Author Topic: Stack insignia website  (Read 617 times)

Offline ZOUKI

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Stack insignia website
« on: December 19, 2021, 11:53:11 PM »
Some years back, I started a website devoted to a long-standing interest of mine, namely stack insignia.

Other things intervened in my life and I let the site go dormant. However I've been considering reviving it, but before I spend a lot of time on it I'd like your reaction to it.

If you go to, you'll come to a very plain directory page (I haven't gotten around to a 'welcome' page yet). Click on a folder, then open the HTML file.

The HTML is a table consisting of six columns:
[1] name of owner or operator associated with the insignia
[2] domicile of same
[3] name of vessel linked to a photo
[4] IMO number
[5] source / date of photo
[6] additional details, e.g. principal's website, link to closeup of insignia, etc.

The website requires no logins; there are no ads or cookies.

Please have a look when you can and let me know what you think. My continued efforts on
this project will depend on the feedback I get from interested parties.

Please email me with any questions, comments, suggestions, etc.

Thanks and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe 2022!

Bill Black
[email protected]


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