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Messages - Clive Harvey

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Shipping News and information / Re: Mega Yacht "A" alongside in Seattle
« on: September 02, 2014, 06:35:12 AM »
It was in fact a rather short-sighted view, as well as a view possibly fuelled by jealousy.
After all one has to consider how many people Mr Melnichenko's wealth keeps in employment; the crew of the yacht, as well as the people who designed and built it and those that now provide services for it where ever it goes in the world. The crew of the private jet and again those that provide services for it where ever it flies. The staff in the hotels that they stay in, the restaurants they use...... and how many houses does Mr Melnichenko own? Each of those most have staff. Those points just skim the surface of the people who in some way or another earn an income from the wealth of the likes of Mr Melnichenko.

Virtually every statement that you have posted on this site.

When you know what you are talking about maybe we'll take some notice of you!

Whilst I understand the problems that you refer to regarding Canberra, given that she remained in service for the greater part of 40 years I don't think you can really consider her to have been a real disaster. More a case of victory (or success) having been grasped from the jaws of disaster.

I wholly agree, after all if she is supposed to sail on her maiden voyage in 2016 why are they only now making agreements regarding her construction, in mid-2014? OK, at 56,000 gt she is not what is regarded as a being a large ship but on the other hand neither is she a 'bog-standard' cruise ship, this is supposed to be something rather special and thus is not a ship that can be thrown together from the usual 'kit of parts'.
I'll be there in Southampton to see her arrive, if ever that day happens. But I'm not holding my breath........

I understand that for several years Phoenix Reisen has expressed interest in acquiring Prinsendam but the price that Holland America/Carnival has asked for the ship has always been  higher that Phoenix Reisen are willing to pay. Recently, following the announcement that two of the Statendam-class ships would be transferred to the P&O Australia fleet the speculation regarding the future of Prinsendam (as the older ship of the fleet)has again arisen and with it the rumours of Phoenix Reisen's interest in her. There has been no report of the ship having been sold, to anyone. Right now it is nothing more than idle speculation. Unless of course someone has inside information that has not yet been made public?

Shipping News and information / Re: DAPHNE IMO: 5282627
« on: May 17, 2014, 08:28:54 PM »
Shaun, Shaun... missing the final nostalgic look, I'm aghast! I hope this won't happen again. Otherwise you'll have to go to bed without supper ;D

Ah, and Clive, thanks for obviously stating the obvious and the excellent photos ::)



Thank you, thank you for making me laugh out loud, thank you for stopping this site from getting way too serious.


Shipping News and information / Re: DAPHNE IMO: 5282627
« on: May 17, 2014, 07:32:26 PM »
You obviously did not look at the photos that I recently posted of Princess Daphne. I did so as a 'final nostalgic look'.


No M.K., I think that you are wrong. As has already been pointed out by various other members here; this site has several differing categories which, in general covers most aspects of Ship Spotting. With the best will in the world no one can be expected to be interested in everything and therefore it is unlikely that anyone logging onto this site would start by looking at the images in the very first category and work their way down the entire list looking at all the pictures in each one. There are (as is obvious from your comments) those things that do not interest you. Fine, that is OK - don't bother to look in that particular category but please do not try to dictate to other what you think they should or should not see simply because it does not conform to your likes or dislikes.

Help and Advice / Re: Possible Malware - Invitations for Java Updates
« on: April 27, 2014, 06:09:18 PM »
Yes, I've been getting them, though I haven't done anything with the 'request' - fortunately.
Well, other than ignore it that is.

Shipping News and information / Re: MSC Splendida
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:49:16 PM »
Superb quality photos. Unfortunately, I do not find the interiors of the ship to be at all to my taste - in fact I think they are dreadful but I believe they are very typical of what can be found aboard the ships owned by MSC.

As for BBC Look East, I don't recall them ever taking a positive spin on any news story. Their reporting in this particular instance lacks any credibility when each time they have covered the story they have said that the Marco Polo was on a 45 day cruise to the Azores. A case of not letting the facts get in the way of a good story.

Denis, we ship enthusiasts may well be a bit crazy but why would anyone, particularly a very rich cruise ship enthusiast, feel motivated to pay out millions of

I don't know who was going to be operating the ship next year. All that I'd heard was that she was going to be returned to service next year. The fact that there were men working aboard her when the fire broke out might have something to do with the fact that work was being done aboard to make her ready for a return to service.
If no employment could be found for her during this year, when she was in good condition and (as far as I know) well maintained, what possible chance can there be for her now in a fire-damaged condition. Photographs I have seen show the entire centre section of the ship engulfed by smoke. This does not bode well for any return to service.

It is a curious thing that only a few days ago it had been announced that after a year of lay up the Ocean Countess would return to service in 2014. Then, the next thing one knows a fire breaks out on board. I'm getting overwhelming feelings of deja vu ..........!

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