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Messages - Gulfspan

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Scale Models / Re: Model tug forum
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:10:12 PM »
[quote author=Daniel B

Despite everything here boys...I'd buy ya's all a pint wether ya wanted to sit at the same table as me or not...

There are two sides to the equation, commercial and passenger related traffic. The new vessels will meet the needs of the commercial industry. The question now becomes will they meet the needs of the passenger sector.Kasco

good point ..cant get any worse..

Scale Models / Re: Model tug forum
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:36:17 AM »
this place is all right ..lots of variety,lots of knowledge,experience ..tugs are always welcome..

Shipping News and information / Re: ATLANTIC VISION (WHARF HUGGER)
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:34:04 AM »
Nope ..didnt hear nothing here..

As an after thought kasco..Sipping a beer ..I think you'll agree that the traffic being offered ..the back-logs..were not entirely due to lack of capacity..
With the Vision's fair weather avoidance status..
the sad shape of the Gulf Spain ferries
The Ericson had her share of missed appointments

The numbers really only tell some of the story I think..
Had the Gulfspan ferries been maintained to a state that they were reliable as they always were.
Had the Ericcson..well..she's the Ericson .. 
Had the Vision never-ever been considered..but a ship similar to the Fosen Optima,or the Gulfspan series, been charted initially the First Time

with all 4  ships running reliably..would there have been a Capacity issue?
We'll never know..but it does offer food for thought.

My thoughts as time drags on ..the Fosen Optima's were chosen to carry the burden of the Vision when she cant sail..and to a lesser extent the Ericson when she's laden with Dangerous goods..

Again my thoughts ..I ran some quick math in my head...the service is still less than 3 full time ships even when the Ericson returns from refit..on average..when the above is considered mechanical delays.

By the way Ericson  looks good ,saw her in Dartmouth yesterday,,still has one of Irvings cranes(160t,I believe) servicing her on board needs ..but coming along..not a whole lot of gear left on the dock.

Smallwood wasnt at the terminal at Nth Sydney this aft..never passed by the Caribou I dont know if she's been moved along side her sister.

think this was a Japanese Naval ship passing through the tusanmi wave

Scale Models / Re: Model tug forum
« on: March 14, 2011, 10:42:30 AM »
Its a simple forum ..any forum..

Some take it personal others not so much.Forums are in many ways a democracy. I belong to a few that make any argument on this forum look like a cake the extent members were hacking other member's and posting personal information on line..torches and pitchforks in hand.

As far as getting consent..Its easier to ask forgiveness than consent.
Water marks,copyright,can easily be added to any picture with the right application to identify its owner
Theres also application's that a forum can use the would disable the url copy,or downloading of the art work.
realisticly..If a picture was $1000 in small bills, and the internet was a car,
A person leaves $1000 in small bills on the front dash of a car with doors unlocked and windows down..that person really shouldnt be upset when it gets taken ..that person didnt take measures to protect it..The police would not take the case seriously...yeah they would fill out the report..throw it on the shelf and forget about it..a significant portion of the population would seize that opportunity

A basic fundamental of any democracy is the ability to question those in charge without fear of repercussion.
Men have died on the field of battle to preserve humble opinion..It cannot be relinquished on any level..for those who have forgotten history are doomed to repeat it.

They took the Caribou out of service too quick and started removing some things (making her no longer fit for service) and then ran into a shortage when the weather kept the Vision from being able to dock in Port Aux Basques. For a while around Christmas Smallwood was handling 100% of the runs!
The reason the Caribou was taken out of service when she was is that her safety certificates were up the day of her last crossing. In order to renew them there was a significant structural and safety retrofit needed, primarily a replacement of the airlock watertight car deck doors which the Smallwood had done on prior dry dockings.  I missed the final crossing of the Caribou by a few hours so we hit up the Smallwood instead, which was cool, because we stopped for close to an hour to lay a wreath for the HMCS Shawinigan.

Ive was told that three months before she was retired ..but nope every one said it wasnt true..

Very interesting..yet Marine Atlantic was trashed by everyone for chartering..

"In 2004-2005 Marine Atlantic had an advanced plan approved by the board, Transport Canada and Public Works to acquire four made in Canada ferries by 2009. There was even a bidder

yes she is..the moorings are a result of the Vision breaking hers.
she hadnt enough out..though there was speculation that they were worn out.
The end result seems to be a standing rule at MA'em , use'em.

Is there room for both of them in Sydport?  Now that would make a nice picture :o)

Have to disagree..I know what yer saying..nice..yes ..given their circumstance..

Two of them, side by side,
wave under bow,
sun hanging low,
cloudless sky,
heading home to port,
Clean and fresh from a midlife refit.

That would be a finer picture.
These ships are legendary..

Jarrod is that the farley mowat tied behind the caribou?

No its not Trucker ..thats an old stern trawler once owned by Fishery Products International..Think it just has a hull number on it now.

Farley Mowat has been gone for almost 2 years now..apparently sold to a oceanic research firm in Europe. I was assured that it didnt get put back in the hands of Sea Shepard or Green Peace.

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