Author Topic: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates  (Read 4629 times)

Offline lars henriksen

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*UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« on: January 13, 2011, 08:33:54 PM »
According to still unconfirmed information, the six crew members, including two Danes from the Danish cargo ship Leopard, abducted by pirates. It quotes the acclaimed Tradewinds newspaper sources to say Thursday night.

Turkish soldiers - according to unconfirmed reports - allegedly arrived on board the Danish ship, and have found that both the pirates and the six-man crew is gone.

If it proves to be true, this is a completely new development in the approach pirates previously applied.

According to the newspaper's information, the six crew members be transferred to a notorious pirate mother ship, a hijacked Taiwanese fishing vessel.

Pirate mother ship, according be where Jin Chun Tsai 68, seen below.

But all information is still unconfirmed.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 08:37:10 PM by lars henriksen »

Offline Fred Vloo

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Re: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 08:36:59 PM »

Hi Lars,

Why not post your mails in the same thread?

Have fun

Offline lars henriksen

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Re: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2011, 08:48:03 PM »
Hi Fred

Because I felt it was not necessary ..
Unless there is something wrong with it .. :-)
But I will try to limit myself ..

Offline Darryl1988

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Re: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2011, 12:19:39 AM »
I genuinely believe that we should be allowed to defend ourselves. Shipping companies are happy to charge conflict zone rates to customers but not willing to allow us to defend ourselves in a conflict zone. Foreign Naval presence is not helping the problem, Piracy is a worldwide issue and the only way to tackle it is to allow us to carry arms to defend ourself.
However, we all know that in this wonderful PC (Political Correct) world we live in the man that makes the decision sitting in a nice office will not make that decision until the gun is waved in his face! Politicians etc that say we should not be given weapons should come and try to do the job!
If you want to discover new horizons, you must first have the courage to lose sight of the shore!

Offline Daniel B

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Re: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2011, 12:46:47 AM »
This is a very strange world we live in...Apparently, some men have set foot on the moon and came back to tell us 'bout what they felt and saw. This is quite an achievement,a gigantic step forward!
But then, it has been a few years since ships are being stolen on the oceans and crews are held hostages for months in what we dare to call a free world. Amazingly, no government,seems to be ready to act with force to stop this nonsence. Most every country have military ressources that are lying peacefully in some home bases while there in actually no world war. So why not go out on an huge naval exercice in offshore waters of pirates countries and capture them without harm, and put them to work painting all the vessels of the world that are streaked with rust and that need upkeep. And yes pay those pirates painters for their work!

Offline Trucker001

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Re: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2011, 01:21:52 AM »
 all ships sailing trough that area SHOULD be ARMED for self defense rather left there as undefended and as targets for profit they need to be protected better to stop this .. at least give them a fighting chance as the navies are almost always too far away and the pirates are now using captured ships as mother ships while holding crews
:lol:  :-D  :-D

Offline lars henriksen

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Re: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2011, 07:32:01 AM »
Company Ship Craft has now confirmed that it is true that the six-man crew - including two Danes - on board at the company freighter Leopard, has disappeared after the ship Wednesday came under attack by pirates in Gulf of Aden.

"Our focus now is to verify the crew situation and get them home safely. The current situation is that we are not in possession of confirmed information about where the crew find themselves ", says company director Claus Bech, in a written statement to the press. It informs Ritzau.

Opposite confirmed a press officer for the NATO naval force in the Gulf of Aden on Thursday night, soldiers from the Turkish Friday Gaziantep has boarded the Danish ship.

"When we were told that Leopard was attacked, put the Turkish vessel Gaziantep headed for the spot, and when they came close to a helicopter flew repeatedly over the ship. We had been told that the crew had gone into a security room, but we could not get in touch with them, "said Lieutenant Commander Jacqui Sheriff told the newspaper.

The helicopter flew over several times, but since there were no signs of life, was a force from the Turkish ship aboard the Leopard. You searched Mon ship for several hours without finding signs of life.

"There was no one on board and we had to ascertain that the crew was taken hostage by pirates," says Jacqui Sheriff to

Of the communication company has released, it is not apparent whether the pirates have claimed a ransom for the crew. And it is not clear whether the cargo is intact - that the pirates have removed sections of or the entire load.

Leopard is approved to operate with such weapons, and the company is known to sail with this type of cargo. But it is not known if the ship had weapons or other war equipment on board when it was attacked by pirates on Wednesday.

Ship Craft also said that the company next Wednesday has been in close contact with all relevant authorities to mobilize the necessary assistance.

From the official Danish side there is deafening silence on the matter.

"We have no comment", said Ambassador and Head of Communications in Foreign Affairs, Klavs Holm, according Nor did the Danish armed forces want to comment on the matter.

Neither has it been possible to have neither confirmed nor denied the information that the crew can be brought on board a pirate mother ship and that it is about the hijacked of Taiwanese fishing vessel Jin Chun Tsai 68th

Offline kasco

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Re: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2011, 02:11:23 PM »
I could not agree more.
There is enough war ships, go in and put a stop to this practice once and for all.


Offline Kelvin Davies

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Re: *UPDATE 3* MS LEOPARD Attacked by pirates
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2011, 07:18:15 PM »
I assume those beating their chests and advocating all manner of armed responses have actually done some of this personally? You know, got into an armed conflict where real people get killed and maimed?
It has been found that, since the introduction of the "Citadel" principles, the pirates used their brains and started carrying explosives. Bang (no pun intended) goes the Citadel theory.
Now apply that to the idea of arming merchant ships. The pirates will just go armed with bigger or more lethal weapons and will be more than happy to use them first. To them, slaughtering half the crew is of no consequence if they can still make off with a ship and cargo worth millions.
The answers to this problem are far more complex than some of you seem to think.
First, there has to be a focus on getting a government in Somalia. That would help.
Next, there should be some cooperation among the ship owners and governments with the aim of introducing a convoy system. To help move this along, insurance companies could stop providing cover for ship owners that refuse to cooperate. That would concentrate some minds. The ship owners would have to fund the navy escorts in a convoy but that could be offset by a massive reduction in insurance premiums.
PS the Jin Chun Tsai may not have been involved in this one. It is possible that the vessel involved as FV Tai Yuan 227, now renamed Malaysia 618.


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