Author Topic: Standing Down  (Read 25439 times)

Offline Ken Smith

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Standing Down
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:45:03 AM »

Hello All,

It is with much regret that I must announce that I am standing down as Webmaster and with this announcement I can confess that I am 89 years old and cannot continue under the present cloud of mistrust that I that I find myself in.

I have recently been accused by some Admins of an offence of which I was entirely innocent and this innocence has been confirmed but sadly as the saying goes mud sticks.

I do not want it to be seen that I am walking away from my responsibilities so I have ensured that someone is available to replace me and that person is Derek Sands.

I hope that I have served this website well over the past three years or so as Webmaster, I do know from messages received that many of you have express your contentment but what has happened has been very hurtful to me as has affected me more than I at first realised so I have decided it would be best all round if I just quietly disappear and leave it to my successor.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on this Website over the past eleven years in the various roles that I have held but time has caught up with me so I must now think of myself.

I will be leaving this Website with extreme regret, it will leave a large gap in my life, I do not think I have done anything wrong, others may disagree but as the saying goes all good things must come to an end, I leave with no animosity and wish each and everyone of you all the very best for the future and long may this website continue.

Kind Regards and Best Wishes.

Ken Smith



Offline Emmanuel.L

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2015, 05:10:15 AM »
let me be one of the thousands who appreciate and thank you for what you have done for the website all  these years, at 80 years you have the right to stand back and take a well deserved rest from the hectic (though unjustly unthanked from those very few) years in which you saw and helped the site grow and mature into what we have today.
Take life more at a more leisurely pace Ken, but do not refrain from posting interesting photos and comments.
So from a 70 years old admirer ,and in the name of a lots of others, Thank you  Ken.

Offline PWR

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2015, 05:29:38 AM »
Thank you for all the help you have given me I will miss you  Cheers and Thanks again

Offline Mike Griffiths

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2015, 06:20:55 AM »
Ken, thanks for the huge efforts you have made for this site.
Now maybe you can "retire" and even maybe take a nice enjoyable cruise pick up some nice ship photos!!!
Regards Mike

Offline simonwp

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2015, 06:27:12 AM »
I think we all appreciate your time and efforts over the years, and you deserve a huge vote of thanks. It's been a difficult task recently to be webmaster, especially as most "disputes" do not involve you directly, but as webmaster you have had to get involved and try and moderate which has been stressful.

Enjoy your "retirement"!!!!!


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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2015, 07:03:35 AM »
Firstly let me express the gratitude on behalf of all the members and admin team for all that Ken has done for the site over the years.

There is a role for Ken still to play on the site if he wants to and Ken has been advised of this. It would be nice to have his watchfulness keeping an eye on the site and team as his "minions" at last take the strain and do most of the work. What he has given to the site over the years is hard to quantify. But everyone would like him to continue to be a part of that, his expertise on the cataloguing of the naval vessels will be hard to replace as for many other things to.

For the interim period I will share the duties of Webmaster with Derek Lilley but many things need to change for everyone to get the best out of the site. The strain should never again rest on just one man. Derek and myself are sure that a committee of 4 admins with joint Webmaster status and privileges is the way forward. We will actively seek candidates as soon as possible. The need for more admins and the updating of many functions on the site is also needed. I would after this interim period willingly step aside if this was felt to benefit the site.

In the meantime Ken I wish you all the best, I know we have not always seen eye to eye, but please consider the position of President Emeritus on the site. Its your due for all your hard work and for you to remain the figurehead of the site, a familiar face for the members who will be reassured with your presence.

kind regards


Offline Tomas

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2015, 07:29:36 AM »
For real? What the hell happened to the nice site we enjoyed so much?
Ah, i am concidering closing my account here as well.
Having had a bad feeling about shipspotting for the last years, i felt like posting until 10 000 photos, only 100 away now, but i am wondering...

Thanks for the good effort Ken.


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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2015, 07:37:33 AM »
Hi Tomas,

Although Ken has named me as his successor that is not really too accurate.
What I have always said is that I would not see the site leaderless and would step
in if needed. I was contacted and agreed to step in at short notice.
If it benefits the site I am happy to step aside at any time in the future.

The site as you say needs to settle down into a friendly and quiet forum to upload photos to and enjoy the conversation and camaraderie of other members.

best regards

Offline John Grace

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2015, 08:12:17 AM »
Ken, I just want to add my thanks for your efforts over the years. Watching the site for a few years now it has been obvious what a difficult and at times thankless task it has been. I think that Derek's suggestion of a group taking over the task is an idea worth trying, in order to spread the load. Please keep contributing as your efforts will still be welcome and you can now relax and enjoy the site without the pressure.

Offline B.Clark

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2015, 08:39:54 AM »
Sorry it had to end like this, many thanks Ken for all your effort and inputs

Offline Ken Smith

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2015, 09:11:27 AM »
Hi Derek

It is now obvious that this was a plan to remove me but it could have been handled better, I think knuckles may be wrapped.

I have had False Accusations made against me by several Admins who appeared happy to apportion blame without any evidence as can be seen in this message to me.

What on earth is going on? I wake up this morning to find that I am banned from accessing my PMs and the admin forum. I can't find you listed on shipspotting and Derek Sands tells me that you have banned him without notice.

Here is the evidence from Henrik, Just to be clear. Ken did not mess up any admin accounts.

This is not an attempt to stir things up, I have no wish to do that, I do however feel that the record should be put straight so that members can better understand my reasons for Standing Down, I had no real reason or wish to do so but as I have already said there was a atmosphere of mistrust without any foundation which really hurt and I could no longer live or work with it.

I do not want any special Title imposed upon me and I have already put in motion my request for the future I hope it will be carried out.

My thanks again to all those that have expressed their thoughts to me, I really appreciate them.

Kind Regards


Offline Hannes van Rijn

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2015, 10:13:28 AM »
Can anyone tell me, how did it come to this, a peaceful site to a site where it is not pleasant to be a member anymore.

Ken thanks for all those years that you have led shipsspotting like a big family with you as a great leader.
Thank you !!!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 10:16:15 AM by Hannes van Rijn »


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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2015, 10:20:37 AM »
Hi Ken,

Some may have had a plan to remove you but as I explained to you many times already I was not part of that.Nor would I be part of it either, I did say to you that I would not return to the team either unless you were Webmaster. However after our long and cordial conversation on the phone I agreed to return to the team at your request. But my return to the team did not last and I will not go into details but it was made to uncomfortable for me to remain. I decided to withdraw from the site until things had settled down.

Now we all know who the culprit was for the meltdown in the admin team after he cleverly deleted my profile, and several others in the team knowing that initially you would get the blame. However he was found out and I have apologised more than once for jumping to the wrong conclusion.I asked you for an end to the matter and withdrew from the website.

I did not ask and nor is it my place to request you stand down, I have only volunteered to be stand in until such time as the team is able to go forward if anyone is uncomfortable with that then they can PM me without rancour as it would be nice if this forum was left for comments of appreciation of your service to this site and the members.

I appeal to you once again to remain on the site and grace it with your photos.

kind regards


Offline Ken Smith

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2015, 10:37:26 AM »

Hi Derek,

I am not going to get involved with you, members can draw their own conclusions, I have just outlined my reason and how hurt an upset I am about the whole episode.


Offline Darren

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Re: Standing Down
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2015, 12:38:20 PM »
I really cannot believe all that I am reading, sure I do not post much on here but I read lots !!

With all the atrocities going on in the world it saddens me why a group of enthusiasts/photographers/spotters feel the need to treat each other this way. or ?????


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