and information / Christmas Island ship breaks in half
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:43:18 AM »
Hi folks...

Update, 3.45pm: A stricken vessel has broken in half and is gushing heavy bunker oil into the pristine waters of Christmas Island.

cheers Peter

Yes i just saw the latest video and news gee its rough weather up there and it could turn out very a messy incident indeed

Cheers Peter 


The Whaling issue is getting out of hand its big big news in Australia and world wide..They play cat and mouse on the high seas and last year a vessel sank.. I was wondering what fellow shipspotters think of this issue and does it make the news in your country wherever that may be..

Shipping News and information / Re: Rena
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:12:28 AM »

Thanks for that i enjoyed watching

Cheers Peter

Shipping News and information / Re: Old Cruise ships
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:44:32 AM »
Yes Clive you are correct Nordstjernen was built in 1956. The ship i was talking about "ATHENA" was built in 48 and the BRAHE was in 43... The Nordstjernen is not in the pre 50s..

Shipping News and information / Re: Old Cruise ships
« on: January 05, 2012, 09:53:29 AM »
Yes the BRAHE may be i am not sure i have been all over the net trying to find out if she in fact still cruises.. Also i believe she only does the lakes and rivers if she is still cruising, I am not sure on that one..Anyway the BRAHE has some history behind her its a good read.. Well if she is still going she beats the ATHENA by 5 years.. Thanks for the info..

Regards Peter

Shipping News and information / Re: Old Cruise ships
« on: January 05, 2012, 12:37:01 AM »
Hi all
this is a good read regarding the Athena

Regards Peter

Shipping News and information / Re: Old Cruise ships
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:39:34 AM »
Thanks for that Ralph.. The ATHENA still looks good i don't know how a small ship survives these days but it arrived here today at 0900 and departed at 1800 with 370 passengers.. Thanks again

Regards Peter

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