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Messages - phantom53

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Site related news, functions and modules / Re: underhand deletion
« on: January 03, 2016, 04:32:48 PM »
So BobS you think is fair that admin can change a category, then delete under different rules.
 Unfair rules, and unfair comment from you ???

Site related news, functions and modules / underhand deletion
« on: January 03, 2016, 12:14:26 PM »
I have to say that something is wrong at admin city, I posted a photo of a harbour overview, fantastic.
Admin then changed the category to the ship that is in dock, without my permission I have to say.
Then it was promptly deleted for the vessel being obstructed, they should never have changed the category, as pic was of harbour and not ship.
Any thoughts on this, as this is not the first time I've had this problem

Shipping News and information / Island Escape( IMO 8002597)
« on: October 21, 2015, 06:34:49 PM »
Just back from a cruise on the Island Escape, and as it appears to be her penultimate cruise, because come the 27th of October when she dock in Palma she is to be decommissioned as a cruise ship, I have no idea of her fate, apart from some speculative rumours.
Can anyone supply info on her ultimate fate

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: SHIPS FUNNELS
« on: August 21, 2014, 09:19:32 AM »
Cptn Ted, i agree with you whole heartedly, seeing as we go out and find a vessel we need to photograph, then we do so and it includes all aspects of aforesaid vessel.
We then upload the fruits of our labours, so that they can be added to our portfolio's, but only to be deleted due to the fact only one picture of the funnel is allowed on the site.
I like to admire my handywork, after all the effort gone into obtaining them, i really dont want to trawl the catogory trying to find the one better than mine so i can see it.
But there you go we dont make the rules, we just have to accept them

Site related news, functions and modules / Re: SHIPS FUNNELS
« on: August 19, 2014, 08:04:21 PM »
don,t upload there anyhow anymore for certain reasons started to delete already,,down from 400plus to 130 or so,,soon will be ZERO.. Not worthwhile to go through the trouble

So does this statment mean that these catogories are being wound up and done away with then

Shipping News and information / Re: Radical Super Yacht Design
« on: May 16, 2014, 08:29:09 AM »
Wonder what it will look like after hurricane season in the Bahamas, getting battered by terrifying winds!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shipping News and information / Re: HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH
« on: May 15, 2014, 07:47:19 AM »
Great, and i'll bet she is a bit more advanced than the last time i saw her.
Glad you got there

Shipping News and information / Re: HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH
« on: May 10, 2014, 06:00:06 PM »
Last time i was over at Rosyth she was out in the open, no covers and certainly not inside.
If your coming from Edinburgh, pull off just over the bridge, and go through Rosyth and pass the naval base. Not far from there you can turn left and it takes you down to the back gate of the yard and there she is

Help and Advice / Re: Cap Locks stuck ON in ship name upload
« on: February 24, 2014, 07:40:37 PM »
I dont think this anything to do with a particular company and how they spell the ships name, caps or not.
This is simply the proper way to use the Queens English, i.e. the way you were taught at school.
Or is it that what you were taught goes out the window when you join Shipspotting, were you have to use the SHIPSPOTTING ENGLISH. in deference to all the previous teachings

Help and Advice / Re: Cap Locks stuck ON in ship name upload
« on: February 24, 2014, 10:02:26 AM »
I've highlighted this problem some time ago, and got nowhere. And as for consistancy on the site "rubbish" as it's only some ship names that come up in caps.
For the sake of consisancy then the site has to follow the english language teaching, that the first letter is capitol and the rest small letters.
If this was adhered to then consistancy would break out.

Trip reports / Re: Dirty scumbag
« on: November 12, 2013, 01:56:46 PM »
Just waiting on some decent weather and lighting and i'll be out there again :)
This new camera will be staying glued to me , dont want any more "accidents"

Trip reports / Re: Dirty scumbag
« on: November 08, 2013, 02:47:57 PM »
Good news folks, my new camera has arrived, and now i can get back to taking some snaps for uploading.
Thanks to everyone who commented
Best regards

Shipping News and information / Re: Is Govan Shipyard closing?
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:30:22 PM »
ozzy76-- I did'nt draw any border in Ireland
         Scotland did'nt draw a border in Ireland
         The UK government of the time(of which Scotland played little part) drew that border.
         The SNP may be committed to building a Navy, but without countless millions, it may be built of matchsticks.
         Tankers for the RFA being built in Korea for financial reasons, as quoted earlier build them where it cheapest.
         And your right, it is the British government that are responsible, and Alex Salmond had no say in the matter where these vessels would be built.
         So all in all it never slipped my mind, cos it does'nt bother me.
         Ahhhh politics ehh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shipping News and information / Re: Is Govan Shipyard closing?
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:42:21 PM »
Not sure if the placing of many nuclear sites around Scotland was political, more economical. And if you look closely there are quite a few around England as well. As for the distance from London, if conflict does happen you can be rest assured that one of the biggest warheads will be squarely aimed at the UK seat of government, which is oops, London

Shipping News and information / Re: Is Govan Shipyard closing?
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:15:52 PM »
Well put Dave, and dont forget sizable chunks of the new Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier.
I've not been a big fan of independance. Not so simple as closing the border and Willim Wallace waving his sword at the English, oop sorry Alex Salmond flag waving and bringing us to our knees.
Have to stop there otherwise it will start to sound political, and we would'nt want that

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