Author Topic: Why no one criticize IMO, BIMCO, ISF, ICS, ITF and others for their shameful attitude towards seamen  (Read 12635 times)

Offline odindj

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Offline miraflores

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From violater - Odin, Posted on:  2010/1/2 21:56
Dear Sirs!
Ok I won't ever take any pics from shipspotting. I give my news and my own pics to all around, never asking for copyright. I fled Russia after Arctic Sea story, I'm Mikhail Voytenko who dig up this story. I'm in Bangkok now poor as a church rat, I don't have money to go on with living, not to mention buying pics. I don't understand though, who will buy pics or ask for permission if we're talking hot news? Who? Why don't you work out some rules - something to be mentioned if pic is published? I publish russian maritime accidents here on Shipspotting for a long time. I will load pics to Shipspotting too, not asking for 50 euro. With Arctic Sea or other stories, I was quoted and referred to by CNN, BBC, Reuters, you name it. I didn't care and didn't ask for copyright, or fee. I just wanted all around to know what happened.
I repeat - I won't ever take pics from Shipspotting, but I don't understand your anger nevertheless.
Mikhail Voytenko
P.S. Today I'll remove all pics.

Hi Odin,
You are back after you fled from Russia to Bangkok and no longer poor as a church rat?


Offline miraflores

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After highjacking PRAMONI you took my foto for your website without asking me. I send you 2 mails, without reaction. Also in russia you must know and I 'm sure you know what is a copyright.
So what kind of comprehension you expect now from me?
I also upload all my pictures to shipspotting without having any payment and if somebody wants to use one of my fotos he has to ask me.
The owner of a ship cannot claim 50.-

Offline Cornelia Klier

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The fact is, that there is no problem with putting a link here to some news report. However, it would be touching the copyright if I'd copy the whole text here. It would touch the copyright if I use the text, or a part of it, for an own publication.

It does touch copyright if any news agency does simply take photos from here, and uses them for a news report. This is touching the copyright, I think that every journalist knows this, but of course, it is tempting and some who dare think, they try and hope not to be caught :-)
If you are into journalism in a serious way you should know, that if you do need photos the chance that they cost something, is not too small. Only with good luck someone might say - ok, use them - but state my name.

I think, still too many people live in the illusion that everything on internet is for free. It is not, and I do not only talk about shipping photos here. We all know about stealing music on the internet and so on..

So, there is no reason to get angry or get bitter. Of course, if you decide to put photos on, anyone interested in using YOUR photos should ask and if demanded pay, the same way !

My attitude for example is following: If some hobbyist is asking me for a certain photo, or using photo on his or her website, that is for free, just write "photo by...". If some company who is going to use the photo for making money asks, that is not for free.

This comment by you:
"Shipowner may as well make his claim, because it's his vessel. He may even claim copyright from any news agency for accident news."

- is not true. The copyright holds the one who has taken the photo !! No matter which ship is shown.

I think, it would be best if you do try and get more information about the matters of copyright, then the chance for misunderstanding will be less.

With best regards,



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COKL wrote:
This comment by you: "Shipowner may as well make his claim, because it's his vessel. He may even claim copyright from any news agency for accident news." - is not true. The copyright holds the one who has taken the photo !! No matter which ship is shown. I think, it would be best if you do try and get more information about the matters of copyright, then the chance for misunderstanding will be less.
With best regards,

Hi Cornelia

Whilst not yet tested in the Courts, there is a movement suggesting that the owner of a vessel could claim Intellectual Property on any photographs/images made of their vessel, i.e. their property/asset.  As I say, not yet tested, but given the litigative world we live in I guess its all a matter of time  :-)


Offline miraflores

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Hi Steve,
so in the future we have to pay for a foto from e.g.  the TOWER BRIDGE or EIFFEL TOWER? I don't believe.



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miraflores wrote:
Hi Steve,
so in the future we have to pay for a foto from e.g.  the TOWER BRIDGE or EIFFEL TOWER? I don't believe.


Hi Juergen

In essence yes - stupid as it may seem - but that's the legal profession for you  :-(


Offline Cornelia Klier

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Steve, I have never heard of such, and it does sound not very realistic nor very commonsense to me. I do not give one percent chance for such initiatives, especially the shipping companies do, as far as we know, seek their profit elsewhere than in selling photos  :-D


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COKL wrote:
Steve, I have never heard of such, and it does sound not very realistic nor very commonsense to me. I do not give one percent chance for such initiatives, especially the shipping companies do, as far as we know, seek their profit elsewhere than in selling photos  

Hi Cornelia

It probably goes without saying that this is something that has surfaced its head in the States - apparently there are even some Cities and National Parks who are considering, or indeed may have enacted, charging for photographs taken within their area's . Check out a search engine and you will see plenty of discussion on the Net.  :-(

(3rd posting for those counting!)

Offline miraflores

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Steve, in 1972 I was visiting the Tower with it's Crown Jewels, absolute prohibited to make fotos.
This is a place where you can control it, as well as in many museums or churches/cathedrals.
In the public this will be not possible.


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