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Messages - nikster

Pages: [1]
Many thanks indeed for the ETA


Newbie and apologies as don't want to upset anyone!!

I have a coded Tyne Class lifeboat that is all weather - and I am going out to photo Marco Polo for myself and wondered if anyone else wanted to come out for the ride...on its arrival in Southampton.

I would ask for a contribution which i think is only fair - if there are any magazines that want to jump on then let me know...

my email is nick  at    maritime   guard group    com

We will be departing from Lymington ONLY - so you'll need to make your own way there.... i dont have an accurate ETA yet, but im sure when we get closer to weekend things will start to firm up..... no idea of the weather forecast and really dont care being as its a Tyne Class lifeboat ...  ;D ;D ;D however - clearly you are responsible for trying to keep warm  :o

Anyway, hoping it will be a good day and she will arrive during daylight!!



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