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Messages - K. Watson

Pages: [1] 2
 To nobody in particular: One thing I have noticed about the site is the abruptness of certain administrators. This site was built by the membership,who deserve a degree of respect, it seems this has gone adrift since the changes were made. Technical changes are one thing to contend with,but high handedness to the point of rudeness  by some have been it seems, prevalent on here since the changes were made.It is not a surprise that many members have left,or reduced their inputs here since the sale of the site. Quite a shame to see such a wonderful community disband.Having spent years in the company of men in cramped quarters (vessels) one learns to regard others as one would wish to be regarded. Maybe this SHIP could be made to operate that way,or is this just wishful thinking on my part. Regards,Ken

My Dear Mr.English: What I was refering to was the 'User Friendliness" of the Old Site VS the New. I was not  interested in the 'Computer Geek's' analysis as I was responding to Cornelia's comment,and I await her reply. Thankyou nevertheless for your two cents worth. Regards,Ken ;D

I agree Cornelia. Why all these silly functions. The old site worked fine. If it AINT BROKE DON'T FIX IT. Rgds,Ken

Hi Jimmy: I believe you had my permission in the past,do use any you wish. All best wishes,Ken :-)

Vessel is ex Norwegian Majesty (09):
Built in 1992 by W

Hi Allan: Having done several studies for the Ports of Sydney and the Canso Area I am amazed at the ignorance of the Local Press in publishing such tripe about a lack of PostPanaMax Capability in Nova Scotia. Total RUBBISH.

Viz: The post-Panamax era arrives in Halifax and Atlantica.On Saturday, January 21, 2006, the OOCL Chicago made history. It became the largest container vessel to ever use the Fairview Cove container terminal in the Port of Halifax. Able to carry 5,700 TEU

Shipping News and information / MIRAMAR
« on: January 08, 2010, 01:56:41 PM »
Hi All:Evidently the MIRIMAR site will no longer be free to access after 19 Jan 2010. This is too bad as the site offers a valuable historical reference for Shipspotters and other Marine followers. A reflection of the times unfortunately. Rgds,Capnken

Very nice Jean.Thanks for sharing with us. All the Best,Ken

Shipping News and information / HMCS FREDERICTON FFH 337 - MALTA
« on: November 09, 2009, 07:57:17 PM »
MALTA: HMCS FREDERICTON FFH337 Port Visit From Tuesday 10th - Friday 13th November:
- Canadian Navy Halifax Class frigate HMCS FREDERICTON (FFH 337) ...eta 0630 on 10/11, to berth @ Pinto Wharf no.3

Shipping News and information / Arctic Sea Continued
« on: October 20, 2009, 08:50:17 PM »
MOSCOW, October 20 (Itar-Tass) -- The Arctic Sea dry cargo ship may be
permitted to visit a Maltese port on some conditions, a high-ranking source
close to the Russian Navy staff told Itar-Tass on Tuesday.

Shipping News and information / ARCTIC SEA Continued.
« on: September 04, 2009, 11:15:21 AM »
Very Strange Happenings Re:(Arctic Sea)
Maritime expert flees Russia in fear of his life
An outspoken Russian journalist who alerted the world to the mysterious
disappearance and likely hijacking of the Arctic Sea cargo ship this summer
said on Thursday he'd fled Russia in fear of his life.
By Andrew Osborn in Moscow
Published: 4:41PM BST 03 Sep 2009
Mikhail Voitenko, a maritime expert, has suggested the ship may have been
carrying a secret Kremlin arms shipment for the Middle East. He believes it
was not hijacked as the Kremlin contends but was intercepted by Israeli
forces in an international incident neither country wants made public.
In a phone interview with The Daily Telegraph, he said he'd flown to Turkey
on Wednesday after receiving a menacing call from a "a cold official voice"
the previous day.
"I was advised to leave," Mr Voitenko said. "I'm afraid." He refused to say
who the caller was but hinted the person was a state official.
Mr Voitenko runs an authoritative online news service for a Moscow-based
Russian transport and shipping company. He was the most prominent expert
voice during this summer's alleged hijacking of the Arctic Sea. He suggests
he played a direct role in resolving the drama himself too.
The Maltese-flagged vessel and its Russian crew hit the headlines after
disappearing with its cargo of Algeria-bound timber. The Russian Navy found
the ship in mid-August, three weeks after it had allegedly been hijacked by
armed men.
The Kremlin has yet to supply a detailed version of events, the crew has
refused to say what happened, and the alleged hijackers are in a Moscow
Mr Voitenko thinks he's offended powerful Russian interests. "Very important
people got involved in this business. It was half-private, half-state." He
and other commentators have speculated the ship was carrying a secret
weapons cache bound for Iran or Syria that was intercepted by Israeli
Asked if he planned to return to Russia anytime soon, Mr Voitenko replied:
"Am I an idiot?"
He added that his employer, the Sovfracht-Sovmortrans shipping group, was
considering his future because it was worried he had damaged its business
interests in Russia. The company's press service was unavailable for
"I became too popular," Mr Voitenko lamented. "Publicity is one thing.
Meddling with someone you don't know is something else."

The Plot Thickens! Rgds,Ken

Shipping News and information / Re: Arctic Sea revisited
« on: September 02, 2009, 10:51:30 AM »
EU Official: Story of "Hijacked" Ship a Cover-Up for Missile Delivery

Russian officials arrested eight people in August believed to have
hijacked the cargo ship Arctic Sea, which went missing for two weeks in
European waters before the Russian navy recovered it. The government
says that the hijackers threatened to blow up the Maltese-registered
ship, which was crewed by eight Russians and carrying $1.3 billion worth
of timber, if their demands were not met.

But the EU rapporteur on piracy, Tarmo Kouts, has told Time that
Russia's odd behavior during the ordeal suggests that the disappearance
was meant to cover up sales of weapons to the Middle East.

"There is the idea that there were missiles aboard, and one can't
explain this situation in any other way," he told the magazine. "As a
sailor with years of experience, I can tell you that the official
versions are not realistic."

As a former commander of the Estonian military, however, his motives
regarding rival Russia aren't necessarily pure. Still, other skeptics
have expressed similar doubts about the official story as the Russian
government has released very few facts.

"To put it plainly: The Arctic Sea was carrying some sort of
anti-aircraft or nuclear contraption intended for a nice, peaceful
country like Syria, and they were caught with it," journalist Yulia
Latynina wrote last month in the Moscow Times

Read original story in Time | Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009:,8599,1919342,00.html


Shipping News and information / Re Named Tanker Samistal Due
« on: July 28, 2009, 12:26:50 AM »
Products tanker Samistal Due renamed Algoma Dartmouth on 27th July 2009.
ALGOMA DARTMOUTH Canada  2009-07-27 21:39
ALGOMA DARTMOUTH Malta 9HUA9 2009-07-27 17:44
CLIPPER BARDOLINO Bahamas C6VV9 2008-11-05 00:37

Shipping News and information / Re: Svitzer Nord/ Stevns Iceflower
« on: March 17, 2009, 02:27:42 PM »
She is now Fjord Saguenay for the past several days on AIS here at Halifax.,Regards,Ken
Vessel's Details:
Ship Type: Tug
Year Built: 2006
Length x Breadth: 31m X 12m
DeadWeight: 200 MT
Speed recorded (Max / Average): / knots
Flag: Canada [CA]
Call Sign: CFN5362
IMO: 9351012, MMSI: 316014268
Last Position Received:
Area: Atlantic North
Latitude/Longitude: 44.66788˚ / -63.59384˚ (Map)
Currently in Port:
Last Known Port:
Info Received: 0days 0hrs 8' 22'' ago
Current Vessel's Track
Itineraries History
Voyage Related Info (Last Received):
Draught: 5.8m
ETA: 28/02/2009 23:59:00
Info Received: 17/03/2009 13:28:08 (0 days, 1hrs 1' 15'' ago)
Ex Names History:
Vessel's Names Flag Call Sign Last Recorded
FJORD SAGUENAY Canada CFN5362 16/03/2009 22:28:06
STEVNS ICEFLOWER Denmark OVOI2 16/03/2009 17:36:26

Photo of Ocean Nova taken at Halifax 2007. Rgds,Ken

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