Author Topic: posting historic photographs - policy question  (Read 6746 times)

Offline Pete Davies

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Re: posting historic photographs - policy question
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2020, 02:38:27 PM »
I don't post very often, but I'd like to comment on this thread which, as DAVIDSHIPS has said, seems to have been hijacked/wandered off topic or whatever one likes to call it. I used to post photographs on different sites - not related to shipping - and I found that they kept being taken by "G..... Im...s" among others, without even the courtesy of asking me. I know that some sites and individual people put watermarks of some sort in the view, but all that does is obscure some vital part of the photo. The annoying (at least) habit of taking other people's photos for other purposes breaches copyright and prompts many (including me) to stop submitting them for publication. There. End of rant. I'll go back to sleep!


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