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Messages - dirk septer

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According to Coast Guard, the barge has been structurally compromised (read: sustained damage); another attempt to remove barge will be made on Monday. Attached is the track of the Polar King prior to grounding of barge:

Whittier, Alaska-bound rail barge Nana Provider towed by tug Polar King grounded since
8 pm November 9 on shore Quadra Island with local tug Yucata standing by.


I am not talking about a wooden yacht from the 1970s, nor a fibreglass one from the 1950s.... What is the cut off year for the current "Ancient Motor Vessels"  anyway?

What is the problem for a separate new category "classic wooden vessels 50 years or older?"

Meanwhile we all got sidetracked from my original question why the photographs of my classic wooden vessel ORBA were deleted:

Why are ancient motor vessels under 20 m like Wanderer:


Is it not time to add a new category "Classic wooden yachts" with
no under 20 m restrictions?

The photographs of my beautifully restored classic wooden yacht ORBA
(built 1927 by Lake Union Dry Dock) were yesterday deleted because of
this under 20 m restriction.

While maintaining literally hundreds of photographs of these boring,
huge floating condos (aka cruise ships), why restricting these few
rare surviving and lovely restored and maintained wooden beauties?

First of all, to web masters like Ken Smith and Derek Sands, and all volunteer editors a big "thank you" for the great work they have done and are doing. They certainly do not get enough credit for this from the many members of Shipspotting.

Having said that, however, there always is room for improvement. I still fail to understand that the photo search cannot be made vessel name specific. For a simple vessel name search I should not have to go to the more time consuming advanced search. For example, if there are less than 300 photos of motor yacht "A," why does the system have to bring up hundreds of thousands photos? In this age of modern technology, this should not be necessary.

If already so much time is being spend on the quality of the photographs, it would be nice if the vessel information could also be more accurate and up to date. Or if it would be possible to edit this info, allowing to make corrections, updates and additions..... Only wishful thinking, I'm afraid...

What gets me, that after all these years Shipspotting still cannot provide a vessel-specific photo search. For example, if I want to find my photos of Melinchenko's super yacht "A", I will have to scroll through 236,859 photographs.
Then you have to go to Advanced Search; and spend more time scrolling through the long list of photographers.

Also, the Vessel Identification information is incomplete, inaccurate and way out of date (sometimes up to many years). Is there no way this can be corrected? And it also looks so unprofessional, as if entered by a three-year-old: a mixture of upper and lower case letters; just looks so amateurish....

Why are ancient motor vessels under 20 m like Wanderer:


Is it not time to add a new category "Classic wooden yachts" with
no under 20 m restrictions?

The photographs of my beautifully restored classic wooden yacht ORBA
(built 1927 by Lake Union Dry Dock) were yesterday deleted because of
this under 20 m restriction.

While maintaining literally hundreds of photographs of these boring,
huge floating condos (aka cruise ships), why restricting these few
rare surviving and lovely restored and maintained wooden beauties?

Anybody else in favour of adding a "Classic wooden yacht" category?

Final decision on proper designation of HMCS Orca class vessels:

Your forum posts provided clear justification (if not incontrovertible evidence) that the better prefix was "CFAV".  My further research provided several more semi-official references to the class as "CFAV".  Accordingly I have changed the prefixes of the Orca-class PCT to "CFAV", based on your advice.

likewise, my Orca class CFAV designations were changed to the incorrect HMCS one by Shipspotting admin.

Since the Orca class vessels replaced the then 50-year old, wooden-hulled, Yard Auxiliary General (YAG) training vessels, maybe they now should get this YAG-designation as well.

To me, the Orca class vessels are still quite different from other auxiliary vessels like tug boats or even smaller ones that have the CFAV-designation.

Auxiliary vessels like CFAV Abalone are certainly quite different from the Orca class vessels:

Or why not simply refer them to, for example, Orca PCT55?

Technically they are auxiliary vessels crewed by RCN personnel.

The eight steel hulled HMCS Orca-class vessels:
ORCA (PCT55)-RAVEN (PCT56)-CARIBOU (PCT57)-RENARD (PCT58)-WOLF (PCT59)- GRIZZLY(PCT60)- COUGAR(PCT61)- and MOOSE (PCT62) are not commissioned vessels and have not been given HMCS designation.

Can this be corrected?


For a second time I got reprimanded of a wrong classification;

Please define whether a charter vessel is a passenger vessel or a motor yacht,

to me (and AIS Marine Traffic and other sites) the proper classification for
Alaska Quest is passenger vessel and not a motor yacht.

Opinions please.

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: Logging-in problem
« on: April 24, 2019, 02:28:39 AM »
I am still getting this "error 28 from storage engine" message;
now for several days when I go from "my photos" to "comments to my photos,"
unable to get into the latter.

there's a big difference between reefers and fish factories/processors.

Shipping News and information / Roaming AIS Station
« on: February 08, 2019, 02:37:59 PM »
What is a Roaming AIS Station?

an current example here near Campbell River, BC:

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