Author Topic: the sold of the Norway was cancelled  (Read 2475 times)

Offline Lucas Latreche

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the sold of the Norway was cancelled
« on: January 18, 2006, 02:00:19 PM »
Hi to all of you

The difficulties encountered by Clemenceau to cross Suez Canal and the stress laid on the asbestos-covered ships, on this occasion, cause unexpected consequences : the sale of ex-France was cancelled by its owner, Star Cruise.


   December 27, 2005, the maritime company Star Cruise, current owner of the steamer Norway, the ex-France, sold the ship with an American company, Global Marketing System (GMS). Which was on the point of reselling it with an Indian demolition contracter with whom it works regularly, Shree RAM Vessel Crap Ldt, of Alang. But the fear of a lawsuit, where justice could only apply the convention of Basle, prohibiting the sale with the countries of the South of the asbestos-covered ships, made fear.

   A few months ago, the departure of the steamer of Bremerhaven, in Germany, obtained the green light of the harbour authorities, because, at the time, Star Cruise declared that the ship was to join an Australian company and renaviguer. What placed it apart from the convention of Basle which regent only the demolitions.

   Patatras. The terms of the sale to American company GMS, stipulating that the steamer was to be demolished, contradicted the first declarations of Cruise Star. And left the large door open to the attack of the ecomovements. Right now, the legal services of Cruise Star estimate that, if the company persists in its intention to send the ship to breakage, it could be seen inflicting a penalty of several tens of million dollars ! Star Cruise reconsidered thus the sale and refunded the purchaser. Norway is not any more to sell, in any case for the demolition. It comprises much more asbestos than Clemenceau. The spokesman of Star Cruise, Jane Poh, speaks about 3 000 T !

   By drawing the attention of the world to the asbestos contained in the ships, the militants of Greenpeace caused a small miracle for the in love ones with the steamer : they pushed back the end of Norway. Business to be followed with, undoubtedly, of new bounces...

8-) Mr Express Apollon

Offline Phil English

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Re: the sold of the Norway was cancelled
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 02:46:28 PM »
Hmmm. This is not what Global Marketing Systems (GMS) were saying on Monday. According to their latest report, the Norway should be ready to depart for the Indian sub continent next week. However, due to the hysteria surrounding the Clemenceau and asbestos content, it is doubtful that Indian authorities will provide the necessary clearance. As a result, GMS anticipate that she will end up in Chittagong for demolition.

I imagine that the Ouest-France story relates to a previous sale which failed and to which I had previously referred in another thread. Anyway, only time will tell...


Offline Lucas Latreche

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Re: the sold of the Norway was cancelled
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 03:37:00 PM »
yes we will see.However nothing is really clear with this ship.There were and there are many rumours.

8-) Mr Express Apollon

Offline Glenn Towler

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Re: the sold of the Norway was cancelled
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2006, 09:59:31 AM »
I have just recived this information by eamil: "France's TV FR3 report that Star Cruises have cancelled the recent sale of NORWAY to Indian scrappers.
The reversal came from fears of potential legal action being taken against the company for breaking an
agreement to not sell the asbestos-laden ship for scrap when she was towed away from Bremerhaven last
year. Various environmental groups have recently put pressure on European nations for selling toxic ships
to Asian shipbreakers where standards are more relaxed. There are further reports that suggest the
Malaysian Government has been investigating the sale.  
The NORWAY, inactive since a fatal boiler explosion in Miami killed eight crew members in 2003, remains
at anchor off Port Klang, Malaysia."


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