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Messages - stevo

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9]

miraflores wrote:

BBC has choosen another foto, hopefully they have to pay double price to the owner DEREK LILLEY.

Rgds. Juergen

Hoi Juergen,

I had to inform BBC they couldn't use my picture anymore.
I'm happy they contacted me to ASK if they could use a pic instead of STEAL a pic.

I didn't want to start a discussion about asking money for a picture or not.

I only want to show how some company's are correct. There are a lot of topics on, where you can find links to stolen pictures, even pictures from me are used on another website.

3 agencies contacted me, 1 said they have another 'free' photo for use, 1 asked me a price so only that agency could use the photo and BBC I had to inform they couldn't use the picture anymore because 1 agency bought all rights.

I don't want to make money out of it, but it's the correct way that these agencies are dealing with us, the photographer and owner of that photo.

Shipping News and information / St James Park hijacked by somali pirates
« on: December 29, 2009, 10:38:41 AM »
Just received email from Sky News, BBC News and Barcroft Media, they like to use my picture of the St James Park because vessel is hijacketd by somali pirates.

I told them they could use my pic and that I like 100 euro for the credits. Let's see if I will see some money (just bought new computer  :-D  :-D  )

Shipping News and information / Re: (Un)official Summit 2010 - Antwerp
« on: November 21, 2009, 08:08:55 AM »
Why is this topic not sticky anymore.
Nobody interested to come together?

I'm still working on a planning. Have contacts with hotel and looking for a boat so we can sail to see to catch some sailingvessels sailing.

Shipping News and information / Re: (Un)official Summit 2010 - Antwerp
« on: September 29, 2009, 04:55:07 PM »
Hey Bob,

unofficial is oke by me because I still didn't receive an answer from the admins on this community. I'm also a member on so I also like to invite people there.

Like Peter said there is the tallshiprace in july. As agreed on our last unofficial we had in Rotterdam/Antwerp we would like to have an unofficial this year in Hamburg, but this tallship is maybe a special weekend. That's the reason I have this topic.

For your information, I also in contact with some Antwerp hotels to give us a good Summit-price for the weekend for all members who like to join this weekend.

Will update soon, hope to have a planning in december so we can start with a list of people who likes to join.

Shipping News and information / Re: (Un)official Summit 2010 - Antwerp
« on: August 18, 2009, 09:08:39 PM »
Let's have an Unofficial Summit.
Already waiting from july for an answer from Tomas or Derek, but no response.

First of all.
I send message to Derek with the question if this will be official/unofficial.
first I wait his answer before we can start planning.

@ Remy. Don't know yet.
Will ask the skipper but normally they start in Terneuzen.

Everybody who likes to join

Would like to know from somebody from if we can make this an official or an unofficial summit.

If unofficial we can start to take contact with some hotels to get a good price for the weekend.

Remy, nice to see somebody else from Antwerp on this forum.
Would be nice to join a tug.

@ Dave, can ask the MIR to start painting ;)
It's also starting with 'M'


I have a boat from Terneuzen to Antwerp for 1300 euro /50 person.
We can also have a bbq on that boat.

Shipping News and information / (Un)official Summit 2010 - Antwerp
« on: June 18, 2009, 09:31:38 AM »
Hope you can make this a sticky topic. I know some people like to go next year to Hamburg but I want to open the possibility for another (un)official summit 2010 in Antwerp.

Reason :

People who likes to join can leave details in this topic (we have time) and I will see what we can do.

- boattrip in harbour
- boattrip on river
- ...

Help and Advice / Re: Cameras and Photography Advice Forum
« on: May 31, 2009, 08:11:46 AM »
Hi Sevo, yes you did a nearly perfect job. 50D is great.

Peter, I had a 50 D in my hands on the summit and I can't wait to start spotting.
I also know already how to use the timer  :-D

Next lens is maybe for next year. Useless in Antwerp, Terneuzen but should be good for Rotterdam

Help and Advice / Re: Cameras and Photography Advice Forum
« on: May 30, 2009, 02:54:06 PM »
Today I said to myself "lets go crazy" and I went to the photoshop.

I came home with a body 50 D and a EF 70-300mm 14-56 IS USM

Did I do a good job???

Next on my list is a 100-400 mm

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