Author Topic: 7 killed in explosion on switzer tug off Qatar  (Read 11122 times)

Offline Martin Trab

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7 killed in explosion on switzer tug off Qatar
« on: April 30, 2012, 07:52:03 PM »
According to several Danish news media. 7 has bin killed in a gas explosion on the tug "Al Deebel" owned by Svitzer.


Seven people have been killed in a violent gas explosion which hit a tugboat belonging to the Danish company Svitzer. The explosion occurred while the ship was in a large oil and gas field off the Middle Eastern oil state of Qatar.

Six of those killed were crew members on board the tugboat Al Deebel, while the last of those killed worked for a local oil company.

"It is the worst accident we've ever been hit by. It is deeply tragic, "says communications director Jens Mogensen Viby to

Four of the dead crew members are Indonesian nationals, one is an Indian citizen, while the last of the dead crew are British. The deceased contractors nationality is not stated.

"Our thoughts are of course primarily for the families," says Jens Viby Mogensen, who say the company has been in contact with all the relatives.

"We will do everything we can to prevent such a terrible accident could happen again," says communications manager for

The circumstances surrounding the explosion, which occurred Sunday. 17 local time, has not yet been elucidated.

So far, it is undisputed that there were a total of 12 people - 10 crew members and two subcontractors - on board the Al Deebel. Tug boat had sailed out to conduct maintenance work on a so-called SPM buoy (Single-point mooring), a mooring buoy from which liquid gas is pumped into LNG tankers.

Tug were located in the immediate vicinity of the buoy when the explosion occurred. Besides the seven killed, four of those on board being easily injured, only one escaped unhurt from the accident.

Despite the dramatic explosion and fire on board the ship, kept tugboat - registered in Panama - afloat. It has now been towed to port for reviewing technical studies.

Svitzer has sent several experts to Qatar. They work closely with local authorities to determine the cause of the accident that happened in the large Ras Laffan oil and gas field, located on the coast of Qatar.

may they rest in peace  (Danish)   (Danish)   (Danish)

Regards M. Trab
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 07:35:52 AM by Martin Trab »
"The Life May Suck, But the alternative is Unacceptable"

Offline jhaver

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Re: 7 killed in explosion on switzer tug off Qatar
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 02:19:28 PM »
Some pictures from the disaster ;

Offline B.Clark

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Re: 7 killed in explosion on switzer tug off Qatar
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2012, 03:17:12 PM »
A very sad episode, there has been a Svitzer tug ( Rotterdam IMO: 7402439) off Falmouth in the last few months
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 09:54:04 PM by B.Clark »


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