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Messages - IRION29

Pages: [1] 2
Just what Italy needs!It's difficult to imagine 1000 bodies on a vessel that size.

Shipping News and information / Re: LYUBOV ORLOVA - CHARLENE HUNT
« on: June 24, 2014, 02:24:34 AM »
First reports indicate the tow was released, Now the report says the second emergency tow failed WTF?

Shipping News and information / Re: OOCL Belgium in heavy seas
« on: January 08, 2014, 04:12:00 AM »
WTF? says the video is private,and you must log in, All these posting rules,it's just too pedantic!

While some sound theories and ideas of loading plans have been presented,it seems the thread has drifted off topic.Any updated news on what's going on with the vessel? Are there still crew on board? Will she be towed to NFLD or NS? Is it in danger of sinking?

Shipping News and information / Re: Save the UNITED STATES
« on: October 16, 2013, 04:44:15 PM »
Signed 16 Oct/13

The pirate radio stuff sounds intriguing, similar to the rumor that Wolfman Jack used to broadcast, over the legal wattage, from an aircraft.


 Holedriller, You are correct, there are no reports they ever attached a tow line to the Aft section

Shipping News and information / Re: Georg B
« on: May 31, 2013, 04:58:10 PM »
You may be right, by the look of the sudden, abrupt change in course. Can't imagine the Tow line holding out for long during those moves.

Shipping News and information / Re: Costa Concordia Captain
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:50:38 PM »
The Captain's grandstanding caused all of this. Instead of taking a course known to be free of hazards, He goes closer to the shore. My guess is, this was not the first ship to pass by the island. Others having done so without peeling their hull open. When the ship first collided, wouldn't it have been prudent to anchor and evaluate the situation and possibly evacuate before the ship drifted out. The Company not wanting to panic the passengers is typical "sweetness & Light" Let's not fret about the inherent dangers that go with being on a vessel at sea, lifeboat drills? maybe tomorrow. Nonchalance shouldn't be the attitude after hitting the rocks.

Shipping News and information / Re: Lyubov Orlova
« on: April 26, 2013, 01:26:51 PM »
Has this been confirmed by any reliable source?

Shipping News and information / Re: A Ship Tunnel!
« on: April 19, 2013, 02:31:48 PM »
Likely the same as long train tunnels and snow sheds Ventilator shafts and fans.

Shipping News and information / Re: Lyubov Orlova update
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:12:23 AM »
Just a hypothetical ? Could another vessel, possibly untracked, come upon her and boarded her? Were the Engines operational when she was towed out to sea? Possibly re-started? or towed away? Rough seas would make it dangerous, but Possible? 

Not the first time the leftist leaning CBC has got it wrong.As a state funded broadcaster
their output is slanted by the Eastern (Toronto-Montreal)Liberal elite.The news of the Lyubov Orlova is another example.No mention made that the tug was not sea-worthy,only that which made Can. authorities appear blameless was presented.

Shipping News and information / Re: Lyubov Orlova update
« on: February 24, 2013, 04:11:27 AM »
Last report says she is atN49 22 70 & W 044 51 34

Shipping News and information / Re: Saga Ruby
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:10:35 PM »
Thanks Kelvin!

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