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Messages - Daniel Marquinhos

Pages: [1]
Shipping News and information / Re: Bourbon Dolphin is sunk
« on: April 16, 2007, 09:18:53 PM »
The Dutch salvage contactors Smit Salvage have this morning started the salvage operation of the capsized anchor handling supply tug \'Bourbon Dolphin\'.

The salvage operation plan is to recover the chain between the 'Transocean Rather' rig and the 'Bourbon Dolphin'. The 'Olympic Hercules' and the 'Vider Vicking' remain on scene to assist in the recovery of the chain; the 'Highland Valour' is also expected to be on scene later tonight to support the operation.

Eventually Smit Salvage hope to be able to tow the 'Boubon Dolphin' back to Shetland


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