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Messages - Emiliyan

Pages: [1] 2
Shipping News and information / Re: cma cgm secondhand ships
« on: November 19, 2021, 07:48:48 AM »
I knew about two ships from those:


CMA CGM Iskenderun 3500TEU - ex-NORDSPRING

or via versa are the old(original) names

Best Regards

Hi Dennis,

I was a few years ago on one container vessel with 3 radars - 2 above bridge and 1 fwd! According documentation fwd radar was with big "blind"spot sector aft to prevent radiation over accommodation and its primary target was to detect small crafts ahead of vessel as she was initiallyy designated to sail around/close to Japan.
Nowdays you may see on some "monster"container ships with radars on fwd mast + 2 or 3 above bridge + aft mast(below) exactly for that reason - similar to ferries, but main idea is to detect small crafts which the main radars cannot due to some cargo restrictions.

On that picture/link which you attacched - I believe the idea is the same - due to possible cargo obstruction is better to have "an eye" fwd ... and most probably has blind sector aft!

If the Class allows - why not .... even in some points is better if no have "side effects"  :o

Best Regards

Shipping News and information / Re: Renamings
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:40:25 PM »
Container Vessel "NileDutch Cape Town"(IMO 9158513) was renamed "Heinrich S"(maiden name) today at Leixoes, Portugal. NileDutch Africa Line charterer finished!

Hello All,

As I can see and I know because I am Bulgarian and my alphabetic is Cyrilic - this is the "old Cyrilic style" which if I didn't make mistake was removed/changed somewhere after World War II. "Marker" for that is the last letter which was used into "The Past" and later on was removed - a lot of old documents into my country were written on this style.

The close translation is "Standard"!

I hope that I've been more or less helpful ....

Best Regards

Shipping News and information / Re: Happy new year
« on: January 01, 2013, 12:15:24 PM »
Happy New Year to all!                                           
Lets the New Year brings us love, health, luck
and many many smiles ....

PS: Lets the "crises" remain into 2012  ;) ...

Shipping News and information / Re: Renamings
« on: June 12, 2012, 09:02:21 PM »
"Marlene S" IMO 9088512 Flag: Antigua&Barbuda change name to "Queen of Luck" with new owners and under Panama flag.

Shipping News and information / Re: Help Needed Please
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:24:47 AM »
Hi,as I can see the name of vessel is "Pobeda"("Победа" - Cyrillic) and I believe that is USSR passenger vessel. 

Hi All,
Unfortunately not all the time Database is reliable especially for new vessels or vessels with changed names and/or flags!
Like everything they need some time for updating their systems and even more than a month in some cases is the required time.
I believed that for some countries with "strong resources" this period is shorter, but...


Shipping News and information / Re: Don,t Mess with the Russian Navy
« on: March 02, 2012, 08:10:04 PM »
Very interesting YouTube movie and if we like to stop this - All Navies should act like Russian Navy, not to follow some "human rights" or etc. which gives more rights to pirates than the crew members on board of any cargo vessel!

Shipping News and information / Re: NEW GLORY and MILENIUM DOS collide
« on: January 14, 2012, 05:42:00 AM »
Unfortunately was already time something to happen, and these fast-ferries between Spain and Morocco to stop crossing bows of all vessels only few cables and to do it whatever they likes! Not all the time speed will help them  ;)!

Shipping News and information / Re: Explosion Gibraltar
« on: May 31, 2011, 07:31:53 PM »
Hello All,
We arrived Algeciras two hours ago and over whole Gibraltar Bay had black dark smoke from this Shell tanks and we can see from few miles the water jets and the flames. It's really big fire!

Shipping News and information / Re: iranian warships
« on: February 18, 2011, 07:39:22 PM »
Hi Trucker001,
I heard about this two days ago in our(bulgarian)web news, but was only in few line and nothing was confirmed. The we though that this news can be true only in some editor's imagination :), but how I can see now this should be true.

how I can see also the speed is wrong - 52.9knt!!!The other this which I noticed so many times at sea is that the AIS status of so many ships is wrong due to negligence or misunderstanding of ship's personnel. And I believe that so many of us saw this "event" ;D.
Regarding the MMSI - really is wrong!I never see MMSI like this and no one country have such kind of MMSI.
Or may be everything regarding this vessel is wrong due to some technical problem of their AIS equipment.
BRGS Emiliyan

Shipping News and information / Re: Norwegian Dream
« on: February 17, 2011, 11:48:26 AM »
Hi Stefan,
Then we can say that is really strange thing!Or may be she has again some problems - you can find what's happened to her in the past.The other reason which we can say but I don't believe it - depends how long she is there may have some another Greek strike - in the last week they are plenty! Or like last version may be she is really laid up and ready for sale :)!
BRGS Emiliyan

Shipping News and information / Re: Norwegian Dream
« on: February 17, 2011, 08:05:33 AM »
Hi Stefan,
How I can see the track and what I noticed to all Caribbean cruise ships, I supposed that this is normal for them when they waiting "right time" for berthing. I believe that the reason here is the same!Or may be they drifting there and makes voyages to the Greek islands via their own boats because the port is not enough deep.
I hope to be more or less helpful to you to disclose this mystery  :)!

BRGS Emiliyan

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