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Messages - Nigel Stephens

Pages: [1]
Shipping News and information / Re: Splendour Of The Seas
« on: November 05, 2010, 08:40:56 PM »
She is under way now doing 14.4 knots perhaps it was a lost passenger or maybe a small rescue something not showing up on the ais

looking on the a. i s she has about 250 miles to go the waypoint puts her of dover around 11 hours time approx

Shipping News and information / Re: Unknown River Thames berth
« on: September 05, 2010, 06:07:08 PM »
The Queens channel was first used to anchor large grain vessels awaiting a berth at Tilbury grain as many as 4 ships at a time used the anchorage that was in the early 1980's there is a deep hole only accessible for deep draught ships at high water so being landlocked at low tide Hope the info is helpfull.

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