Author Topic: In Depth: Interview: Smart Ships Are Coming!  (Read 2381 times)

Offline Captain Ted

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Re: In Depth: Interview: Smart Ships Are Coming!
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2017, 08:31:32 PM »
Very interesting what was said however some bigger aspects, and very costly ones were not addressed at all.
One of the biggest mentioned matters is always the cost of human errors, however those errors are often the
result of under qualified personal as we can see nowadays all too often.
But nevertheless a few points from my side
(and NO I am not against it, as I will retire in the next 3-4 years it will not effect me, therefore I
don,t mind too much)
Below a few things which come to my mind as sailor

1) How the ships are moored in ports, conventional ?
   Then a port like Rotterdam would need a huge pool of people who handle
   the mooring. Those people will be compared with sailors very expensive
   and still big potential of human error.

   Or are all piers worldwide equipped with a for example a magnetic system
   which holds the vessel in place and the magnets going with the ship up and down ?
   Or like some museo ships,, permanent devices which can open or close itself.

2) how tugs attach themselves to the vessels, do they need
   a) crew on the tug
   b) mooring gangs on the ship, both human error again

3) Are the ships piloted into ports by remote too ?
   Are those highly skilled peoples in the socalled remote-centers really cheaper then sailors.
   Can one person in those centers really handle more then one ship at a time on the Maas river ?
4) Regular checking on technical equipment, Are those highly paid technicans really
   cheaper then a permanent ships electrician/electronics officer ?

5) How to catch up with a ship in distress, flying in a technical help crew ?

6) and last but not least, who is responsible when things go really wrong.

I am sure there are more open questions, this comes just to my mind withhin 5 minutes writting

Until now they have always a captain to hang,,they hang the PC programmers ? or the
technican who made the last overhaul,, or the owners,,  just in case  etc etc

To let sail a ship over a ocean,,that is the easy part and can be done since years  with no crew
if wanted, nothing new there, the technology is long time available.
But what I presently doubt is the statement that it is much more cost efficient then ships with crews.
80 % or more of the world fleet is now run by 2nd and 3rd world cheap crews and they are more expensive
then highly paid programmers/technicians/mooring gangs/remote controller/visual pilots and so on and on ?

Having my doubt there.

NOW!!!,,,if we could get rid of the sailors,,how safe shipping would be !!!!!!!!


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