Author Topic: 3 Men killed of the IOW  (Read 9072 times)

Offline Captain M

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Re: 3 Men killed of the IOW
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2006, 09:57:26 AM »
Had a classic situation last night which highlights some yachtsmen

Offline JoK

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Re: 3 Men killed of the IOW
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2006, 10:53:34 AM »
I was on my rounds 0410 in the morning, a few years ago, as we made our way through the Strait of Belle Isle.  The engine suddenly slowed down and I beat it back to the control room to see what was going on with it. I arrived in the C/R in time to see the telegraphs go hard astern. Then you wait for the sudden stop, there is either another ship or land dead ahead. Change of watch-the new mate on the bridge has seen something the previous mate didn't.
After a few minutes, the phone rang "I suppose you are wondering what the @#!# is going on? We just had a fishing boat go across our bow"
The mate went on to say how he lost it under the bow and thought we had hit it, until it went scooting by down the side of the ship.
"#@$@* idiot", the mate continued, "he doesn't know how lucky he is, I haven't had a coffee yet."

But, telling this story there is another side. I worked the fishery patrol vessels for a bit. We used to drift watching fishing boats overnight while maintaining radio silence. It was not uncommon to get phone calls in the middle of the night from the bridge, telling us to be be prepared for a quick start. There would be a large container ship bearing down on us and not showing signs of altering course. This is not in the middle of the ocean either, this is a travelled shipping lane. We would end up starting up and moving because the mate on the other ship was either asleep or not watching the radar.

Offline kchallice

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Re: 3 Men killed of the IOW
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2006, 03:41:13 AM »
Hi Hawkeye.

The Digital Black box on board the Pride of Bilbao records (amongst other things) course changes, speed and most importantly, is linked to six microphones spread across the bridge. (I know this as i was serving on her when it was installed)

If anything happened between the Pride of Bilbao and the sailing vessel, then the black box would have recorded the sudden (if small) decrease in speed, and also the voices of the officer of the watch and the lookout on the bridge, instantly poiting the finger at the PoB.

However, the International Regulations for Preventing Collisons at sea (rule of the road to most mariners), does indeed say that (in simple terms) power gives way to sail. However, a sailing vessel is only considered a sailing vessel when any engines she may have on board are not being used. Can anyone confirm she was under sail or under power?

Also, the pride of bilbao, between the nab tower and portsmouth harbour follows the shipping channel. Rule 9 (RoR) states that a vessel less than 20 metres in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede, or cross ahead of, a vessel which can only safely navigate in a channel.

As well as this, Rule 18 states that 'a sailing vessel shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to manouvre', and considering the PoB had a much larger draught, and sailing vessels must also not impede the passage of vessels constrained by their draught (draught relating to the depth and width of safely navigable water, of which the PoB WAS constrained to), means to me basically that the Sailing vessel seems to be wrong in this situation.

Also, if it helps, five short blasts on the ships whistle/bell means 'please state your intentions'.

I hope this clears things up for you all!

Offline Hawkeye

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Re: 3 Men killed of the IOW
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2006, 09:46:57 PM »
Something else to add on this subject.
It was reported in the British media sometime last week, during my time ashore, that a 61 year old Officer on the Pride of Bilbao has been arrested by the Police in connection with the collision with a yacht. I believe he was charged with neglagence (or something alonglong those lines).
Did anyone else see this article?  


Offline Kelvin Davies

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Re: 3 Men killed of the IOW
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2006, 10:13:33 PM »
That is correct; a 61 year old officer from the Pride of Bilbao was arrested and released on bail.
As far as I can tell, he has not been charged with anything yet.
I think I may have mentioned in an earlier mail this was more or less what I expected.
No boat or wreckage has been found so the authorities can not yet say that anything has happened which makes it difficult or even impossible to charge anybody with any crime.
I don't know if Southampton VTS radar covers that section of coast, although I am sure Portsmouth should cover it. As the radar data seems to be stored (look at the evidence used in the case of the Donald Redford; that used stored radar data) I am suprised that nothing has been said about this.
If the data shows the accident then there might be a case already. If the yacht was not visible on their radar then it is logical to assume it would not have shown up on the ferry's radar either so, if the ferry couldn't see the yacht, where is the crime?
I know I am old and cynical but I fear the authorities are just looking for someone to blame. The UK has become a "got to find someone to blame" society recently.
Let's wait and see.

Offline Ron

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Re: 3 Men killed of the IOW
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2007, 01:01:50 AM »
The BBC now report the court appearance of the P&O employee in court yesterday charged with "manslaughter due to gross negligence".

Offline Kelvin Davies

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Re: 3 Men killed of the IOW
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2007, 11:09:04 AM »
The officer is an ex P&O employee who was working on a contract basis for P&O at the time.
He is due to appear in Winchester Crown court next Friday.
As Winchester is only 15 miles form me, I may just go along and give his lawyers some of the photos I have of WAFIs in the Solent sailing across ships bows and totally disregarding any "Clear Channel" rules etc.



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