Author Topic: The Shipping News Forum  (Read 23998 times)

Offline Ship's Cat

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The Shipping News Forum
« on: August 03, 2005, 11:46:11 AM »
There are many thousands of ships all over the world and every day there are news items relating to them, whether renamings, scrappings, accidents (whether resulting in the vessel sinking or not) and sales.
If you have anything relating to ships and the shipping industry that you feel is newsworthy then please feel free to share them here. All snippets of information are welcome, particularly as sometimes information is hard to come by - the recent Savannah Express/Bergen Castle prang at Southampton is a good example; most of us couldn't find anything out, until a member - Daywalker - provided us with the info.
Also, if you have any questions relating to a ship in the news, or if you are seeking info about a recent incident or event, this is the place to ask your question.


Offline Ship's Cat

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2005, 09:10:46 PM »

Offline LNGandGNG

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 05:08:34 AM »
Good morning everybody,
I would like seeing your recent experience regarding alcohol control on board of Tankers and other ships!
Many thanks!

Offline raybeti

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2005, 09:05:28 PM »
What is your problem? In all the years ,35, I was involved in berthing tankers of various flag states we had no problems hatso ever!

Ray J.(Ex Pilot)

Offline Ben

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2005, 10:21:11 PM »
So you drunk and drove? im a bit confused what this topic is all about but ill give my view on the drinking topic.

I think its a bad idea to drink at the wheel of a ship,but i have heard of lots of people who have done it in the past and i know it goes on all across the world and captains still manage to go about there jobs.

But it also causes accidents. I know of ships hitting bridges and all sorts but sure the sensible thing to do is not drink while you drive...
Thames Waterman/Lighterman - :-D Highway

Offline Aggy

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2006, 02:03:26 PM »
In 1997 I went onboard to meet the Captain of the IPEX Empress. Perhaps if he had had a drink he might have been a bit happier to answer the questions of a containership enthusiast. He smelt of coffee and cigarettes and couldn't get rid of me fast enough! Better drunk than miserable.

Aggy   :-P

Offline LNGandGNG

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2006, 04:55:35 PM »
Dears all,
Lot of problems :-( comming from the drunked seafarers especialy on board of tankers. I would like know more about your experience. Somebody told me that firs drunkers are Rusian, British, Polish, Danish officers :-D  but i would like know more about experience and control done on board of ship to avoid over drinking.
What is over drinking?
Many thanks and best regards

Offline Mark

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2006, 01:25:38 PM »
I think, every captain must respect himself and his crew, his profession.
I couldn't imagine myself drunken on the bridge!
It is profanation of the captain's profession to be drunken and navigate the ship.

Like a drunken surgeon, plane pilot, driver etc.

I know about accidents caused by drunken seamen.
Drunken seamen sometimes are on tankers, tall ships, bulkers, fishing vessels...
In most of these accidents these non-professional captains and sailors had lost diplomas, were degraded.

Drunken captain has no estime of his crew.

Best regards,

Offline moby

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2006, 07:46:23 PM »
You are speaking with right words. Unfortunately there still exist many seafarers who to not trust themselves to faced the sea,troubles and fear, without aid of liquor.

Offline Milind Balaji

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2006, 08:00:18 PM »
I do not see the value of where this thread is going. First and foremost, the gentleman in Southampton started this thread  to aid in collecting and discussing the latest goings-on in the maritime world. Now, if say there was a collision on board a Vsl due to alcohol impaired judgement then for sure, it is worth discussing on this thread.
For some reason, the thread has become about sailors and their stereotypical alcohol problems. Yes, the sea is a lonely place many a time and yes sometimes seamen will relax with a drink though it is increasingly rare these days when tight schedules and lack of sleep are the main concerns.
To imply that many a sailor today uses alcohol as an aid to loneliness or seclusion is simply irrational and stereotypical of all officers and crew.

Offline Mark

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2006, 12:57:12 AM »
It's truth, Msport.

I gues, everything is for everybody, alcohol too.

But everybody should know: when, where and when stop.
That's all.
Everything, we do, demands some rationality.

Offline moby

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2006, 08:29:57 AM »
Hallo all there.
I was servicing as an AB on board the Norwegian cruiser named Viking Royal Sky in 1973, the lifeboat certificate was compulsory and everyone onboard should to have it and had to got it if not have, there was training for a month or so, and end of it there was the exam held by the staff captain.
All of us cleared the exam and the results of the examination were send, so I supposed -  to the Board of Trade in Norwegian for writing the

Offline Charles McAllister

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2006, 09:31:00 PM »

I'm not an expert on certifications in survival craft for ships' crews, especially not in Norway.  That being said, I would contact Norwegian Cruise Lines, since they purchased Royal Viking Lines in 1984.  NCL later sold off ships, but I do not know of any sale of the Royal Viking name or corporate structure, so I would start with NCL. Corporate offices are in Miami, Florida in the US.

Contact information is here:

Good luck in your search.  One other thing: It would be better for you to start a new topic under "Ship spotters".  Where you are now is not visited by many members (I saw your request only by accident),  as it is an old topic thread.  More members will view it if you start a new topic as I described, and perhaps there are other members who can help you more than I.

Good luck in your search; I know it is an important certification, still recognized by many authorities (needs updated training, but still valid in many jurisdictions?).


Offline jackieli

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2006, 02:35:03 AM »
Does anyone have any photos of Cosco Rotterdam's minor collision???

Offline Kakoulakis Giannis

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Re: The Shipping News Forum
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2006, 11:45:42 AM »
hallo to all...
I would like to make a question about the new funnel logo of Minoan lines' ships..
Minoan lines if you know changed there funnel logo...
do you like it????
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