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Messages - Les bateaux du Qu

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Shipping News and information / HMCS Iroquois back in Sorel?
« on: April 23, 2014, 05:00:05 PM »
A local news paper report interest of 4 locals investor to bring back the Iroquois to the place where it was build to be converted into a museum.

here the article, sorry it is in french

Shipping News and information / Re: Halit Bey in trouble near Portneuf
« on: April 22, 2014, 06:16:58 PM »

The refloatting job is already in progress. The high tide should make it easy.

Shipping News and information / Re: Halit Bey in trouble near Portneuf
« on: April 22, 2014, 04:56:17 PM »
Tug Ocean Hercule and Ocean Bravo will made an attempt to free the ship near 15h00 with  tide going up.

Shipping News and information / Halit Bey in trouble near Portneuf
« on: April 22, 2014, 01:53:19 PM »
Halit Bey, tanker ship in trouble in front of Deschambault, near Portneuf qc. Two tugs on the scene.
Water level are high, maybe not a grounding.
More informations to come

CCGS Louis S St-Laurent is heading for Davie shipyard. Maybe for maintenance or to give escort to the new Cecon Pride?

Will see tomorow!

On the web site of "Port de Quebec", CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent is expected for tommorow. Anyone knows why it is coming here? Maybe George R. Pearkes will go back to icebreaking duties in the gulf and Louis will stay idle in quebec city to save fuel?

Shipping News and information / Re: Canadian Ice breaking Issues
« on: March 30, 2014, 12:00:47 PM »
I thinks there is two way of see the icebreaker problem here in canada: If we thinks the country is rich, of course all ships have to be replaced because there are all aging. But if we see it with rational investement there is no much urgent. First the Polar projet should be prioritized because CCGS Louis St-Laurent is getting quite old and needed to be refit to continued to operate and it is probably a costly ship to keep active because of the old tehcnology (even if it been refited in the early 90's).
As for the type 1200 icebreaker, I don't think it's urgent to replace them. Amundsen and Radisson have new engines and DesGroseiller and Henry Larsen are more recent (1982 and 1987).
I think, here in the St-Laurence river, a polyvalent ship is needed since the retierment of the CCGS Tracy.  This winter, there was only on buoy tender available. At a moment, there was a couple of dangerous buoy adrifted in the channel and no buoy tender in the area because busy with icebreaking duty.  

As for the Davie skills, in 2011, when the polar contract was awarded to seaspan, Davie was all mess yard. No real owner, no employes. But now, the yard is Under better management, about 800 workers and couple contract in hand. Could be a good move to bring the polar contract here to save money to canadian tax payers, amd mabe built two!

...and CCGS George R. Pearkes is on it's way to the Qu

Shipping News and information / Re: Canadian Ice breaking Issues
« on: March 28, 2014, 04:54:43 PM »
Speaking of icebreakers, I just read an article speeking of canadian ship building. It's a csn (syndicat article). A report that suggest things to improve ship building accross canada and Quebec. The syndicat ask the Harper Gouvernment to bring the contract for building  the polar icebreaker, CCGS John G. Diefenbaker to Davie shipyard. It's argued that Seaspan is not capabe of building it on time and this will cause extra cost and will influence Arctic canadian strategie.  It is quote that Davie is able to built it now at initial cost (700 billion)and with adequat skills.

With this tough winter for canadian coast guard, maybe we will see move in the strategy.

Here the article in french;jsessionid=8C2F77B8FDE307F0C745D8392A816306?uuid=ba3fdf4f-d746-488c-babc-119fc93e547b&groupId=13943

There is an interesting article about this subject in the maritime magazine web site:

On my side, I really enjoy this busy winter for canadian icebreaker.  I thinks that even with more ccgs, more recent ships, when the wheather is extreme cold like this winter, it's normal to have some problems with ice conditions.

Vessels that were waiting in Trois-Rivi

thanks for the update M. Giroux,

the heavy ice seem to be at the end of lac St-Pierre now, the ferry also seem to move. The icebreakers are probably close to win this fight!

Thanks M. Giroux for the information. There is a lot of ice near Montreal?

CCGS Henry Larsen is en route for lower St-Laurence

Amundsen is now near Montreal, i'm wondering why?
Pierre Radisson and Martha l. Black are on the lac St-Pierre

ice is stop now between Sorel and 

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