Author Topic: East Coast USA  (Read 2947 times)

Offline Russell Judge

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East Coast USA
« on: February 02, 2014, 05:59:53 PM »
I am in the planning stage of a trip to the US in September.
Starting in New York and ending in Savannah GA, I would appreciate any advice for best ports to visit (mainly commercial but I'll photo anything that moves [or not])
I'll be in a rental car so any information about best locations will again be most appreciated.

Thanks :)

Offline Ian Horsfall

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Re: East Coast USA
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2014, 07:48:22 PM »
Hi Russ,
This is a lot better Idea than your last one,Suez Canal.
I cant help with the east coast ports .only been to N/Y for a trans atlantic.
the James River would be interesting to me we have a lot of laid up merchant ships there.
Philly and Norfolk have Navy yards,the SS United States is laid up in Philly.
Wilmington N,Carolina ?
Charleston S,Carolina, should be an interesting historic stop.
Savannah has the nuclear cargo ship laid up the Savannah.
All ports,to get in you have to have what we Call a TWIC card, but if they have a tour you don't need one,
Get a Nav system with the rentacar, really good idea
Ports are not located in the Safeist areas, be gone after dark.
Stop for breakfast at little Mom and Pop Restauruants,not chains You don't have to pay for a 2nd cup of coffee,tip the waitress they can be great for advice in the local area.
believe me Russ you will meet some really Great people doing this and nine times out of ten they will be really helpful if you have questions
Really its just common sense, travelling in the US.have agreat trip.
Gas at present is $3.45 us gall
Next time plan a rail Journey in the Andes, "forgot you all ready did that" hehe,

Offline Kyle Stubbs

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Re: East Coast USA
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2014, 05:40:47 AM »

In New York, taking the Staten Island Ferry is almost a must for the shipspotter, it's a free ride, and the ferry goes right across the heart of the upper harbor. Plenty of ships anchored around there, especially towards the Staten Island end, and more tugs and barges moving around than you would believe.

What time I've spent in Philadelphia was mostly dedicated to touristy stuff, not ships, but a quick look makes it seem like Proprietor's Park in Gloucester City, NJ might be the best bet for seeing the Philly shipping terminals. Just down the river, there seems to be a park and boat launch at National Park, NJ right across the river from the Philadelphia Naval Yards.

Baltimore and Norfolk are both busy ports, but their layouts can make shipspotting tough. I know Norfolk offers Victory Rover harbor cruises that sail out past the naval base and several cargo terminals as well, one of those would certainly be worth the money. Seems Spirit Cruises of Baltimore also offers harbor tours that cover the inner harbor.

Unfortunately it doesn't look like Wilmington, NC offers much in the way of port views, however look into Cape Fear Riverboats for info on river cruises. Charleston, SC is probably a better bet for photos from the shore, even if it's a fairly quiet port. Patriots Point has some historic ships to tour, and looks like it offers some views of traffic in the harbor. Near Patriots Point, the Shem Creek boardwalk would provide some opportunities to photograph the local fishing fleet.

Lastly Savannah, like many southern ports, also doesn't offer many views from shore. Again you'd have to look into a sightseeing cruise such as Savannah Riverboat Cruises.

I wish you luck in planning your trip.

Kind Regards,
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