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Messages - Mayhem

Pages: [1]
I got this one, much darker and fitting the mood which she left in. It was quiet and subdued at the Fish Quay, as befitted the leaving of icons which had been with us for decades

Shipping News and information / Re: Lusty Due in the Tyne
« on: March 22, 2009, 10:32:10 PM »
Am rather excited! Taking time off my volunteer work to go play at the river and take piccies!
Just a pity she won't be open for visitors, but it does raise the possible issue that there may well be aircraft aboard to be photographed!

Shipping News and information / Re: HMS Bulwark for the Tyne
« on: December 03, 2008, 11:35:48 PM »
She's slated to be open to visitors from 11am to 3.30pm on the Sunday afternoon.

Shall be there :)

Shipping News and information / Re: QE2 For Tyne
« on: November 02, 2008, 09:21:56 AM »
lol just seen this now, looked on their site and it won't load for me! So I'll try to contact em at some point *Grins*
Glad she isn't out of focus! I was so happy with that pic that was total fluke... The camera took that pic at just the right moment!

Shipping News and information / Re: QE2 For Tyne
« on: October 11, 2008, 12:14:44 AM »
Hi, I have some pics of her just before she left the docks, and one with some fireworks, taken at 10.20ish i think on the night she left. Was sad to see her go :(

Anyways, I'll post some links here, cos I don't know how to upload and my file sizes are way too huge to fit into the limits!

Here are three that turned out well (after I had to make a 'tripod' from a pile of books and an etch a sketch from the boot of the car)

And possibly my favourite ever photograph I have taken in my life.

I know she's out of focus in the firework one, but I just adore it!

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