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Messages - John Grace

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Help and Advice / Re: Full Screen
« on: April 13, 2017, 11:42:06 AM »
No problem with iMac on mac OS Sierra v 10.12.4 and Safari v 10.1 at present and also no problem earlier this morning with iPad and current software.

I have not had any problems when using my iPad recently, perhaps the last week or so. Not sure if this was due to work done on this sight, thanks for your efforts if it was, or if it was due to an update on the iPad. It had got so bad as to make the site unusable for me. Whatever the situation I thought it may be worth a mention and hopefully not tempting fate. Anybody still having problems?

Thanks Cody, I noticed yesterday the return of the problem. It seemed to have slowly fizzled out over August. If it is any help I now go onto the site using the forum and move on from there, it seems to be the home page that gets the problem.

I do not know much about computers but having had this problem for a few days now I can say that it is not affecting my iPad all the time. It is only Shipspotting that is affected so far and it only affects my iPad (iOS 9.3.4) and not my Mac (OS X El Capitan 10.11.6). On the iPad when I have this problem I can visit another site, possibly two or three, and it seems to clear the problem. I would estimate that I am affected by the problem for about half the time I want to use Shipspotting. Hope this helps.

It may be that this problem is now re occurring. Last night I was redirected through a few websites, as seen by a rapidly changing address bar, then it settled on a "junk" site.This was offering some free wonderfull deal? I went off elsewhere for a while looking at other sites, thinking Shippspoting would be down for a while, but returned a while later to find things back to normal. This morning a similar thing happened but I went onto another site and then back to shipspotting to find things apparently normal again. Am I the only one having this problem? I am using an iPad and Safari, all up to date.

IPad back to normal again. Thanks to all concerned, your work is appreciated.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Problem Uploading
« on: July 05, 2016, 10:15:35 AM »
Same on my iPad. I had concluded it was a bug of some kind on my machine and was thinking of going in to my local Stormfront store for assistance, a return journey of some 40 miles. I had also thought about doing a reset on my iPad, until I started to think of all the stuff that would need to be recovered, in the way of settings.  I will now wait a while to see what develops.

I for one am very happy with the site as it is. It is perhaps not perfect but it is run by a group of volunteers who do a very good job, thanks guys. I do use other sites also and if I wanted social media or any other type of site I know how to set about getting it. For me it is an interesting hobby and this site provides a very good tool/source for one of my hobbies.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Photo viewing malfunction
« on: February 08, 2016, 07:37:38 PM »
Thanks for your efforts Henrik. It is good to get things back to normal so quickly.

Congratulations Ken and thanks for all your past efforts and hard work under difficult circumstances. I hope to see you around Queensborough at some point, though I myself rarely visit these days. John.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Can't upload photos
« on: November 05, 2015, 08:30:17 PM »
Hi, did two sessions of around 15 uploads each today using Safari without problems.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Standing Down
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:12:17 AM »
Ken, I just want to add my thanks for your efforts over the years. Watching the site for a few years now it has been obvious what a difficult and at times thankless task it has been. I think that Derek's suggestion of a group taking over the task is an idea worth trying, in order to spread the load. Please keep contributing as your efforts will still be welcome and you can now relax and enjoy the site without the pressure.

Much missed over recent days and very glad to have the service back. Thanks to all concerned.

Hi Ken, it is wonderful to have the site back up and running. It was greatly missed. Please pass on my thanks to those involved in the recovery.

Trev, the two places that I have used are both sides of Garrison Point. Park in Tesco's car park, Sheerness, then go to the sea wall and walk east along the sea wall. You can get very close to Garrison Point itself and take photos with Southend as a distant backdrop. This gets you pretty close to the ships as they round the point. The other place that I have used is the sea wall at Queenborough. Go to Queenborough, down the High Street about as far as you can go. There is a small park, with public toilets, opposite The Old House at Home pub. At the east side of the park there is a small car park. Also you can drive on to Crundall's Wharf, where you can normally park. This gives some access for photos with the Isle of Grain and Thamesport as mid distance backdrops. It is possible to walk along the sea wall, towards Garrison Point but you will then come to a fence which encloses the imported cars compound. The path does continue along the fence, on the land side around the port of Sheerness and if you we're to continue along this path you would arrive close to the Tesco car park having walked halfway around the port perimeter fence. I hope you find this useful.

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