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Messages - Galadriel

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Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: December 11, 2010, 10:16:00 AM »
Hey Stevo,
Hmmmm... I am Not surre about this steam boat Trip...
We just talket about this.
Concerns are:
Especially when Winds, you Might get very Dirty.... We have a very Bad steam Train expierience, came back black like coal miners!
Not good for clothes but as well not advisable for Kamera equipment. Can imagine on the sea, with wind it will even be worth.

Plus, 50 euro per Person is a lot of money...
I think, we would prefer something else, but we are only two!
 When the other ones like this trip we will think about joining,

Kind regards from Bavaria

Hello guys,
Thank you very much for your help.
Yesterday night I had big troubles and I am sure it was because of that bloody Ipad.
Due trough the restrictaions, Steve Jobs is puttin`g on his Ipad Safari browser as no flash player possible and more,  some websites cant be used normal, for example there are no scrollbars on some sites... And in a lot of cases you dont even notice it, just wonder that the site is not like it is when you come a long with an good old Internet Explorer.

One day I definatley trow that Pad out of the window or best at Steve Jobs

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:45:47 AM »
Hi Stevo,
Just registered my Husband as well on your site.
I payed for the both of us by transfer yesterday!
Greetings from Bavaria

Hi Dave,
I just have been again at the Maersk Site. I cant find it...
Do  I do somehting wrong? I have been findinge her before. but now for the 30th are only four ships shown on the schedule and no Emma....
I go to Maersk Schedule / Ports, give in Rotterdam and the date between 1 and 31 of December . Do I do something wrong?
Thanks a lot for your help!

am i blind?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I checked it several times...
Thanks Dave! I will go to check it again now...

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: November 27, 2010, 06:26:49 PM »
Lovely, this sound great. Were already looking forward to the weekend....
Thanks for ,making  so much effort Stevo!
Greetings from Germany

Good evening everybody,

Not long ago I was checking up at  the schedule of the Maersk Web when Maersk Emma was coming along next time in Rotterdam.
With exitement I found in the schedule that her next visit was scheduled for the 31 of December. (I am not absolutely sure, can have been the 30th as well!
Actually we planned our Christmas to New year holidays in the alps for this year, so I didn't check up on it any more.

Today we were talking about what to do when there is no snow at he alps when we want to got there and as an alternate to a rainy alp holiday both of us reminded that Emma would be in Rotterdam at just the right time for a little silvester / new year Party and  we thought we could in this case spend Christmas at home and go to Rotterdam for the New Year event... Emma spotting!!!!!!!

Unluckily when I just checked up on the Maersk website the return of Emma for New Year to Rooterdam is not to be found any more.
Does anybody know why the date is canceled? Or is it normal that they change their scheldules ? Maybe there is a repair needed????

At present Emma is in China as far as my message system tells me, it would fir with being back in Rotterdam for New Year!!!!???!!!!

I am confused...

Maybe somebody knows more??????

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: November 18, 2010, 05:47:32 AM »
Hello Stevo,
Good Timing i would think as it is before the mail holiday times. And for us in Bavaria there is an upcoming bank holiday the week after. I wrote the date down. We are looking forward...
Kind regards Galadriel

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: November 07, 2010, 09:08:07 PM »
Hello Stevo

We would enjoy two Boat Trips on two days. That sounds great. We are lucky owners of a RV, so you don't need to book a hotel for us . ( Dave saw our rolling home alreaddy at our last "hunting for Emma"  event) But we would take part in dinners etc whatever you plan for thaweekend do. How do you know that sparerips are our favorite?
Lovely when there are other English people  joining that trip, my husband is from that lovely little island too :)
Have a nice evening

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:17:19 PM »
Hello Stevo,
Thanks for preparing.... Very Kind that you put effort and Time into it.
We would be interested in both. Old Rotterdam and Maasflakte. But with only three hours this will be not possible , I think.
Are we restricted in  only  three hours???
We hope the date will be fitting in with us and look forward to the trips.
Kind regards from Bavaria

Trip reports / Re: Shipspottingtrips 2011
« on: October 30, 2010, 05:55:31 AM »
Hi Stevo,
These trips sounds very interesting to us. We saw pictures from the last one.
We would be very interested in both of them depending how you plan the dates.
Best not to close to each other because we have to come up from Bavaria. If they are not too close we could do two Shipspotting trips for some days out of it.
We would be two person, my husband and me!
Cio Galadriel

Trip reports / Re: Need Infomation for Shipspotting in Antwerpen
« on: October 18, 2010, 12:20:36 PM »
Hi guys,

Fred, I will definatly try to find that place with the pipes next time.
Dave,dont complain about that little tugboat... We have been sooo lucky. The whole morning before Emma arrived was a little digging boat ( I think it was a digger, it had a conveyer band at the end) digging direktly in the enter area of the harbour up and own, up and down. It would have been absolutely in the way for Photos. I was getting really anoyed about it and send some horrible curses at it, more horrible the later it got.( I know our mums taught us not to swear ;-)
And than luckily some minutes before Emma turned into the harbour that boat finally disapeared to the site....
So, it could have been much worse with our photos...!
I  put already some photos of Emma up here !
Ciao from Germany

Trip reports / Re: Shipspotting Rotterdam Oct 6 2010
« on: October 17, 2010, 02:34:06 PM »
...watching your videos always reminds us to look onto the calender to find out when the next trip to Rotterdam is possible...
Thanks for the lovely videos. Its a pity that the sea is so far away from here.
Ciao from Bavaria

The AIS replay looks to me like the captain of the Jork Ranger wanted to take a shortcut ;-)
Ciao Galadriel

Thanks for your detailed report, Fred. Just heared it in the German news on the way back from the Airport.
But there werent any details, so I went straight here to find out more.
Anything known how it could happen?
Ciao from Bavaria

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