Author Topic: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands  (Read 8393 times)

Offline Cornelia Klier

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Hello all,

I've done it again ! Booked a cargoship-voyage, duration 10-11 days. Outgoing Rotterdam, via Kiel-Canal to Helsinki, from there to Kronstadt near St. Petersburg in Russia, continuing to Klaipeda and further, via Skagen to Teesport and Rotterdam, where my voyage has ended, me taking the train back to Basel then. I'd like to share some impressions from the voyage with you, please enjoy !  ;D

Ship was the 2007 built "Aila" by Sietas in Germany, owned by Langh-Ships Finland, chartered by Containerships. Crew was solely Finnish, I was the only passenger. Out of 13 people, 4 women onboard including me, which was a nice experience. Excellent Finnish food, clean ship, and as it goes, including all you can expect from such a trip.

cabin, and view backwards

welcome-drinks, and some info

few photos on River Elbe below

tht's the ship which went into the sunset

Kiel-Canal, and going to Helsinki

Arriving Helsinki, no possibility to go to city, because 500 m terminal bus, cost 20 Euros (rip-off !!) Instead, taking photos of harbour-scenes.

Going to Kronstadt, no berth available, so at anchor, together with many other types of ships, you see everything there !

Finally arriving, immigration came onboard, and me off to the city. No terminal bus, walking it is. Then, walking more, and to a bus-stop, Taking a bus into the city. Bit of an adventure, if you don't speak the langauge apart from very few words and ability to read kyrillic letters. Remembering the name of the street I walked through, helped on the way back, which was by private car. Picking up people who are waiting at the bus station is, what is done there, sometimes. Was for free too, guy didn't want any money, and collected also other folks from bus stops.

A shop was open, and I had to try some icecream, local products. Both not worse than any Western product, was with blueberry-taste and vanilla covered with chocolate.

Here some images from Kronstadt:

Statue Admiral Makarow

Know the man in grey ?  ;)


Images from Klaipeda

nice beach..


Finally to Rotterdam

Hope, you enjoyed the photos  8)



Offline spotti

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2011, 06:47:05 PM »

Hello Cornelia

You did it again, again, and ... u.s.w.  :)

Really wonderful photos, and you are right: why
stay at home when you can have such excellent
shipspotting trips, and as a bonus visiting
interesting cities and ports as well.

Looking forward to your next trip report.


Offline Dave van Spronsen

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2011, 06:57:19 PM »
Hi Cornelia,

Wonderfull pictures,
I can see you had a wonderfull trip,
keep them posting,


Admin for Containerships

Offline Chris Howell

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2011, 07:54:27 PM »
Dear Cornelia

Superb portfolio and I wish I could have been on a trip like this !

Keep up the excellent photography.


Notes on album
1. All postings are photography of Chris Howell except where stated taken from 1972 to date.
2. Photographs taken by others are credited as owned collection and photographers name where known and I own the copyright or the person mentioned in the text.

Offline Cornelia Klier

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2011, 10:33:53 AM »
Thanks alot for comments, yes these trips are not only relaxing and you get to some interesting places, plus always some excitement as you never know, what will REALLY happen (confirm, not what is on the schedule)  :P And of course, you get "driven" to the best shipspotting-places. Definitely, will do it again.



Offline snocky

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2011, 12:19:11 PM »
Cornelia, this is about 4th time i have had privelege of viewing photos & comments of your adventures at sea & i have to say thank you so much as it enhances my day each time i see such work. Would you be able to let me know cost in canadian funds of such a trip from rotterdam . From rotterdam & back to rotterdam. Thanks so much.  "BOB".

Offline miraflores

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2011, 04:31:27 PM »
Ship passing the Kiel Canal eastbound on May 29 2011


Offline Cornelia Klier

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2011, 06:58:43 PM »
Hello all, thanks alot for reading my report, for the remarks and as well for the nice photos of the ship I travelled on.

Some have contacted me with questions about this kind of trip. Most of these questions can be best answered by the agency where I have booked this trip They are, unlike me, able to get information about routes, prices, for you and also advice you if you are intending to do this kind of trip.

Offline Andrew McAlpine

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 12:05:50 AM »

A great trip report and photos as always.

thanks for sharing look forward to more...........


Offline BenZion

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Re: Voyage onboard "Aila" Netherlands-Finland-Russia-England-Netherlands
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2011, 07:28:35 PM »
It was really bright idea to take a trip on a cargo ship! Was it expensive (if not a secret)? ;)
I like your story of russian private car driver ;D
Thank you so much for this illustrated report!
Never apologize for being right!


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