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Messages - Clive Harvey

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Shipping News and information / Re: Old Cruise ships
« on: January 05, 2012, 11:17:01 AM »
Yes, but it was Hendrik-sg that said Nordstjernen was built in 1951, you will see that I was quoting from his message.

Shipping News and information / Comments on photos
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:51:04 AM »
Yesterday I posted a query on a photo taken by Bob Scott of Canberra just before she resumed service after her time transporting troops to and from the Falklands. My query was whether this particular picture met the required criteria given that her waterline is totally obscured and a tug, in the foreground, blocks the greater part of the ship. Today, I see that the photo remains in place but my query has been deleted. Why?
Clive Harvey

Shipping News and information / Re: Old Cruise ships
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:18:28 AM »
Sorry but you have this wrong, the Nordstjernen was built in 1956.

The hurtigruten "nordstjernen is build 1951 and looks from outside still quite originally, but has e new engine. The younger "Lofoten" is build around 1961 and has the original slow running two stroke engine.
Tug "Holland" is not a cruise ship in a narrower sense, but can be chartered for very nice cruises and has his original 10 zyl 4-stroke engine, running 275rpm.

The tug i know from a cruise, and can strongly recomend it without reservation (and without financial interest) and the old hurtigruten is on the list for soon.

Build around 1950 there is a icebreaker available in northern finnland, which can be booked for ice touurs in winther but here my information is not to actual (may have changed)

Shipping News and information / Re: QE2 + Nomadic
« on: November 05, 2011, 10:43:39 PM »
I cannot help but wonder what role you envisage for the Queen Elizabeth 2 on Liverpool's waterfront? Undoubtedly the words museum, conference centre and hotel will spring forth. I expect that the hoteliers in Liverpool would not be too enthusiastic about that idea. Mind you, it would obviously mean largely gutting most of the ships passenger accommodation in order to make it into acceptable hotel rooms. After all, 21st century hotel rooms (and the expectations of today's hotel guests) and the cabins aboard a 40 year old former liner are  totally different things. Then of course we have your proposed location, valuable harbour front space. One day the city will get it's act organised and cruise ships will really berth and turn around there and thus the city will earn money from that space.
Then, we have to consider who will actually buy the QE2 and return her to the UK and invest in transforming her into a viable revenue-earning venture. If the oil-rich in Dubai cannot afford to do it then you can be sure that no one here can! Read the history of the former Queen Elizabeth and you will see that after her days with Cunard there were those with hair-brained schemes for the ship in a static role. The final days of the QE2 are uncannily similar to those of the old Queen Elizabeth, sordid and undignified.

Shipping News and information / Re: Most beautyfull cruiseship in service!
« on: December 15, 2009, 11:00:50 PM »
ARTEMIS? The most beautiful cruise ship in service?
Well, this just goes to prove that beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.
Long ago, I saw this ship depart Southampton on her maiden voyage as Royal Princess. I thought that she was ugly then and each time I saw her afterward I still thought she was an ugly and awkward-looking vessel. A lot of time has passed and a lot of other ugly vessels have followed her into service but nevertheless, she was ugly and awkward-looking on day one and she remains so all these years later in my eyes. I certainly won't mourn her passing when she is sold to the ship breakers.

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