Author Topic: WEBSITE  (Read 11274 times)

Offline John Jones

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« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2014, 11:10:34 PM »
Sad to hear that you are standing down as advisory webmaster Derek but sincerely hope that you will continue to contribute to the site and provide your customary good support to other enthusiasts on here regardless of your title, which I am sure you will do because I know that you're a top bloke.

I wont go into great detail here and now as time is short for me at the moment but there are two appraisals further up this thread which I think say it all, and I am in total agreement with. Those of Cornelia Klier and Tony des Landes. Very well reasoned comments which I think sum up the situation perfectly.

Let's all 'keep calm and carry on' as they say. There is too much to lose otherwise.

Things have changed slightly since Derek was Webmaster in terms of the size of the site and recent technologies, but I think the underlying principles of what is trying to be achieved haven't. How we go about carrying these principles forward is another matter which appears to be still open to debate.

We (the admins and the membership) will have to keep open minds in order to find the best compromise, because that's all it can ever be. You can never please all of the people all of the time.

Best Regards
John J.
Any views expressed in the forum are my own personal opinions and are not to be taken as those of members of the admin team or of the site owners.

Offline Hannes van Rijn

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« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2014, 06:52:49 PM »
Thanks for your clear explanation Ken,about the questions and suggestions  and comments who were made by some members.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 07:34:27 PM by Hannes van Rijn »

Offline andrecas

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« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2014, 07:49:37 PM »
Compared to some of the long term members posting photographs on this website, I am a relative newcomer (on board since March 2012). During the time leading up to that, I spent more than a year just tuning in to Shipspotting and enjoying the many photos uploaded. I would also surf other sites (VesselTracker/Marine Traffic, etc). They are good sites as well, but I chose "Shipspotting" over the others to post majority of my photos because of the format/presentation/Easy navigation/the many categories to choose from, etc. As well, the site attracts a knowledgable group of photographers posting great stuff. I enjoy the occational interaction among members when comments are made. My photos are somewhat puny compared to others and 99.9% of my uploads get very little attention.  I am perfectly ok with that. (I am actually more interested in seeing what other members have to contribute). I did not join Shipspotting to engage in lengthy chit-chat sessions. Nor did I join thinking this was a contest of some sort to see who posts the most photos in a given day or who garners the most hits. Sure, it's fun and satisfying if your photo should make it into the top 3 category, however the site is much more than that. (Some great photos and Maritime history on display). Given the enormous popularity of the site, it is evident a strong monitoring policy is required. I sometimes get my "nose bent out of joint" when a photo of mine is deleted.  Similar to the slogan "post quality, not quantity", I like to remind myself to,  "get it right, or get it out". Occationally that is not always the case and I sometimes mess up and post a not so good photo.  :-)
Rules, regulations, guidelines, call them what you like, they are necessary to ensure order and proper functionality. Imagine what any popular sport would be like without rules or referees. Chaos, confusion would result very quickly.
In response to the last paragraph in Ken's initial post, there are certain categories that might use a bit of an over-haul (i.e. funnels). There are some inconsistencies that could be addressed internally and externally.
In spite of the recent controversy, which I hope will  soon be resolved to (most) everyone's satisfaction (impossible to keep everyone happy), I think the site is well managed and a strong discipline is required to achieve that. A good Captain runs a "tight ship". Same should (does) apply when running this web site. Ken as Webmaster and his team are doing a good job in keeping this ship afloat. Their efforts are appreciated.


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