Author Topic: Tyneside to lose a good photo spot.  (Read 3228 times)

Offline Brian Cawkwell

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Tyneside to lose a good photo spot.
« on: December 05, 2009, 08:29:50 PM »
I am asking for help , my council is about to build offices on the old Harton Staithes site at the Mill Damm , South Shields overlooking the river Tyne and towards the royal quays marina. (deep breath)

Please read my thread on here :-

Thanking you


Offline rathey

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Re: Tyneside to lose a good photo spot.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2009, 09:37:14 PM »
If the trees in front of Tyne Street grow much taller we'll loose another!


Offline Allan RO

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Re: Tyneside to lose a good photo spot.
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2009, 09:49:43 PM »
Hi Geordie-lads

My sympathies,  but in this morning's paper I see someone has been prevented from taking photos of a cathedral, me thinks that if the present regime prevails, it will soon be deemed a criminal offence to carry or use a camera in public.   Only the thousnds of STASI CCTV cameras will be left working.

On the otherhand Cawky, you could get a job with the council and you'd probably get a better view from the top-floor offices.  I'm sure you'd be able to work flexitime to get you some spare time for photos.


Offline Brian Cawkwell

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Re: Tyneside to lose a good photo spot.
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2009, 12:15:35 PM »
Hi Derek ,
the forum that the link is to is down at the moment.


Offline Brian Cawkwell

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Re: Tyneside to lose a good photo spot.
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2009, 04:40:24 PM »

Offline Robert J Smith

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Re: Tyneside to lose a good photo spot.
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2009, 05:09:44 PM »
"Our" spotting habitat seems to be declining everywhere these days, Last week I paid a visit to the Royal Portbury Dock in Avonmouth, first time for a couple of years. Views like this were available through the high railing perimeter fence from the Marsh Industrial Estate but I found that the fence had been lined with a solid metal barrier so that no view was possible.
A sign of the times I suppose.



Offline Paul King

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Re: Tyneside to lose a good photo spot.
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2009, 06:30:52 PM »


26 November 2009

Mr King
Tyne Street
North Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE30 1NF

Via email:  [email protected]

   Councillor Jim Allan
Leader of the Labour Group

North Tyneside Council
The Silverlink North
Cobalt Business Park
North Tyneside
NE27 0BY

Tel: 0191 643 5991

E-mail: [email protected]

Dear Mr King

I refer to our correspondence on the subject of trees and bushes on the bank sides of the Tyne near your home.

I have received advice from Council Regeneration Officers to the effect that work is to start on the bank sides in December 2009.  The work to be undertaken will begin at the Stagline building and move progressively east during the winter period, with results on site being very visible very quickly.

A litter pick will take place after the tree management work is carried out.

Some of the work will necessitate the closing off of some of Clive Street for a period of time while it is carried out.

The plan is for


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