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Messages - Patagualino

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Shipping News and information / Re: CARNIVAL CRUISE SHIPS COLLIDE
« on: December 23, 2019, 04:09:47 AM »
Are we supposed to be surprised?
To the general public this is a coming together of two cars in a parking lot.
It is not. It is indicative of all that is wrong with this "cruise" industry.
The "general public" needs to be aware: They are going to mess up...BIG style.
Titanic will seem like an accident on a summers day on a boating lake.
Wake up: These people are going to kill thousands.
Top-heavy ships.... poor crew training...multilingual problems....
Now the greedy b@stards want to dredge channels to allow these monsters into even more shallow waters.
Enough. They have almost destroyed they want to do the same to the Caribbean.
Vote with your feet...and wallets... DEEP WATER CRUISES ONLY!

Shipping News and information / mt KENT at ROCHESTER
« on: March 28, 2019, 10:38:02 PM »
Hi all,
Just watched an interesting YouTube video of the Polar engine start-up on mt KENT, a restored classic tug based in Rochester, Kent. (rather aptly.)
I gather she was one of at least three "K-tugs" "Kenley" & "Kestrel"
Here's a link to the video:
I came to Shipspotting hoping to find some external shots of her, but I keep drawing a blank.
Surely, a UK based classic tug has had many pictures taken over the years how come I can't find any?
Can someone point me in the right direction....
Cheers, Steve.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Member Jadran
« on: November 07, 2018, 01:08:05 AM »
I have been away from I find this sad, sad news.
I never met Jadran...but I often dreamt of doing so...he always responded with sincere warmth when I congratulated him on those fine photos from his balcony.
I feel I have lost a very dear friend...a fellow human being on this planet, such was his manner, I felt as if we were indeed...old friends...shipmates.
I am so very sad this evening.
Rest in peace, my friend. Godspeed.

Couldn't agree more.....3 months is nothing in the scale of things...The years dealings & contracts will give a far fairer assessment of the true situation.

But I was only stating what the article in "Maritime Connector" reported: I quote:
"The ordering streak continues into the second quarter as well. Earlier this month, Malaysian Genting Group ordered ten cruise ships from three German shipyards

Yes Bob I can quite see how you arrive at that observation.
I felt it noteworthy to bring to attention simply to point out that the European yards are not doing too badly.
Also that over-construction should be a consideration:
As with containerships, everybody seems to want to cash in the lucratve (? Not sure that it is to be honest) Cruise sector.
The reported 10 for Malaysia alone sounds excessive although no figures are given in respect of size etc.
Whereas 10 inter-Island Ferries (for Malaysia) would not be "over construction".

As regards the ARALUEN...all part of the "learning Curve"!
(But it was completed & had a long career thereafter.)

Shipping News and information / Re: Titanic 2!
« on: February 11, 2016, 07:15:36 PM »
Quite a romantic dream but as many have said: Just waffle.
Shame, becuase if the idea did actually get to reality...I would consider a cruise on her.
(Definitely 3rd class: I'd take my ukelele with me.)
Cheers: Steve.

Shipping News and information / Re: Titanic 2!
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:28:28 PM »
Ah ha!!! Not real photos but CGI....Doh!
Can't see them doing that in 2 years...can you?  Just more smoke & mirrors.

Shipping News and information / Re: Titanic 2!
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:22:49 PM »
Well Geir....Something is afoot...

Photos of the current & the orignal here:

Yesterday's Daily Mail...Not always accurate!!!!

Shipping News and information / Re: Radical Super Yacht Design
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:45:31 PM »
Is it true that people actually get paid & win "awards" for designing such a silly idea?
Talk about the Emperors New Clothes.......

OK...Just to lighten the mood a bit...This is strictly a bit of satire...OK? No offence to all...!!!

Pub-going men up and down the country have stated clearly today that meat is only acceptable to eat if it’s basted in thick orangey grease, impaled on a large rotating metal spike, and is of ‘questionable origin’.  Tensions have recently heightened across the UK after some men claimed that their local kebab shops simply ‘haven’t been doing enough’ to accommodate their culinary requirements, and have felt the need to make clear definitions on how their meat should be prepared.

‘It must absolutely not come into contact with any salad whatsoever’, explained one takeaway regular from Coventry.  ‘If a kebab shaving touches anything green, it effectively becomes inedible: You might as well just throw it on the pavement or leave it on your neighbour’s garden wall’.

Many have also stressed the importance around which sauces can and can’t accompany their meat trimmings and pita.  Tony Edwards from Bath said: ‘Garlic chilli sauce, providing it’s stored in a large unlabelled bottle and applied generously by a man from Turkey, is fine.  However, taking the doner meat home and adding some “dressing” you bought in Waitrose simply won’t do.  Those who attempt this should be publicly punished in some way’.

Kebab shop owner Mulayim Akbulut, who claims to have always respected and accommodated the culinary traditions of his local customers, said: ‘I always prepare the kebabs in a way that makes my customers feel comfortable, including handling all food with no gloves and basting the ‘elephant leg’ with the same brush I use to paint the walls.  The customer is always right after all’.

He added: ‘I’ve decided to go one step further for my customers and will ensure that all the meat I purchase comes from animals that have been killed in a very specific way . Once we discover what animal this is I’ll get straight on it’.

(Hey...Lighten up people. A smile once in a while works wonders.)  (All credit due to Newsbiscuit)

Jens, I tried that, but the chocolate just dripped through the grille.

Hi Chris: I'm more than happy to endorse those sentiments wholeheartedly.

Like Captain Ted, I also enjoy a good steak....and all the trimmings. I enjoy it even more when I know (or at least "believe"'s not always possible to actually "know") that the animal at least had a decent life & was dispatched as humanely as possible.

Here in Chile, we cannot get Chilean all goes for export where it attracts "top dollar" in the USA & Japan, because they know how they animals have been reared, treated & slaughtered.(Including the fact that to date, there have been no health issues.)

The meat on sale here at a price most people can afford is Brazilian,Argentinean,Paraguayan or even Australian....which makes you wonder at the carbon footprint consideration! (let's not go there at the moment.).....Do the sums: It's not rocket science.

As Captain Ted remarked, man has been eating animals for thousand of years & will do so for thousands more. But I think we can all do so with much more satisfaction knowing that we at least acknowledge the contribution animals make to our well being.
The difference in costs involved between maltreatment & good husbandry is minimal.So, why not embrace it? Why should we not be able to say, as the superior animals on the planet,we do at least understand compassion. Is that not what sets us apart?

Danim24: Thanks for the input.

I think if you read through the comments from the OP, you will find that many DO actually refer to the welfare of animals worldwide, not all, but quite a few.

Your comment about the road trains in Australia is indeed a pertinent point & I'm sure that the good people of Australia are doing something about it, just as they are about live transport by sea.
Your point too about those protesters at the ports & against the Fracking is valid too: It's people like those that get the rest of us a bad name.....but, they will be the first to argue that they have at least brought the issue to the wider attention of all. So: Object achieved?

But please don't make the mistake of thinking that all people concerned with Animal Welfare are those you describe as the "unwashed", nor are we all vegetarians.....
(I actually think that vegetarians are completely & utterly wrong. And some of them are so obsessed by their cause as to be regarded as loons, thus condemning their very arguments. But that's merely my opinion.)

In short, this is not a debate that has suddenly sprung up "in tomorrows fish & chip paper" it's an ongoing debate & has been such for many years,during which time, the welfare of animals, Worldwide, has improved. It is certainly not a "Bandwagon issue" as you so casually dismiss it.

Yes indeed, the news hitting the pages of the Daily Mail is all about UK supermarkets & their attitudes to Halal/Kosher meats....Interesting reading. Not least the hundreds of comments which follow.

You can see for yourselves here:

I think you will agree, as I said earlier: The British care very much as to the provenance of their food, especially meat & it's derivatives.

For the Big Supermarkets to claim "Their customers don't care" merely proves once again what a bunch of arrogant & yet ignorant people they actually are.

I appreciate this is all somewhat distant from the OP's point of view, but it does illustrate that the majority of people really DO care about the food they eat.

Well answered Chrisg46....A lucid & rational response.

I think John Paras is under the misconception that those opposed to such transport of livestock are all vegetarians or are the more extreme of animal rights campaigners.Nothing could be further from the reality of the situation.You can be neither of those two groups & still be concerned over animal welfare.
Animal Rights: Animal Welfare: A subtle difference in approach to a real problem.

To quote John regarding Red Sea ports:
"A trade that has been going on forever. I don't hear you protesting the same practice. Oh wait, that isn't in the UK. You are above such things. Right."

No John,the point is simple, most of us consider ourselves above the maltreatment of animals at any stage in their lives. It's what sets human beings apart: Some have compassion for our fellow animals which share our planet, others live in the Dark Ages.

So, yes John,I would sincerely hope people ARE above "such things" in the UK, otherwise it would show that we have not evolved quite as much we claim.
Compassion is a uniquely human trait, let's be thankful we are still evolving & not stagnating in the beliefs & traditions of the Dark Ages.

As Kelvin noted yesterday: There are far more pressing problems in the world than that of Animal Welfare in the UK....and I would certainly agree.

One such would be the fate of 260/300 girls kidnapped in Nigeria.I find that extremely pressing.

And yet,the two issues are inextricably linked....are they not?

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