Author Topic: Talks with Somali Pirates over Fiana underway  (Read 1050 times)

Offline Shaurya Kant Joshi

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Talks with Somali Pirates over Fiana underway
« on: December 18, 2008, 11:39:05 AM »
Talks With Somali Pirates Over Hi-Jacked Ukrainian Weapons Ship Underway

The body of Russian Vladimir Kolobkov, who died after a heat-stroke-induced heart-failure, is still onboard.

The MV Faina is a roll-on/roll-off cargo ship operated by a Ukrainian company that sails under a Belize flag of convenience. The Faina is owned by Waterlux AG, based in Panama City, and managed by Tomex Team in Odessa, Ukraine. Courtesy:
(COAST OF AFRICA) - Efforts for a peaceful release of the Ukrainian vessel MV Faina are continuing, but the stand-off, now more than two months long, is not yet solved finally, though intensive negotiations have continued, say members of the organization Ecoterra International, which has been called in to avert a human and environmental disasters at the Somali coast.

The Somali captors holding the arms-laden cargo ship yesterday, reportedly accused the owners of stalling on a ransom payment and threatened to pull out of a deal for its release struck a week ago, Quatar sources and many news agencies reported.

A pirate spokesman said that the armed gang holding the Faina was unhappy about the delay in the ransom payment. "The ship's owners are taking too long to hand over the money," another spokesman, identifying himself only as Ahmed, said by telephone from Hobyo town, near the pirate lair of Harardheere.

Citing a pirate who also called himself Ahmed, Ukraine


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