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Messages - Tuomas Romu

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Shipping News and information / Re: Equasis
« on: June 17, 2024, 05:41:00 AM »
Looks like their certificate expired over the weekend. I would expect their webmaster to fix it soon.

In the meanwhile, the website can still be used normally but, as the browser warning says, it's a potential security risk. However, since I have a single-use password for Equasis, I don't really care.

Shipping News and information / Re: Expedition & SH Minerva lay ups
« on: June 03, 2024, 04:54:28 AM »
Presumably Swan Hellenic has not been able to transfer the ownership of SH Minerva from its sanctioned Russian owner.

TradeWinds: Catch 22 solved: Swan Hellenic takes over final Russian-leased ship (30 January 2023)


Is there a specific page on this website site that allows you to opt out?

Go to your profile (click your name in the top bar), then "Photos" (in the leftmost vertical bar with blue background), then "Settings" (in the second-leftmost vertical bar with white background), and there'll you have the checkbox for opting out.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Soon - New website design
« on: February 20, 2024, 11:33:43 AM »
Noticed minor bug in the HTML/BB Code generator:

Code: [Select]
<td align=center>
<a href=""></a>
<td align=center>
<a href="photos/3679298"><img src=""></a>
<td align=center>&copy; Captain Peter</td>


Code: [Select]
&copy; Captain Peter

As you can see, the URL in the photograph does not include the domain ( and as a result the link back to the full-size photograph on this website will not work.

Furthermore, &copy; does not work on forums (as is apparent here).

Today I actually ran into a problem with "endless scrolling".

I recalled seeing some interesting photographs in one of the categories and wanted to show them to my colleague. I had a rough idea when I had found them for the first time, but as I could not "jump ahead", I started scrolling starting from the newest photographs. Few thousand photographs into the collection site had become quite sluggish and slow in showing more photographs. Eventually I just gave up.

With traditional "pages", I could have jumped forward 10 or 100 pages at a time until the dates began to look familiar.

This "endless scrolling" or dynamic gallery view essentially makes a large part of the collection "hard to reach" unless you know exactly what you're looking for and can find them with the search function.

IMHO the ship's name should always be spelled exactly like in international databases and written in ALL CAPS in "searchable data fields".

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Can we have the pages back?
« on: September 27, 2023, 06:14:22 AM »
This "dynamic listing" also makes it impossible to quickly jump somewhere in the middle of the category. You always have to start scrolling from either the beginning or from the end. I wonder how slow the page will become once you've reached halfway through a category with a few hundred thousand photographs...

Oh well, that's how everyone else does it in these days so it must be the best way. At least on this website the photographs remain in the same order if you mis-click and have to start loading the category from scratch. In social media such as Facebook and Instagram, the "smart" algorithm will shuffle the posts every time you load the page, so if you accidentally click something, you can never return to the same "list".

I hope we can get the sites photos to be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons to be saved.

Might be a bit of a challenge given the photographs came from multiple photographers. Old photographs already in public domain could of course be uploaded to Commons by anyone.

Shipping News and information / Re: Ships sold for scrap
« on: December 09, 2022, 12:50:44 PM »
Ex Polar Star passenger ship ... Are in Aliaga for scrap

Is this the one converted from a 1969-built Swedish icebreaker (IMO 6905745)?

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Soon - New website design
« on: September 14, 2022, 10:55:03 AM »
Given the fact that we repeatedly get spam accounts on the forum that resurrect old threads, would it be possible to introduce more measures to weed out non-human registrants?

Here are some photographs on a Russian forum that had been taken about a week ago:

There appears to be no major visible damage on the vessel apart from a Russian flag on the mast.

I tried re-uploading one of my older photographs and unfortunately it seems that the website changes something (color space?) when it adds the footer even if there's no recompression; see example as attachment. After the server-side footer addition, the red saturation level seems to be significantly lower and the vessel looks more "washed out".

A few remarks about the photo's copyright footer...

Thank you for answering.

May I propose omitting "image copyright

I noticed that photographs uploaded since the beginning of March have " ... Image Copyright

Could you add code for Twitter card to (and similar code for other social media platforms that do not have an inherent capability to generate card-type posts). This would discourage unauthorized downloading and embedding the photograph in the tweet as including the link alone would already create a "visual" tweet that draws attention and directs users to the website. Here's an example from which is comparable to in terms of functionality and purpose.

I think everyone would benefit from having a Twitter card as, in addition to above, it would generate views for the users (as one would have to click the link to view the photograph), bring more visitors for the website (possibly increasing ad revenue needed to cover running the website), introduce new people to (as the website encourages further browsing of photographs), and most importantly I would not have to waste limited characters in a tweet to emphasize that there are interesting photographs behind the plain text link.

Furthermore, thumbnails needed for Twitter cards are already covered in the current Terms & Conditions under "Copyright Policy" so there's no need to implement complex "opt-out" feature to enable this basic modern functionality throughout

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