Author Topic: CHRIS HOWELL Album  (Read 19678 times)

Offline Cornelia Klier

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« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2009, 10:32:12 AM »
Hi Steve,
I cannot believe that copyright rules are so ridiculous, when a negative has changed owner.
I acquired a batch of negatives from the wife of the the guy who had run airfoto Malacca without any note that I have now the copyright. As he is now dead and his wife did not mention anything to keep the copyright. I think the negs are now my copyright.
I exchanged as well several negatives with other international shiplovers and in any case both of us were clear, that the copyright will swap with the negative. And I made several copies of those vessel to exchange copies.
I exchanged as well negatives with J


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« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2009, 06:13:35 PM »

Derek sands wrote:
Hi Steve,

My stance has not changed but the circumstance which may govern it has.
I am sure the new owner will not want claims against the site.
But I must make him aware of this thread and not just go it alone as I have
done in the past.

The FAQ has not changed

best regards

Hi Derek

Thanks for confirming that nothing has changed (yet) so the existing FAQ should be an ample guide to those considering posting photographs not taken by themselves.


Offline Gerolf Drebes

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« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2009, 07:41:26 PM »
Hi Steve,
you are correct, the FAQ in this strictness is not useful for negative holders, maybe they are bought or exchanged. They cannot post scans from these negatives and I have offended against that FAQ while submitted scans of my airfoto negatives.
I will discuss this in the admin forum, so that we get a result, which does cover this point.
Have nice and peaceful holidays


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« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2009, 08:44:56 PM »

Gedre wrote:
Hi Steve,
you are correct, the FAQ in this strictness is not useful for negative holders, maybe they are bought or exchanged. They cannot post scans from these negatives and I have offended against that FAQ while submitted scans of my airfoto negatives.
I will discuss this in the admin forum, so that we get a result, which does cover this point.
Have nice and peaceful holidays

Hi Gerolf

Look forward to reading about the outcome of your discussions -no doubt the results will be posted to the Forum?


Offline Chris Howell

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« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2009, 02:02:07 AM »
After communication with administration I will post scans where I personally hold the negatives or slides even if I do not know who the photographer was. My understanding which I believe is the accepted norm in my thirty years of swapping the copyright goes with the swap. IE As an example my photo of Port Auckland going to say Friend A, he has copyright as I have for the swap he say sends of Port Townsville. I do not believe anyone will challenge the copyright of my old scans.This is my last comment on the subject and if anyone has a problem don't look at my album. Naturally I do not expect anyone to download from my album for swapping or commercial gain without permission,only for their personal album and pleasure.
Notes on album
1. All postings are photography of Chris Howell except where stated taken from 1972 to date.
2. Photographs taken by others are credited as owned collection and photographers name where known and I own the copyright or the person mentioned in the text.

Offline Arnes

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« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2009, 02:18:56 AM »
just go on Chris, you have many wonderful photos which I enjoy a lot. If this goes OK then maybe I wil continue uploading again also.
But please stay clear of these DVDs from J

Offline Gerolf Drebes

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« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2009, 07:53:25 AM »
Hi Chris,
I made a thread in the admin forum to include owned negatives in the FAQ for uploading photos.
So just go on posting your wonderful old photos !!

Offline Kelvin Davies

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« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2009, 09:51:29 AM »
This is becoming a minefield and the comments above don't help.
The copyright laws in New Zealand clearly give the photographer copyright to a photograph, unless the photograph was commissioned by another, who then is the copyright holder.
A person who is not the copyright holder can display another's photograph, for example in a gallery, but may not post the photograph on the internet, as this involves copying of the work.
The law also states that copyright is infringed when a person does something to a work in a way that is reserved to the copyright owner, unless permission has been granted.
As for the argument of British vs New Zealand law, this is irrelevant as both countries are signatories to various international conventions. Pretty much the same rules apply, regardless of where you may be in the world.
The law in New Zealand specifies that, if a person wants to use a work in any way that may infringe the rights of the copyright holder, then the copyright holder can grant a licence to use the work in specific ways, and a fee is usually charged for that licence. (only 'usually', not obligatory).
Two problems arise here:
First; when a viewer sees the thumbnails on this site, there is a clear copyright notice at the bottom of the thumbnail. So, regardless of what one may write in the accompanying description etc, the initial view states quite clearly that the copyright belongs to the poster.
Second; As you have received a lot of negatives from Jorgen Lohn and there has been a lot of controversy over what he actually owns in terms of copyright, getting permission from him may be worthless.
You could therefore quite innocently post a photograph, thinking you have the appropriate permission. The original photographer may later see your posting with the copyright being attributed to yourself and that could get both yourself and the site into trouble.
As I said; it is a minefield but the major problem does seem to arise from the posting on the internet which is seen as 'copying'.
I suppose, in a way, the site itself has some liability too.
Click on a photograph and at the bottom left corner is the label 'Photographer'.
It would be more accurate and less controversial if this label was to read 'Poster'.


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« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2009, 10:05:59 AM »

Gedre wrote:
Hi Chris,
I made a thread in the admin forum to include owned negatives in the FAQ for uploading photos.
So just go on posting your wonderful old photos !!

Hi Gerolf

Well as an Admin no doubt you will discuss the existing FAQ @

"You can upload any ship photo that you have taken. Do not upload photos from any other source as this could result in a breach of copyright, UNLESS you have explicit permission from another photographer to post their photographs to a web site that is in the Public Domain. State the name and permission given by that photographer in the Description box."

This is CURRENT guidance on the sites FAQs and if you are now allowing exceptions to copyright then your wording should be amended - that would then make the sites stance CLEAR. The existing FAQ clearly cuts across what you have now agreed as acceptable.

Of course the acceptance of images onto this site without know copyright will probably open up the flood gates and perhaps we have no solid base now to object to others who steal photographs from the site and use for their own purposes.

Offline Hans Neren

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« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2009, 10:08:16 AM »
Kelvin wrote....
Click on a photograph and at the bottom left corner is the label 'Photographer'.
It would be more accurate and less controversial if this label was to read 'Poster

I am no one here along with all you top posters but it is funny, on the few photos I have post here, original slides that I have bought from Marc Piche, and with permission from Marc Piche I have stated Copyright Marc Piche still it says that it is my copyright, but I am only posting this original slide that I have bought, and  with his permission

Offline Gerolf Drebes

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« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2009, 05:09:49 PM »
yes, we discuss this in the admin forum and we will have a solution.


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« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2009, 05:37:25 PM »

Gedre wrote:
yes, we discuss this in the admin forum and we will have a solution.

Good to hear Gerolf - perhaps this will enable the deletion of the Copyright Questionable ? Category  :lol:


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« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2009, 09:43:24 AM »

Derek sands wrote:
Hi Everyone,

A solution to a problem like this is not easy to formulate.
It will take time and patience and in the end will not satisfy everyone.

I have not even thought about it over Christmas as time is devoted to my family.

best regards

Must say I am confused Derek - on one hand we have Gerolf confirming the sites position in his earlier post as:

"I made a thread in the admin forum to include owned negatives in the FAQ for uploading photos.
So just go on posting your wonderful old photos !!

Crossed wires - so can we please have clarification on this matter - i.e. does the status quo remain, the position before Gerolf's proclamation?



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« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2009, 11:17:12 AM »

Derek sands wrote:
Hi Steve,

Gerolf has made a proposal that's all, the discussion will continue and of course the owner of the site will have his say.
Chris is refraining from the Jorgen Lonn negatives at present I believe.
However he has a number of slides he is scanning with permission and creditation. This problem will not go away so it is best to take enough time to come up with a workable solution so at present nothing has been altered. As you know I have championed free speach in the forums.
You yourself in the past when a member of this team expressed opinions in the forum as an "ordinary member" so I cannot stop Gerolf from saying
what he feels and it is his right to express an opinion, as so soundly defended by you in the past.

best regards

Hi Derek

Indeed so but I always took my Admin Hat off if speaking as an "individual member" - problem abounds when mixing both in the same post - I certainly took the impression from Gerolf's postings throughout this and the other similar thread that he was speaking on behalf of the Admins and that a decision had been taken.


Offline Gordy

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« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2010, 05:47:03 AM »
It was refreshing to what you said Chris, about anyone can use your photos for personal or private use. If I do use one of yours mate I will always say who it came from and your name or site as a mark of respect...and I thank you for the great collection u post. I have a number of photo's from my fathers collection and they are for anyones use. My father had them for years, mostly ships from Australia and New Zealand and he gave them to my brother and i just before he passed away in 2009. I have posted some on here under the name of Gordy but have been posting in another forum.

Keep the photos coming Chris u have a fantastic collection, mine consist of lots of old Australian and NZ vessels early last century etc.

Cheers and GB



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