Author Topic: What is YOUR vision for  (Read 29483 times)

Offline Cornelia Klier

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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2011, 04:50:02 PM »
I agree Cornelia. Why all these silly functions. The old site worked fine. If it AINT BROKE DON'T FIX IT. Rgds,Ken

Hello Ken,

it is nice, that you agree with me. But I did not mention silly function, but I have been thinking about, where does the new website make it MORE DIFFICULT than the old site for members, to keep in contact ???

So I actually did think back to the old site, and I remember, that after a long workday I often did browse, the latest photos taken. It was possible, to see all photos which were taken that day - or before.

This way, I was able to see WHO did upload WHICH photo, for example today, for example last weekend. This way, I was able to see: Which ships came to Hamburg ? To Rotterdam ? Elsewhere ? And I am able to say something to fellow shipspotters like "good weather in Hamburg last weekend and nice photo of new Maersk...whatsoever". It does sound superficial, but such messages, make the bond of members strong.

Now, this is not possible anymore, or very hard, and I do miss this feature.

I talk about THIS feature. Perhaps, some of you think of other features which made it easier ? I think, we should come straight to the point, and NAME things we would like to have different, rather than saying "silly features" and things, which do not really lead to a solution. I have also forwarded my previous written message to Mr. H. Soderberg, and a link to this discussion. Perhaps we can help the tech-guys to make this site a better one ? But they need examples !

I am usually VERY good at swearing about new sites, new applications etc., as it's not really my thing. I like it simple and easy. But, I did get along with this site, it's no problem to upload photos, and no problem to read comments, write PM's and that. Site is quick, and relieable, as well. No complaint here. Also admins.. I quit this, because of constand firing by some members and private reasons. I personally, did not yet receive unfair and rude treatment by admins here, they are an experienced team who try only make their job good.

So.. ideas ideas ideas !!! How can this site be made a better one ? :-)


« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 06:06:17 PM by Cornelia Klier »

Offline Dave Forbes

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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2011, 09:51:29 AM »
I think that you should reduce the number of pages that the contributers can look through. At 12 images a page , it can take quite a while to look through all your pictures. Maybe about 36 images a page would suffice. I don't know how technically difficult it would be but this would be more user-friendly. I have also noticed that individual image titles have not been checked , one of my photos has a title that has nothing to do with the image uploaded. I have reached my 150th upload on this wonderful site and you are quite correct to change the category if the contributer chooses the wrong one , as long as you let them know.

Offline Phil English

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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2011, 11:16:58 AM »
EJFH272, We would rather members corrected their own mistakes, if they realise that they have done so. Mistakes are easily made, but it's impossible for admins to spot them all. There are a huge number of uploads every day and we cannot monitor them all 24/7, but those errors we do spot are corrected. Unfortunately it is not always possible to contact members individually when corrections are made because we do not have the time. We are simply volunteers with lives outside of :-)



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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2011, 11:26:46 PM »
G'Day All

I just wanted to put my 10 cents worth in about the site.
I love posting images here, and I must admitt, I get a kick knowing that people around the world enjoy them too.

I do have one comment to make about the new website though, the one function I'd like on this site, that the old site had, were the red and green arrows that sorted the images from most to least popular and vice versa. I found that function most useful, as it gave me ideas in what type of photo was good, or bad.

Just a thought  ;D


Offline polsteam

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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2011, 11:13:34 PM »
...the one function I'd like on this site, that the old site had, were the red and green arrows that sorted the images from most to least popular and vice versa

it is not only "most popular" order setting option, that should be brought back, but also sorting according to other criteria (as it was in old website) - date of adding the photo and others...
despite using "polsteam" for my nick I have NO personal (professional) or business connections with the company of the same name

Offline Tomas

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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #35 on: May 26, 2011, 08:19:42 PM »
I would like to thank all those that has replied.

I think there are signs of a more positive trend, with many new members.
What i dont understand, or wish was different, is the collosal amounts of shots posted at once, i mean, i have looked at new photos, very nice, top of the line shots, that NEVER got more then.... Yeah, very little amounts of hits.

I may miss the sharing, and camaraderie, but i wish all the best in the future
Myself is stepping down a little. There are only so many angles on the bridge, haha!

Have a nice spring/summer.

Offline Wayne ACourt

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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2011, 06:10:15 AM »
A Very good remark from Peter Schneckenburger,
 "You can view only on Shipspotting,no copy.If you want a copy you have too get permission."
In the past a lot of members have been annoyed too see their photos appear on other web-sites where someone else basks in the glory of something they have stolen from here,where the photographer gets no recognition for their talents or protection from theft.too say you have copyright is not enough,this web-site should be protecting it's members work that they have put onto all without the Members & their photos you have nothing.
   I have heard members say in forums,they don't have time too reply too  all requests,COME ON. are any of us that Famous in there hobby that they are inundated with that many request that a simple reply cant be made.or perhaps they just don't want their photos ending up in collections all over the world without a note under it too say who took the photo,at the end of the day a lot of it comes down too common courtesy.
Also  there are disgruntled members who have deleted their entire Albums from here, maybe these people will start too upload again.
                              Regards: Wayne ( Skain )

Offline Aleksi Lindström

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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2011, 06:33:37 AM »
...the one function I'd like on this site, that the old site had, were the red and green arrows that sorted the images from most to least popular and vice versa

it is not only "most popular" order setting option, that should be brought back, but also sorting according to other criteria (as it was in old website) - date of adding the photo and others...

Hi all,

 - To those whom it may concern, I'm writing this as a member of and not as an admin. -

Yesterday I got (again) very critical feedback from a friend of mine whom I had given a link to my photos on He was most annoyed about the very limited way he could view my photos, not enough per one page and basically no way of sorting them, only by categories. His bottom line was: "It's a total waste of time to upload these huge amounts of photos when the album's structure is from the 1990's, we are living 2011 now, and the way the photos are uploaded, they will get lost in the site's labyrinth and no one can find them."

I couldn't say more than it's not my fault and I can probably do nothing about it. I tried to convince him there's a developer working on it and maybe one day, one day...


Offline Henrik Soderberg

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Re: What is YOUR vision for
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2011, 12:54:40 PM »

I'm following this thread as we all (admins & webmasters) do, taking notes on priorities.

You should have noticed already that the "new photos" page got a few more options in how to view them and how many to see per page. Still a bit limited. This was launched for testing.

Obviously all new changes will apply to all photos, no matter when they were uploaded.

We now have a stable "cdn" functionality. CDN stands for "content delivery network". Our content is now served not only by the web server, but also other servers keeping local copies of data / information. The result from this is that the load time for a page with for example 100 or 200 thumbnails is improved A LOT. We felt it's no idea showing up to 192 thumbnails on a single page, if you have to sit and wait for them anyway.

This basic functionality will soon be available for all search options and various ways you browse the images on the site.

The member search makes it easier to find photographers, but photographers and ships (instead of currently photos only) will get their own customized search features, separated from photo only details.

So, keep uploading, keep posting suggestions of changes and keep watching for the new features =) Without input from photographers, members and visitors we're just making qualified guesses on what you want to happen on the site.

Thanks all!



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